
'use strict';

// These tests can be run against any readable stream produced by the web platform that meets the given descriptions.
// For readable stream tests, the factory should return the stream. For reader tests, the factory should return a
// { stream, reader } object. (You can use this to vary the time at which you acquire a reader.)

self.templatedRSEmpty = (label, factory) => {
  test(() => {}, 'Running templatedRSEmpty with ' + label);

  test(() => {

    const rs = factory();

    assert_equals(typeof rs.locked, 'boolean', 'has a boolean locked getter');
    assert_equals(typeof rs.cancel, 'function', 'has a cancel method');
    assert_equals(typeof rs.getReader, 'function', 'has a getReader method');
    assert_equals(typeof rs.pipeThrough, 'function', 'has a pipeThrough method');
    assert_equals(typeof rs.pipeTo, 'function', 'has a pipeTo method');
    assert_equals(typeof rs.tee, 'function', 'has a tee method');

  }, label + ': instances have the correct methods and properties');

  test(() => {
    const rs = factory();

    assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => rs.getReader({ mode: '' }), 'empty string mode should throw');
    assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => rs.getReader({ mode: null }), 'null mode should throw');
    assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => rs.getReader({ mode: 'asdf' }), 'asdf mode should throw');
    assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => rs.getReader(5), '5 should throw');

    // Should not throw

  }, label + ': calling getReader with invalid arguments should throw appropriate errors');

self.templatedRSClosed = (label, factory) => {
  test(() => {}, 'Running templatedRSClosed with ' + label);

  promise_test(() => {

    const rs = factory();
    const cancelPromise1 = rs.cancel();
    const cancelPromise2 = rs.cancel();

    assert_not_equals(cancelPromise1, cancelPromise2, 'cancel() calls should return distinct promises');

    return Promise.all([
      cancelPromise1.then(v => assert_equals(v, undefined, 'first cancel() call should fulfill with undefined')),
      cancelPromise2.then(v => assert_equals(v, undefined, 'second cancel() call should fulfill with undefined'))

  }, label + ': cancel() should return a distinct fulfilled promise each time');

  test(() => {

    const rs = factory();
    assert_false(rs.locked, 'locked getter should return false');

  }, label + ': locked should be false');

  test(() => {

    const rs = factory();
    rs.getReader(); // getReader() should not throw.

  }, label + ': getReader() should be OK');

  test(() => {

    const rs = factory();

    const reader = rs.getReader();

    const reader2 = rs.getReader(); // Getting a second reader should not throw.

    rs.getReader(); // Getting a third reader should not throw.

  }, label + ': should be able to acquire multiple readers if they are released in succession');

  test(() => {

    const rs = factory();


    assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => rs.getReader(), 'getting a second reader should throw');
    assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => rs.getReader(), 'getting a third reader should throw');

  }, label + ': should not be able to acquire a second reader if we don\'t release the first one');

self.templatedRSErrored = (label, factory, error) => {
  test(() => {}, 'Running templatedRSErrored with ' + label);

  promise_test(t => {

    const rs = factory();
    const reader = rs.getReader();

    return Promise.all([
      promise_rejects_exactly(t, error, reader.closed),
      promise_rejects_exactly(t, error,

  }, label + ': getReader() should return a reader that acts errored');

  promise_test(t => {

    const rs = factory();
    const reader = rs.getReader();

    return Promise.all([
      promise_rejects_exactly(t, error,,
      promise_rejects_exactly(t, error,,
      promise_rejects_exactly(t, error, reader.closed)

  }, label + ': read() twice should give the error each time');

  test(() => {
    const rs = factory();

    assert_false(rs.locked, 'locked getter should return false');
  }, label + ': locked should be false');

self.templatedRSErroredSyncOnly = (label, factory, error) => {
  test(() => {}, 'Running templatedRSErroredSyncOnly with ' + label);

  promise_test(t => {

    const rs = factory();
    const reader = rs.getReader(); // Calling getReader() twice does not throw (the stream is not locked).

    return promise_rejects_exactly(t, error, reader.closed);

  }, label + ': should be able to obtain a second reader, with the correct closed promise');

  test(() => {

    const rs = factory();

    assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => rs.getReader(), 'getting a second reader should throw a TypeError');
    assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => rs.getReader(), 'getting a third reader should throw a TypeError');

  }, label + ': should not be able to obtain additional readers if we don\'t release the first lock');

  promise_test(t => {

    const rs = factory();
    const cancelPromise1 = rs.cancel();
    const cancelPromise2 = rs.cancel();

    assert_not_equals(cancelPromise1, cancelPromise2, 'cancel() calls should return distinct promises');

    return Promise.all([
      promise_rejects_exactly(t, error, cancelPromise1),
      promise_rejects_exactly(t, error, cancelPromise2)

  }, label + ': cancel() should return a distinct rejected promise each time');

  promise_test(t => {

    const rs = factory();
    const reader = rs.getReader();
    const cancelPromise1 = reader.cancel();
    const cancelPromise2 = reader.cancel();

    assert_not_equals(cancelPromise1, cancelPromise2, 'cancel() calls should return distinct promises');

    return Promise.all([
      promise_rejects_exactly(t, error, cancelPromise1),
      promise_rejects_exactly(t, error, cancelPromise2)

  }, label + ': reader cancel() should return a distinct rejected promise each time');

self.templatedRSEmptyReader = (label, factory) => {
  test(() => {}, 'Running templatedRSEmptyReader with ' + label);

  test(() => {

    const reader = factory().reader;

    assert_true('closed' in reader, 'has a closed property');
    assert_equals(typeof reader.closed.then, 'function', 'closed property is thenable');

    assert_equals(typeof reader.cancel, 'function', 'has a cancel method');
    assert_equals(typeof, 'function', 'has a read method');
    assert_equals(typeof reader.releaseLock, 'function', 'has a releaseLock method');

  }, label + ': instances have the correct methods and properties');

  test(() => {

    const stream = factory().stream;

    assert_true(stream.locked, 'locked getter should return true');

  }, label + ': locked should be true');

  promise_test(t => {

    const reader = factory().reader;
      t.unreached_func('read() should not fulfill'),
      t.unreached_func('read() should not reject')

    return delay(500);

  }, label + ': read() should never settle');

  promise_test(t => {

    const reader = factory().reader;
      t.unreached_func('read() should not fulfill'),
      t.unreached_func('read() should not reject')
      t.unreached_func('read() should not fulfill'),
      t.unreached_func('read() should not reject')

    return delay(500);

  }, label + ': two read()s should both never settle');

  test(() => {

    const reader = factory().reader;
    assert_not_equals(,, 'the promises returned should be distinct');

  }, label + ': read() should return distinct promises each time');

  test(() => {

    const stream = factory().stream;
    assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => stream.getReader(), 'stream.getReader() should throw a TypeError');

  }, label + ': getReader() again on the stream should fail');

  promise_test(async t => {

    const streamAndReader = factory();
    const stream =;
    const reader = streamAndReader.reader;

    const read1 =;
    const read2 =;
    const closed = reader.closed;


    assert_false(stream.locked, 'the stream should be unlocked');

    await Promise.all([
      promise_rejects_js(t, TypeError, read1, 'first read should reject'),
      promise_rejects_js(t, TypeError, read2, 'second read should reject'),
      promise_rejects_js(t, TypeError, closed, 'closed should reject')

  }, label + ': releasing the lock should reject all pending read requests');

  promise_test(t => {

    const reader = factory().reader;

    return Promise.all([
      promise_rejects_js(t, TypeError,,
      promise_rejects_js(t, TypeError,

  }, label + ': releasing the lock should cause further read() calls to reject with a TypeError');

  promise_test(t => {

    const reader = factory().reader;

    const closedBefore = reader.closed;
    const closedAfter = reader.closed;

    assert_equals(closedBefore, closedAfter, 'the closed promise should not change identity');

    return promise_rejects_js(t, TypeError, closedBefore);

  }, label + ': releasing the lock should cause closed calls to reject with a TypeError');

  test(() => {

    const streamAndReader = factory();
    const stream =;
    const reader = streamAndReader.reader;

    assert_false(stream.locked, 'locked getter should return false');

  }, label + ': releasing the lock should cause locked to become false');

  promise_test(() => {

    const reader = factory().reader;

    return => {
      assert_object_equals(r, { value: undefined, done: true }, 'read()ing from the reader should give a done result');

  }, label + ': canceling via the reader should cause the reader to act closed');

  promise_test(t => {

    const stream = factory().stream;
    return promise_rejects_js(t, TypeError, stream.cancel());

  }, label + ': canceling via the stream should fail');

self.templatedRSClosedReader = (label, factory) => {
  test(() => {}, 'Running templatedRSClosedReader with ' + label);

  promise_test(() => {

    const reader = factory().reader;

    return => {
      assert_object_equals(v, { value: undefined, done: true }, 'read() should fulfill correctly');

  }, label + ': read() should fulfill with { value: undefined, done: true }');

  promise_test(() => {

    const reader = factory().reader;

    return Promise.all([ => {
        assert_object_equals(v, { value: undefined, done: true }, 'read() should fulfill correctly');
      }), => {
        assert_object_equals(v, { value: undefined, done: true }, 'read() should fulfill correctly');

  }, label + ': read() multiple times should fulfill with { value: undefined, done: true }');

  promise_test(() => {

    const reader = factory().reader;

    return => => {
      assert_object_equals(v, { value: undefined, done: true }, 'read() should fulfill correctly');

  }, label + ': read() should work when used within another read() fulfill callback');

  promise_test(() => {

    const reader = factory().reader;

    return reader.closed.then(v => assert_equals(v, undefined, 'reader closed should fulfill with undefined'));

  }, label + ': closed should fulfill with undefined');

  promise_test(t => {

    const reader = factory().reader;

    const closedBefore = reader.closed;
    const closedAfter = reader.closed;

    assert_not_equals(closedBefore, closedAfter, 'the closed promise should change identity');

    return Promise.all([
      closedBefore.then(v => assert_equals(v, undefined, 'reader.closed acquired before release should fulfill')),
      promise_rejects_js(t, TypeError, closedAfter)

  }, label + ': releasing the lock should cause closed to reject and change identity');

  promise_test(() => {

    const reader = factory().reader;
    const cancelPromise1 = reader.cancel();
    const cancelPromise2 = reader.cancel();
    const closedReaderPromise = reader.closed;

    assert_not_equals(cancelPromise1, cancelPromise2, 'cancel() calls should return distinct promises');
    assert_not_equals(cancelPromise1, closedReaderPromise, 'cancel() promise 1 should be distinct from reader.closed');
    assert_not_equals(cancelPromise2, closedReaderPromise, 'cancel() promise 2 should be distinct from reader.closed');

    return Promise.all([
      cancelPromise1.then(v => assert_equals(v, undefined, 'first cancel() should fulfill with undefined')),
      cancelPromise2.then(v => assert_equals(v, undefined, 'second cancel() should fulfill with undefined'))

  }, label + ': cancel() should return a distinct fulfilled promise each time');

self.templatedRSErroredReader = (label, factory, error) => {
  test(() => {}, 'Running templatedRSErroredReader with ' + label);

  promise_test(t => {

    const reader = factory().reader;
    return promise_rejects_exactly(t, error, reader.closed);

  }, label + ': closed should reject with the error');

  promise_test(t => {

    const reader = factory().reader;
    const closedBefore = reader.closed;

    return promise_rejects_exactly(t, error, closedBefore).then(() => {

      const closedAfter = reader.closed;
      assert_not_equals(closedBefore, closedAfter, 'the closed promise should change identity');

      return promise_rejects_js(t, TypeError, closedAfter);

  }, label + ': releasing the lock should cause closed to reject and change identity');

  promise_test(t => {

    const reader = factory().reader;
    return promise_rejects_exactly(t, error,;

  }, label + ': read() should reject with the error');

self.templatedRSTwoChunksOpenReader = (label, factory, chunks) => {
  test(() => {}, 'Running templatedRSTwoChunksOpenReader with ' + label);

  promise_test(() => {

    const reader = factory().reader;

    return Promise.all([ => {
        assert_object_equals(r, { value: chunks[0], done: false }, 'first result should be correct');
      }), => {
        assert_object_equals(r, { value: chunks[1], done: false }, 'second result should be correct');

  }, label + ': calling read() twice without waiting will eventually give both chunks (sequential)');

  promise_test(() => {

    const reader = factory().reader;

    return => {
      assert_object_equals(r, { value: chunks[0], done: false }, 'first result should be correct');

      return => {
        assert_object_equals(r2, { value: chunks[1], done: false }, 'second result should be correct');

  }, label + ': calling read() twice without waiting will eventually give both chunks (nested)');

  test(() => {

    const reader = factory().reader;
    assert_not_equals(,, 'the promises returned should be distinct');

  }, label + ': read() should return distinct promises each time');

  promise_test(() => {

    const reader = factory().reader;

    const promise1 = reader.closed.then(v => {
      assert_equals(v, undefined, 'reader closed should fulfill with undefined');

    const promise2 = => {
      assert_object_equals(r, { value: chunks[0], done: false },
                           'promise returned before cancellation should fulfill with a chunk');


    const promise3 = => {
      assert_object_equals(r, { value: undefined, done: true },
                           'promise returned after cancellation should fulfill with an end-of-stream signal');

    return Promise.all([promise1, promise2, promise3]);

  }, label + ': cancel() after a read() should still give that single read result');

self.templatedRSTwoChunksClosedReader = function (label, factory, chunks) {
  test(() => {}, 'Running templatedRSTwoChunksClosedReader with ' + label);

  promise_test(() => {

    const reader = factory().reader;

    return Promise.all([ => {
        assert_object_equals(r, { value: chunks[0], done: false }, 'first result should be correct');
      }), => {
        assert_object_equals(r, { value: chunks[1], done: false }, 'second result should be correct');
      }), => {
        assert_object_equals(r, { value: undefined, done: true }, 'third result should be correct');

  }, label + ': third read(), without waiting, should give { value: undefined, done: true } (sequential)');

  promise_test(() => {

    const reader = factory().reader;

    return => {
      assert_object_equals(r, { value: chunks[0], done: false }, 'first result should be correct');

      return => {
        assert_object_equals(r2, { value: chunks[1], done: false }, 'second result should be correct');

        return => {
          assert_object_equals(r3, { value: undefined, done: true }, 'third result should be correct');

  }, label + ': third read(), without waiting, should give { value: undefined, done: true } (nested)');

  promise_test(() => {

    const streamAndReader = factory();
    const stream =;
    const reader = streamAndReader.reader;

    assert_true(stream.locked, 'stream should start locked');

    const promise = reader.closed.then(v => {
      assert_equals(v, undefined, 'reader closed should fulfill with undefined');
      assert_true(stream.locked, 'stream should remain locked');

    return promise;

  }, label +
     ': draining the stream via read() should cause the reader closed promise to fulfill, but locked stays true');

  promise_test(() => {

    const streamAndReader = factory();
    const stream =;
    const reader = streamAndReader.reader;

    const promise = reader.closed.then(() => {
      assert_true(stream.locked, 'the stream should start locked');
      reader.releaseLock(); // Releasing the lock after reader closed should not throw.
      assert_false(stream.locked, 'the stream should end unlocked');

    return promise;

  }, label + ': releasing the lock after the stream is closed should cause locked to become false');

  promise_test(t => {

    const reader = factory().reader;


    return Promise.all([
      promise_rejects_js(t, TypeError,,
      promise_rejects_js(t, TypeError,,
      promise_rejects_js(t, TypeError,

  }, label + ': releasing the lock should cause further read() calls to reject with a TypeError');

  promise_test(() => {

    const streamAndReader = factory();
    const stream =;
    const reader = streamAndReader.reader;

    const readerClosed = reader.closed;

    assert_equals(reader.closed, readerClosed, 'accessing reader.closed twice in succession gives the same value');

    const promise = => {
      assert_equals(reader.closed, readerClosed, 'reader.closed is the same after read() fulfills');


      assert_equals(reader.closed, readerClosed, 'reader.closed is the same after releasing the lock');

      const newReader = stream.getReader();

    assert_equals(reader.closed, readerClosed, 'reader.closed is the same after calling read()');

    return promise;

  }, label + ': reader\'s closed property always returns the same promise');

self.templatedRSTeeCancel = (label, factory) => {
  test(() => {}, `Running templatedRSTeeCancel with ${label}`);

  promise_test(async () => {

    const reason1 = new Error('We\'re wanted men.');
    const reason2 = new Error('I have the death sentence on twelve systems.');

    let resolve;
    const promise = new Promise(r => resolve = r);
    const rs = factory({
      cancel(reason) {
        assert_array_equals(reason, [reason1, reason2],
          'the cancel reason should be an array containing those from the branches');

    const [branch1, branch2] = rs.tee();
    await Promise.all([

  }, `${label}: canceling both branches should aggregate the cancel reasons into an array`);

  promise_test(async () => {

    const reason1 = new Error('This little one\'s not worth the effort.');
    const reason2 = new Error('Come, let me get you something.');

    let resolve;
    const promise = new Promise(r => resolve = r);
    const rs = factory({
      cancel(reason) {
        assert_array_equals(reason, [reason1, reason2],
          'the cancel reason should be an array containing those from the branches');

    const [branch1, branch2] = rs.tee();
    await Promise.all([

  }, `${label}: canceling both branches in reverse order should aggregate the cancel reasons into an array`);

  promise_test(async t => {

    const theError = { name: 'I\'ll be careful.' };
    const rs = factory({
      cancel() {
        throw theError;

    const [branch1, branch2] = rs.tee();
    await Promise.all([
      promise_rejects_exactly(t, theError, branch1.cancel()),
      promise_rejects_exactly(t, theError, branch2.cancel())

  }, `${label}: failing to cancel the original stream should cause cancel() to reject on branches`);

  promise_test(async t => {

    const theError = { name: 'You just watch yourself!' };
    let controller;
    const stream = factory({
      start(c) {
        controller = c;

    const [branch1, branch2] = stream.tee();

    await Promise.all([
      promise_rejects_exactly(t, theError, branch1.cancel()),
      promise_rejects_exactly(t, theError, branch2.cancel())

  }, `${label}: erroring a teed stream should properly handle canceled branches`);
