// Test inputs:
// - description: a description of the test.
// - noVarySearch: No-Vary-Search header value for the response.
// - noVarySearchHint: No-Vary-Search hint to include in prefetch
// speculation rules
// - prefetchQuery: added to query part of prefetch-executor when prefetching
// - navigateQuery: added to query part of prefetch-executor when navigating
// - shouldUse: if the test case expects the prefetched entry to be used or not.
const hint_test_inputs = [
'Use in-flight prefetch as query parameter b has the same value.',
noVarySearch: 'params=("a")',
noVarySearchHint: 'params=("a")',
prefetchQuery: 'a=2&b=3',
navigateQuery: 'b=3',
shouldUse: true
'Don\'t use in-flight prefetch as there is no No-Vary-Search hint.',
noVarySearch: 'params=("a")',
noVarySearchHint: '',
prefetchQuery: 'a=2&b=3',
navigateQuery: 'b=3',
shouldUse: false
'Don\'t use in-flight prefetch as the prefetched URL has the extra "a" query parameter.',
noVarySearch: 'params=("b")',
noVarySearchHint: 'params=("b")',
prefetchQuery: 'a=2&b=3',
navigateQuery: 'b=2',
shouldUse: false
description: 'Use in-flight prefetch as the URLs do not vary by a and b.',
noVarySearch: 'params=("a" "b")',
noVarySearchHint: 'params=("a" "b")',
prefetchQuery: 'a=2&b=3',
navigateQuery: 'b=2',
shouldUse: true
description: 'Do not use in-flight prefetch as the navigation URL has' +
' a different value for the "b" query parameter.',
noVarySearch: 'params=("a" "b")',
noVarySearchHint: 'params=("a")',
prefetchQuery: 'a=2&b=3',
navigateQuery: 'b=2',
shouldUse: false
'Use in-flight prefetch as the URLs have the same values for all keys, only differing by order.',
noVarySearch: 'key-order',
noVarySearchHint: 'key-order',
prefetchQuery: 'b=5&a=3&a=4&d=6&c=5&b=3',
navigateQuery: 'd=6&a=3&b=5&b=3&c=5&a=4',
shouldUse: true
'Use in-flight prefetch as the URLs have the same values for all keys, only differing by order and using ?1 for specifying a true value.',
noVarySearch: 'key-order=?1',
noVarySearchHint: 'key-order=?1',
prefetchQuery: 'b=5&a=3&a=4&d=6&c=5&b=3',
navigateQuery: 'd=6&a=3&b=5&b=3&c=5&a=4',
shouldUse: true
'Don\'t use in-flight prefetch as key-order is set to false and the URLs are not identical.',
noVarySearch: 'key-order=?0',
noVarySearchHint: 'key-order=?1',
prefetchQuery: 'b=5&a=3&a=4&d=6&c=5&b=3',
navigateQuery: 'd=6&a=3&b=5&b=3&c=5&a=4',
shouldUse: false
'Use in-flight prefetch as all query parameters except c can be ignored.',
noVarySearch: 'params, except=("c")',
noVarySearchHint: 'params, except=("c")',
prefetchQuery: 'b=5&a=3&d=6&c=3',
navigateQuery: 'a=1&b=2&c=3',
shouldUse: true
'Use in-flight prefetch as all query parameters except c can be ignored.' +
' Only the last except matters.',
noVarySearch: 'params, except=("b"), except=("c")',
noVarySearchHint: 'params, except=("b"), except=("c")',
prefetchQuery: 'b=5&a=3&d=6&c=3',
navigateQuery: 'a=1&b=2&c=3',
shouldUse: true
'Don\'t use in-flight prefetch as even though all query parameters' +
' except c can be ignored, c has different value.',
noVarySearch: 'params, except=("c")',
noVarySearchHint: 'params',
prefetchQuery: 'b=5&a=3&d=6&c=3',
navigateQuery: 'a=1&b=2&c=5',
shouldUse: false
description: 'Use in-flight prefetch as even though all query parameters' +
' except c and d can be ignored, c value matches and d value matches.',
noVarySearch: 'params, except=("c" "d")',
noVarySearchHint: 'params, except=("c" "d")',
prefetchQuery: 'b=5&a=3&d=6&c=5',
navigateQuery: 'd=6&a=1&b=2&c=5',
shouldUse: true
'Use in-flight prefetch as even though all query parameters except' +
' c and d can be ignored, c value matches and d value matches.' +
' Some query parameters to be ignored appear multiple times in the query.',
noVarySearch: 'params, except=("c" "d")',
noVarySearchHint: 'params',
prefetchQuery: 'b=5&a=3&a=4&d=6&c=5',
navigateQuery: 'd=6&a=1&a=2&b=2&b=3&c=5',
shouldUse: true
'Use in-flight prefetch as all query parameters except c can be ignored.' +
' Allow extension via parameters.',
noVarySearch: 'params, except=("c";unknown)',
noVarySearchHint: 'params, except=("c";unknown)',
prefetchQuery: 'b=5&a=3&d=6&c=3',
navigateQuery: 'a=1&b=2&c=3',
shouldUse: true
description: 'Use in-flight prefetch as query parameter c can be ignored.' +
' Allow extension via parameters.',
noVarySearch: 'params=("c";unknown)',
noVarySearchHint: 'params=("c";unknown)',
prefetchQuery: 'a=2&b=2&c=5',
navigateQuery: 'a=2&c=3&b=2',
shouldUse: true
'Use in-flight prefetch as the URLs have the values in different order for a.' +
' Allow extension via parameters.',
noVarySearch: 'key-order;unknown',
noVarySearchHint: 'key-order;unknown',
prefetchQuery: 'b=5&a=3&a=4&d=6&c=5&b=3',
navigateQuery: 'd=6&a=3&b=5&b=3&c=5&a=4',
shouldUse: true
'Use in-flight prefetch as the URLs do not vary on any query parameters.' +
' Allow extension via parameters.',
noVarySearch: 'params;unknown',
noVarySearchHint: 'params;unknown',
prefetchQuery: '',
navigateQuery: 'b=4&c=5',
shouldUse: true
'Use in-flight prefetch as all query parameters except c can be ignored.' +
' Allow extension via parameters.',
noVarySearch: 'params;unknown, except=("c");unknown',
noVarySearchHint: 'params;unknown, except=("c");unknown',
prefetchQuery: 'b=5&a=3&d=6&c=3',
navigateQuery: 'a=1&b=2&c=3',
shouldUse: true
'Don\'t use the in-flight prefetched URL. Empty No-Vary-Search means default URL variance.' +
' The prefetched and the navigated URLs have to be the same.',
noVarySearch: '',
noVarySearchHint: 'params',
prefetchQuery: 'b=5&a=3&d=6&c=3',
navigateQuery: 'a=1&b=2&c=3',
shouldUse: false
'Use the in-flight prefetch. Empty No-Vary-Search means default URL variance.' +
' The prefetched and the navigated URLs have to be the same.',
noVarySearch: '',
noVarySearchHint: '',
prefetchQuery: 'b=5&a=3&d=6&c=3',
navigateQuery: 'b=5&a=3&d=6&c=3',
shouldUse: true
'Use the in-flight prefetch. Invalid No-Vary-Search means default URL variance.' +
' The prefetched and the navigated URLs have to be the same.',
noVarySearch: '',
noVarySearchHint: 'params=(a)',
prefetchQuery: 'b=5&a=3&d=6&c=3',
navigateQuery: 'b=5&a=3&d=6&c=3',
shouldUse: true
'Don\'t use the in-flight prefetch. Invalid No-Vary-Search means default URL variance.' +
' The prefetched and the navigated URLs are not the same.',
noVarySearch: '',
noVarySearchHint: 'params=(a)',
prefetchQuery: 'b=5&a=3&d=6&c=3',
navigateQuery: 'b=5&a=4&d=6&c=3',
shouldUse: false
'No-Vary-Search hint must be a string so the speculation rule will be ignored.' +
' There is no prefetch happening.',
noVarySearch: '',
noVarySearchHint: 0,
prefetchQuery: 'b=5&a=3&d=6&c=3',
navigateQuery: 'b=5&a=3&d=6&c=3',
shouldUse: false
'Use the in-flight prefetch. Empty No-Vary-Search means default URL variance.' +
' The prefetched and the navigated URLs have to be the same.',
noVarySearch: '',
noVarySearchHint: '',
prefetchQuery: '',
navigateQuery: '',
shouldUse: true
'Use the in-flight prefetch. Non-ASCII key - 2 UTF-8 code units.' +
' Don\'t vary the response on the non-ASCII key.',
noVarySearch: 'params=("%C2%A2")',
noVarySearchHint: 'params=("%C2%A2")',
prefetchQuery: '¢=3',
navigateQuery: '¢=4',
shouldUse: true
'Use the in-flight prefetch. Non-ASCII key - 2 UTF-8 code units.' +
' Don\'t vary the response on the non-ASCII key.',
noVarySearch: 'params=("%C2%A2")',
noVarySearchHint: 'params=("%C2%A2")',
prefetchQuery: 'a=2&¢=3',
navigateQuery: '¢=4&a=2',
shouldUse: true
'Don\'t use the in-flight prefetch. Non-ASCII key - 2 UTF-8 code units.' +
' Vary the response on the non-ASCII key.',
noVarySearch: 'params, except=("%C2%A2")',
noVarySearchHint: 'params',
prefetchQuery: '¢=3',
navigateQuery: '¢=4',
shouldUse: false
'Use the in-flight prefetch. Non-ASCII key - 2 UTF-8 code units.' +
' Vary the response on the non-ASCII key.',
noVarySearch: 'params, except=("%C2%A2")',
noVarySearchHint: 'params, except=("%C2%A2")',
prefetchQuery: '¢=3&a=4',
navigateQuery: 'a=5&¢=3',
shouldUse: true