
<!doctype html>
<title>ServiceWorker: worker objects have synced state</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="resources/test-helpers.sub.js"></script>
// Tests that ServiceWorker objects representing the same Service Worker
// entity have the same state. JS-level equality is now required according to
// the spec.
'use strict';

function nextChange(worker) {
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      worker.addEventListener('statechange', function handler(event) {
          try {
            worker.removeEventListener('statechange', handler);
          } catch (err) {

promise_test(function(t) {
    var scope = 'resources/synced-state';
    var script = 'resources/empty-worker.js';
    var registration, worker;

    return service_worker_unregister_and_register(t, script, scope)
      .then(function(r) {
          registration = r;
          worker = registration.installing;

          t.add_cleanup(function() {
              return r.unregister();

          return nextChange(worker);
      .then(function(state) {
          assert_equals(state, 'installed',
                        'original SW should be installed');
          assert_equals(registration.installing, null,
                        'in installed, .installing should be null');
          assert_equals(registration.waiting, worker,
                        'in installed, .waiting should be equal to the ' +
                          'original worker');
          assert_equals(registration.waiting.state, 'installed',
                        'in installed, .waiting should be installed');
          assert_equals(, null,
                        'in installed, .active should be null');

          return nextChange(worker);
      .then(function(state) {
          assert_equals(state, 'activating',
                        'original SW should be activating');
          assert_equals(registration.installing, null,
                        'in activating, .installing should be null');
          assert_equals(registration.waiting, null,
                        'in activating, .waiting should be null');
          assert_equals(, worker,
                        'in activating, .active should be equal to the ' +
                          'original worker');
    , 'activating',
              'in activating, .active should be activating');

          return nextChange(worker);
      .then(function(state) {
          assert_equals(state, 'activated',
                        'original SW should be activated');
          assert_equals(registration.installing, null,
                        'in activated, .installing should be null');
          assert_equals(registration.waiting, null,
                        'in activated, .waiting should be null');
          assert_equals(, worker,
                        'in activated, .active should be equal to the ' +
                          'original worker');
          assert_equals(, 'activated',
                        'in activated .active should be activated');
      .then(function() {
          return navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistration(scope);
      .then(function(r) {
          assert_equals(r, registration, 'getRegistration should return the ' +
                                         'same object');
  }, 'worker objects for the same entity have the same state');