
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Declarative Shadow DOM Element Attachment</title>
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const shadowContent = '<span>Shadow tree</span><slot></slot>';
function getDeclarativeContent(mode, delegatesFocus) {
  const delegatesFocusText = delegatesFocus ? ' shadowrootdelegatesfocus' : '';
  return `<template shadowrootmode=${mode}${delegatesFocusText}>${shadowContent}</template>`;

const lightDomTextContent = 'Light DOM';
function addDeclarativeShadowRoot(elementType, mode, delegatesFocus) {
  const declarativeString = `<${elementType} id=theelement>${getDeclarativeContent(mode, delegatesFocus)}
     <span class='lightdom'>${lightDomTextContent}</span></${elementType}>`;
  const wrapper = document.createElement('div');
  wrapper.setHTMLUnsafe(declarativeString); // Should never throw
  const element = wrapper.querySelector('#theelement');
  return {wrapper, element};

function testElementType(allowed, nochildren, elementType, mode, delegatesFocus) {
  test((t) => {
    const nodes = addDeclarativeShadowRoot(elementType, mode, delegatesFocus);
    if (allowed) {
      const element = nodes.element;
      assert_true(!!element, 'Unable to locate the element');
      // Just one light DOM child, and no leftover template.
      assert_equals(element.children.length, 1);
      assert_equals(element.children[0].textContent, lightDomTextContent);
      let originalShadowRoot = null;
      if (mode === 'open') {
        assert_true(!!element.shadowRoot, 'Shadow root should be present');
        assert_equals(element.shadowRoot.innerHTML, shadowContent, 'Correct shadow content');
        assert_equals(element.shadowRoot.delegatesFocus,delegatesFocus,'Correct delegatesFocus')
        originalShadowRoot = element.shadowRoot;

      const oppositeMode = (mode === 'open') ? 'closed' : 'open';
      assert_throws_dom('NotSupportedError', () => {
        element.attachShadow({mode: oppositeMode});
      }, 'Calling attachShadow with a declarative shadow fails if the mode doesn\'t match');

      // Now, call attachShadow() and make sure we get back the same (original) shadowRoot, but empty.
      const newShadow = element.attachShadow({mode: mode, delegatesFocus: delegatesFocus});
      if (mode === 'open') {
        assert_equals(element.shadowRoot, originalShadowRoot, 'The same shadow root should be returned');
        assert_equals(element.shadowRoot.innerHTML, '', 'Empty shadow content');
        assert_equals(element.shadowRoot.mode, mode, 'Original shadow mode');

      assert_throws_dom('NotSupportedError', () => {
        element.attachShadow({mode: mode});
      }, 'Calling attachShadow a second time on an element with a declarative shadow fails (same mode)');

      assert_throws_dom('NotSupportedError', () => {
        element.attachShadow({mode: oppositeMode});
      }, 'Calling attachShadow a second time on an element with a declarative shadow fails (opposite mode)');
    } else {
      if (!nochildren) {
        // Invalid elements should retain a <template> element child with a shadowrootmode attribute.
        const template = nodes.wrapper.querySelector('template[shadowrootmode]');
        assert_equals(template.getAttribute('shadowrootmode'), mode, `Template with shadowrootmode=${mode} should be left over`);
        const span = nodes.wrapper.querySelector('span.lightdom');
        assert_equals(span.textContent, lightDomTextContent);
        if (nodes.element) {
          // For some tags (e.g. <html>) there won't be an element inside wrapper.
          assert_true(!nodes.element.shadowRoot, 'Shadow root should not be present');
  }, `Declarative Shadow DOM as a child of <${elementType}>, with mode=${mode}, delegatesFocus=${delegatesFocus}. Should be ${allowed ? 'safelisted' : 'disallowed'}.`);

function runAllTests() {
  const noCheck = ['body', 'template'];
  const safelisted = HTML5_SHADOW_ALLOWED_ELEMENTS.filter(el => !noCheck.includes(el));
  const disallowed = HTML5_SHADOW_DISALLOWED_ELEMENTS.filter(el => !noCheck.includes(el));
  const noChildElements = ['iframe','noscript','script','select','style','textarea','title'];
  for (let delegatesFocus of [false, true]) {
    for (let mode of ['open', 'closed', 'invalid']) {
      for (let elementName of safelisted) {
        testElementType(mode !== 'invalid', false, elementName, mode, delegatesFocus);
      for (let elementName of disallowed) {
        testElementType(false, noChildElements.includes(elementName), elementName, mode, delegatesFocus);

