<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>cross-origin webvtt returned by service worker is detected</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/common/get-host-info.sub.js"></script>
<script src="resources/test-helpers.sub.js?pipe=sub"></script>
// This file tests responses for WebVTT text track from a service worker. It
// creates an iframe with a <track> element, controlled by a service worker.
// Each test tries to load a text track, the service worker intercepts the
// requests and responds with opaque or non-opaque responses. As the
// crossorigin attribute is not set, request's mode is always "same-origin",
// and as specified in https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#http-fetch,
// a response from a service worker whose type is neither "basic" nor
// "default" is rejected.
const host_info = get_host_info();
const kScript = 'resources/fetch-rewrite-worker.js';
// Add '?ignore' so the service worker falls back for the navigation.
const kScope = 'resources/vtt-frame.html?ignore';
let frame;
function load_track(url) {
const track = frame.contentDocument.querySelector('track');
const result = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
track.onload = (e => {
resolve('load event');
track.onerror = (e => {
resolve('error event');
track.src = url;
// Setting mode to hidden seems needed, or else the text track requests don't
// occur.
track.track.mode = 'hidden';
return result;
promise_test(t => {
return service_worker_unregister_and_register(t, kScript, kScope)
.then(registration => {
promise_test(() => {
return registration.unregister();
}, 'restore global state');
return wait_for_state(t, registration.installing, 'activated');
.then(() => {
return with_iframe(kScope);
.then(f => {
frame = f;
}, 'initialize global state');
promise_test(t => {
let url = '/media/foo.vtt';
// Add '?url' and tell the service worker to fetch a same-origin URL.
url += '?url=' + host_info.HTTPS_ORIGIN + '/media/foo.vtt';
return load_track(url)
.then(result => {
assert_equals(result, 'load event');
}, 'same-origin text track should load');
promise_test(t => {
let url = '/media/foo.vtt';
// Add '?url' and tell the service worker to fetch a cross-origin URL.
url += '?url=' + get_host_info().HTTPS_REMOTE_ORIGIN + '/media/foo.vtt';
return load_track(url)
.then(result => {
assert_equals(result, 'error event');
}, 'cross-origin text track with no-cors request should not load');
promise_test(t => {
let url = '/media/foo.vtt';
// Add '?url' and tell the service worker to fetch a cross-origin URL that
// doesn't support CORS.
url += '?url=' + get_host_info().HTTPS_REMOTE_ORIGIN +
// Add '&mode' to tell the service worker to do a CORS request.
url += '&mode=cors';
return load_track(url)
.then(result => {
assert_equals(result, 'error event');
}, 'cross-origin text track with rejected cors request should not load');
promise_test(t => {
let url = '/media/foo.vtt';
// Add '?url' and tell the service worker to fetch a cross-origin URL.
url += '?url=' + get_host_info().HTTPS_REMOTE_ORIGIN + '/media/foo.vtt';
// Add '&mode' to tell the service worker to do a CORS request.
url += '&mode=cors';
// Add '&credentials=same-origin' to allow Access-Control-Allow-Origin=* so
// that CORS will succeed if the service approves it.
url += '&credentials=same-origin';
return load_track(url)
.then(result => {
assert_equals(result, 'error event');
}, 'cross-origin text track with approved cors request should not load');
// Redirect tests.
promise_test(t => {
let url = '/media/foo.vtt';
// Add '?url' and tell the service worker to fetch a same-origin URL that redirects...
redirector_url = host_info.HTTPS_ORIGIN + base_path() + 'resources/redirect.py?Redirect=';
// ... to a same-origin URL.
redirect_target = host_info.HTTPS_ORIGIN + '/media/foo.vtt';
url += '?url=' + encodeURIComponent(redirector_url + encodeURIComponent(redirect_target));
return load_track(url)
.then(result => {
assert_equals(result, 'load event');
}, 'same-origin text track that redirects same-origin should load');
promise_test(t => {
let url = '/media/foo.vtt';
// Add '?url' and tell the service worker to fetch a same-origin URL that redirects...
redirector_url = host_info.HTTPS_ORIGIN + base_path() + 'resources/redirect.py?Redirect=';
// ... to a cross-origin URL.
redirect_target = host_info.HTTPS_REMOTE_ORIGIN + '/media/foo.vtt';
url += '?url=' + encodeURIComponent(redirector_url + encodeURIComponent(redirect_target));
return load_track(url)
.then(result => {
assert_equals(result, 'error event');
}, 'same-origin text track that redirects cross-origin should not load');
promise_test(t => {
let url = '/media/foo.vtt';
// Add '?url' and tell the service worker to fetch a same-origin URL that redirects...
redirector_url = host_info.HTTPS_ORIGIN + base_path() + 'resources/redirect.py?Redirect=';
// ... to a cross-origin URL.
redirect_target = host_info.HTTPS_REMOTE_ORIGIN + '/media/foo-no-cors.vtt';
url += '?url=' + encodeURIComponent(redirector_url + encodeURIComponent(redirect_target));
// Add '&mode' to tell the service worker to do a CORS request.
url += '&mode=cors';
// Add '&credentials=same-origin' to allow Access-Control-Allow-Origin=* so
// that CORS will succeed if the server approves it.
url += '&credentials=same-origin';
return load_track(url)
.then(result => {
assert_equals(result, 'error event');
}, 'same-origin text track that redirects to a cross-origin text track with rejected cors should not load');
promise_test(t => {
let url = '/media/foo.vtt';
// Add '?url' and tell the service worker to fetch a same-origin URL that redirects...
redirector_url = host_info.HTTPS_ORIGIN + base_path() + 'resources/redirect.py?Redirect=';
// ... to a cross-origin URL.
redirect_target = host_info.HTTPS_REMOTE_ORIGIN + '/media/foo.vtt';
url += '?url=' + encodeURIComponent(redirector_url + encodeURIComponent(redirect_target));
// Add '&mode' to tell the service worker to do a CORS request.
url += '&mode=cors';
// Add '&credentials=same-origin' to allow Access-Control-Allow-Origin=* so
// that CORS will succeed if the server approves it.
url += '&credentials=same-origin';
return load_track(url)
.then(result => {
assert_equals(result, 'error event');
}, 'same-origin text track that redirects to a cross-origin text track with approved cors should not load');