
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<html xmlns="" xmlns:bar="bar">
    <title>Test for Shadow DOM innerHTML setter in XML</title>
    <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
    <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
        // We define our custom elements lazily so we don't mess
        // with the DOM during parsing.
          class extends HTMLElement {
            constructor() {
              this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" });
              try { this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = "<span/>"; } catch (e) {}
        function defineElements() {
          // We define our custom elements whose behavior involves
          // ancestors of our parent lazily, because otherwise the
          // constructor runs before the element is in the DOM and has
          // the ancestors set up.
            class extends HTMLElement {
              constructor() {
                this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" });
                try { this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = "<span/>"; } catch (e) {}
            class extends HTMLElement {
              constructor() {
                this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" });
                try {
                  this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = "<bar:span/>";
                } catch (e) {
                  // Test will fail due to us not having the kid
    <custom-el-1 id="htmlDefault"/>
    <span xmlns="foo" xmlns:html="">
      <html:custom-el-2 id="fooDefault"/>
    <custom-el-with-prefix id="prefixTest"/>
        const htmlNS = "";
        test(() => {
          var el = document.getElementById("htmlDefault");
          var kid = el.shadowRoot.firstChild;
          assert_equals(kid.namespaceURI, htmlNS,
                        "Kid's namespace should be our default");
        }, "InnerHTML behavior on custom element in default XHTML namespace");

        test(defineElements, "Setting up the custom elements");
        test(() => {
          var el = document.getElementById("fooDefault");
          var kid = el.shadowRoot.firstChild;
          assert_equals(kid.namespaceURI, "foo",
                        "Kid's namespace should be our default");
        }, "InnerHTML behavior on custom element in default 'foo' namespace");

        test(() => {
          var el = document.getElementById("prefixTest");
          var kid = el.shadowRoot.firstChild;
          assert_equals(kid.namespaceURI, "bar",
                        "Kid's namespace should be based on ancestor prefix");
        }, "InnerHTML behavior with prefixes on custom element");