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'use strict';
// Chrome used to special-case the reason for cancel() and abort() in order to
// handle exceptions correctly. This is no longer necessary. These tests are
// retained to avoid regressions.
async function getTransferredReason(originalReason) {
let resolvePromise;
const rv = new Promise(resolve => {
resolvePromise = resolve;
const rs = await createTransferredReadableStream({
cancel(reason) {
await rs.cancel(originalReason);
return rv;
for (const value of ['hi', '\t\r\n', 7, 3.0, undefined, null, true, false,
NaN, Infinity]) {
promise_test(async () => {
const reason = await getTransferredReason(value);
assert_equals(reason, value, 'reason should match');
}, `reason with a simple value of '${value}' should be preserved`);
for (const badType of [Symbol('hi'), _ => 'hi']) {
promise_test(async t => {
return promise_rejects_dom(t, 'DataCloneError',
'cancel() should reject');
}, `reason with a type of '${typeof badType}' should be rejected and ` +
`error the stream`);
promise_test(async () => {
const reasonAsJson =
const reason = await getTransferredReason(JSON.parse(reasonAsJson));
assert_equals(JSON.stringify(reason), reasonAsJson,
'object should be preserved');
}, 'objects that can be completely expressed in JSON should be preserved');
promise_test(async () => {
const circularObject = {};
circularObject.self = circularObject;
const reason = await getTransferredReason(circularObject);
assert_true(reason instanceof Object, 'an Object should be output');
assert_equals(reason.self, reason,
'the object should have a circular reference');
}, 'objects that cannot be expressed in JSON should also be preserved');
promise_test(async () => {
const originalReason = new TypeError('hi');
const reason = await getTransferredReason(originalReason);
assert_true(reason instanceof TypeError,
'type should be preserved');
assert_equals(reason.message, originalReason.message,
'message should be preserved');
}, 'the type and message of a TypeError should be preserved');
promise_test(async () => {
const originalReason = new TypeError('hi');
originalReason.foo = 'bar';
const reason = await getTransferredReason(originalReason);
assert_false('foo' in reason,
'foo should not be preserved');
}, 'other attributes of a TypeError should not be preserved');
promise_test(async () => {
const originalReason = new TypeError();
originalReason.message = [1, 2, 3];
const reason = await getTransferredReason(originalReason);
assert_equals(reason.message, '1,2,3', 'message should be stringified');
}, 'a TypeError message should be converted to a string');
promise_test(async () => {
const originalReason = new TypeError();
Object.defineProperty(originalReason, 'message', {
get() { return 'words'; }
const reason = await getTransferredReason(originalReason);
assert_equals(reason.message, '', 'message should not be preserved');
}, 'a TypeError message should not be preserved if it is a getter');
promise_test(async () => {
const originalReason = new TypeError();
delete originalReason.message;
TypeError.prototype.message = 'inherited message';
const reason = await getTransferredReason(originalReason);
delete TypeError.prototype.message;
assert_equals(reason.message, '', 'message should not be preserved');
}, 'a TypeError message should not be preserved if it is inherited');
promise_test(async () => {
const originalReason = new DOMException('yes', 'AbortError');
const reason = await getTransferredReason(originalReason);
assert_true(reason instanceof DOMException,
'reason should be a DOMException');
assert_equals(reason.message, originalReason.message,
'the messages should match');
assert_equals(reason.name, originalReason.name,
'the names should match');
}, 'DOMException errors should be preserved');
for (const errorConstructor of [EvalError, RangeError,
ReferenceError, SyntaxError, TypeError,
URIError]) {
promise_test(async () => {
const originalReason = new errorConstructor('nope');
const reason = await getTransferredReason(originalReason);
assert_equals(typeof reason, 'object', 'reason should have type object');
assert_true(reason instanceof errorConstructor,
`reason should inherit ${errorConstructor.name}`);
assert_true(reason instanceof Error, 'reason should inherit Error');
assert_equals(reason.constructor, errorConstructor,
'reason should have the right constructor');
assert_equals(reason.name, errorConstructor.name,
`name should match constructor name`);
assert_equals(reason.message, 'nope', 'message should match');
}, `${errorConstructor.name} should be preserved`);