
<!DOCTYPE html>
 "Activation" suffix in these test names communicates to the test harness that
 this part of the test is run post-activation.
<script src="/speculation-rules/prerender/resources/utils.js"></script>
<script src="session-history-harness.js"></script>
<script src="session-history-test-util.js"></script>
    function testHistoryPushStateInPrerender() {
      assert(history.length == 1, "Initial history length");
      assert(!history.state, "Initial history state");

      history.pushState("teststate", null, null);

      assert(history.length == 1, "History length unchanged");
      assert(history.state == "teststate", "Update state");

    function testHistoryReplaceStateInPrerender() {
      assert(history.length == 1, "Initial history length");
      assert(!history.state, "Initial history state");

      history.replaceState("teststate", null, null);

      assert(history.length == 1, "History length unchanged");
      assert(history.state == "teststate", "Update state");

    function testLocationAssignInPrerender() {
      assert(history.length == 1, "Initial history length");
      const initialLocation = location.href;

      assert(history.length == 1, "History length unchanged");
      assert(location.href != initialLocation, "Update location");

    function testLocationReplaceInPrerender() {
      assert(history.length == 1, "Initial history length");
      const initialLocation = location.href;

      assert(history.length == 1, "History length unchanged");
      assert(location.href != initialLocation, "Update location");

    function testSetLocationHrefInPrerender() {
      assert(history.length == 1, "Initial history length");
      const initialLocation = location.href;
      location.href = "#test";

      assert(history.length == 1, "History length unchanged");
      assert(location.href != initialLocation, "Update location");

    function testSyntheticAnchorClickInPrerender() {
      assert(history.length == 1, "Initial history length");
      const initialLocation = location.href;

      const anchor = document.createElement("a");
      anchor.href = "#test";

      assert(history.length == 1, "History length unchanged");
      assert(location.href != initialLocation, "Update location");

    function testHistoryLengthInPrerender() {
      assert(history.length == 1, "Initial history length");

    function testHistoryLengthInPrerenderActivation() {
      assert(history.length == 2, "History length after activation");

      // TODO( Test whether calling history.back()
      // after activation should go back to the initiator page correctly.
      // We might need a non-trivial refactoring to test this scenario correctly.

    // This test runs testSubfrarmeNavigationInPrerenderInSubframe() in a
    // subframe, and waits for a message from a navigated subframe.
    async function testSubframeNavigationInPrerender() {
      assert(window.parent == window, "not the top frame");
      const params = new URLSearchParams(;
      const testName = params.get("testName");
      const uid = params.get("uid");
      const resultPromise = waitChannelMessage(
          `prerender-channel-${testName}InSubframeAfterNavigation`, uid);

      params.set("testName", testName + "InSubframe");
      const frame = document.createElement("iframe");
      const url = location.pathname + "?" + params.toString();
      frame.src = url;
      const result = await resultPromise;
      assert(result == "Passed", result);

    function testSubframeNavigationInPrerenderInSubframe() {
      assert(window.parent != window, "not in a subframe");
      assert(window.parent ==, "the direct parent isn't the top");
      assert(history.length == 1, "Initial history length");

      const params = new URLSearchParams(;
      const testName = params.get("testName");
      params.set("testName", testName + "AfterNavigation");
      location.href = location.pathname + "?" + params.toString();

    function testSubframeNavigationInPrerenderInSubframeAfterNavigation() {
      assert(window.parent != window, "not in a subframe");
      assert(window.parent ==, "the direct parent isn't the top");
      assert(history.length == 1, "History length after subframe navigation");

    // This test runs testSubframeReloadInPrerenderInSubframe() in a
    // subframe, and waits for a message from a navigated subframe.
    async function testSubframeReloadInPrerender() {
      assert(window.parent == window, "not the top frame");
      const params = new URLSearchParams(;
      const testName = params.get("testName");
      const uid = params.get("uid");
      const resultPromise = waitChannelMessage(
          `prerender-channel-${testName}InSubframe`, uid);

      params.set("testName", testName + "InSubframe");
      const frame = document.createElement("iframe");
      const url = location.pathname + "?" + params.toString();
      frame.src = url;
      const result = await resultPromise;
      assert(result == "Passed", result);
      const second_result = await waitChannelMessage(
          `prerender-channel-${testName}InSubframe`, uid);
      assert(second_result == "Passed", second_result);

    function testSubframeReloadInPrerenderInSubframe() {
      assert(window.parent != window, "not in a subframe");
      assert(window.parent ==, "the direct parent isn't the top");
      assert(history.length == 1, "Initial history length");