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<title>Shadow DOM Test: A_10_01_02_06_01</title>
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<meta name="assert" content="ShadowRoot Object: Element? elementFromPoint(float x, float y) method">
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test(function () {
var d = newHTMLDocument();
var el = d.createElement('div');
try {
el.elementFromPoint(1, 1);
assert_true(false, 'TypeMismatchError should be thrown');
} catch(e) {
assert_true(e instanceof TypeError, 'Wrong error type');
}, 'A_10_01_02_06_01_T01');
// Added test for checking if elementFromPoint() method is existing on Shadowroot.
test(function () {
var d = newHTMLDocument();
var el = d.createElement('div');
var s = el.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
if (typeof(s) == 'undefined' || typeof (s.elementFromPoint(1, 1)) != 'object') {
assert_true(false, 'Shadowroot doesn\'t have elementFromPoint() method.' );
}, 'A_10_01_02_06_01_T02');