<!doctype html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/common/utils.js"></script>
<script src="/shared-storage/resources/util.js"></script>
<script src="/fenced-frame/resources/utils.js"></script>
'use strict';
for (const resolve_to_config of [true, false]) {
promise_test(async () => {
const ancestor_key = token();
let url0 = generateURL("/shared-storage/resources/frame0.html",
let url1 = generateURL("/shared-storage/resources/frame1.html",
await addModuleOnce("/shared-storage/resources/simple-module.js");
let select_url_result0 = await sharedStorage.selectURL(
"test-url-selection-operation", [{url: url0}, {url: url1}],
{data: {'mockResult': 0}, resolveToConfig: resolve_to_config,
keepAlive: true});
assert_true(validateSelectURLResult(select_url_result0, resolve_to_config));
attachFencedFrame(select_url_result0, 'opaque-ads');
const result0 = await nextValueFromServer(ancestor_key);
assert_equals(result0, "frame0_loaded");
let select_url_result1 = await sharedStorage.selectURL(
"test-url-selection-operation", [{url: url0}, {url: url1}],
{data: {'mockResult': 1}, resolveToConfig: resolve_to_config,
keepAlive: true});
assert_true(validateSelectURLResult(select_url_result1, resolve_to_config));
attachFencedFrame(select_url_result1, 'opaque-ads');
const result1 = await nextValueFromServer(ancestor_key);
assert_equals(result1, "frame1_loaded");
let select_url_result2 = await sharedStorage.selectURL(
"test-url-selection-operation", [{url: url0}, {url: url1}],
{data: {'mockResult': -1}, resolveToConfig: resolve_to_config,
keepAlive: true});
assert_true(validateSelectURLResult(select_url_result2, resolve_to_config));
attachFencedFrame(select_url_result2, 'opaque-ads');
const result2 = await nextValueFromServer(ancestor_key);
assert_equals(result2, "frame0_loaded");
}, 'selectURL() resolves to ' + (resolve_to_config ? 'config' : 'urn:uuid'));
promise_test(async t => {
try {
await addModuleOnce("/shared-storage/resources/simple-module.js");
await sharedStorage.selectURL(
[{url: "1"}, {url: "2"}, {url: "3"}, {url: "4"}, {url: "5"},
{url: "6"}, {url: "7"}, {url: "8"}, {url: "9"}],
{resolveToConfig: resolve_to_config, keepAlive: true});
} catch (e) {
assert_equals(e.name, 'DataError');
assert_equals(e.message, 'Length of the \"urls\" parameter is not valid.');
assert_unreached("did not reject");
}, 'selectURL() with urls array length too big, ' +
'selectURL() resolves to ' + (resolve_to_config ? 'config' : 'urn:uuid'));
promise_test(async t => {
try {
await addModuleOnce("/shared-storage/resources/simple-module.js");
await sharedStorage.selectURL(
{resolveToConfig: resolve_to_config, keepAlive: true});
} catch (e) {
assert_equals(e.name, 'DataError');
assert_equals(e.message, 'Length of the \"urls\" parameter is not valid.');
assert_unreached("did not reject");
}, 'selectURL() with empty urls array, ' +
'selectURL() resolves to ' + (resolve_to_config ? 'config' : 'urn:uuid'));
promise_test(async t => {
try {
await addModuleOnce("/shared-storage/resources/simple-module.js");
await sharedStorage.selectURL(
"test-url-selection-operation", [{
reportingMetadata: {
'click': "https://google.com"
{resolveToConfig: resolve_to_config, keepAlive: true});
} catch (e) {
assert_equals(e.name, 'TypeError');
assert_equals(true, e.message.startsWith(
'Failed to execute \'selectURL\' on \'SharedStorage\': ' +
'Failed to read the \'url\' property from ' +
'\'SharedStorageUrlWithMetadata\':') &&
e.message.endsWith('Failed to read the \'url\' property from ' +
'\'SharedStorageUrlWithMetadata\': Required member is undefined.'));
assert_unreached("did not reject");
}, 'selectURL() with missing url, ' +
'selectURL() resolves to ' + (resolve_to_config ? 'config' : 'urn:uuid'));
promise_test(async t => {
try {
await addModuleOnce("/shared-storage/resources/simple-module.js");
await sharedStorage.selectURL(
"test-url-selection-operation", [{
url: "https://#"
{resolveToConfig: resolve_to_config, keepAlive: true});
} catch (e) {
assert_equals(e.name, 'DataError');
'The url \"https://#\" is invalid.');
assert_unreached("did not reject");
}, 'selectURL() with invalid url, ' +
'selectURL() resolves to ' + (resolve_to_config ? 'config' : 'urn:uuid'));
promise_test(async t => {
try {
await addModuleOnce("/shared-storage/resources/simple-module.js");
await sharedStorage.selectURL(
"test-url-selection-operation", [{
url: "/shared-storage/resources/frame0.html",
reportingMetadata: {
'click': "https://#"
{resolveToConfig: resolve_to_config, keepAlive: true});
} catch (e) {
assert_equals(e.name, 'DataError');
'The metadata for the url at index 0 has an invalid ' +
'or non-HTTPS report_url parameter \"https://#\".');
assert_unreached("did not reject");
}, 'selectURL() with invalid report url ' +
'selectURL() resolves to ' + (resolve_to_config ? 'config' : 'urn:uuid'));
promise_test(async t => {
try {
await addModuleOnce("/shared-storage/resources/simple-module.js");
await sharedStorage.selectURL(
"test-url-selection-operation", [{
url: "/shared-storage/resources/frame0.html",
reportingMetadata: {
'click': "http://google.com"
{resolveToConfig: resolve_to_config, keepAlive: true});
} catch (e) {
assert_equals(e.name, 'DataError');
assert_equals(e.message, 'The metadata for the url at index 0 has an ' +
'invalid or non-HTTPS report_url parameter \"http://google.com\".');
assert_unreached("did not reject");
}, 'selectURL() with http report url, ' +
'selectURL() resolves to ' + (resolve_to_config ? 'config' : 'urn:uuid'));
promise_test(async t => {
try {
await addModuleOnce("/shared-storage/resources/simple-module.js");
await sharedStorage.selectURL(
"test-url-selection-operation", [{
url: "/shared-storage/resources/frame0.html",
reportingMetadata: {}
{resolveToConfig: resolve_to_config, keepAlive: true});
} catch (e) {
assert_equals(e.name, 'DataError');
assert_equals(e.message, 'selectURL could not get reportingMetadata ' +
'object attributes');
assert_unreached("did not reject");
}, 'selectURL() with invalid reportingMetadata ' +
'selectURL() resolves to ' + (resolve_to_config ? 'config' : 'urn:uuid'));