
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>This tests values animation and additive='sum'</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/SVGAnimationTestCase-testharness.js"></script>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1 Tiny//EN" "">
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">

<!-- an1: Change width from 0 to 50 to 100, all linear interpolated. As additive is set to sum it should add the current baseValue
          to the new animated value each time a value from the values list is consumed. Expected:
          At 0s, width=10, at 2s, width=50+10=60, at 4s, width=100+10=110.

          Our testing harness will change the baseValue from 10 to 60 at 5s. The current animated value (before the script change)
          is: <baseValue>+<animValue>: 10 + (100/6*5) = 93.333 at this point. As we change the baseValue to 60, the equation now looks like:
          60 + (100/6*5) = 143.333. Before the script change the last second of the animation would have animated width from 85 to 110.
          Due the script change its now animating from 93.999 to 143.333 during the last second.
<rect width="10" height="100" fill="green">
    <animate id="an1" attributeType="XML" attributeName="width" fill="freeze" additive="sum" values="0; 50; 100" begin="0s" dur="6s"/>


var rootSVGElement = document.querySelector("svg");
var epsilon = 1.0;

// Setup animation test
function sample1() {
    assert_approx_equals(rect.width.animVal.value, 10, epsilon);
    assert_equals(rect.width.baseVal.value, 10);

function sample2() {
    assert_approx_equals(rect.width.animVal.value, 60, epsilon);
    assert_equals(rect.width.baseVal.value, 10);

function sample3() {
    assert_approx_equals(rect.width.animVal.value, 93.3, epsilon);
    assert_equals(rect.width.baseVal.value, 10);

function changeBaseVal() {
    // At 5s, only change the baseVal.
    rect.width.baseVal.value = 60;

function sample4() {
    assert_approx_equals(rect.width.animVal.value, 143.33, epsilon);
    assert_equals(rect.width.baseVal.value, 60);

function sample5() {
    assert_approx_equals(rect.width.animVal.value, 160, epsilon);
    assert_equals(rect.width.baseVal.value, 60);

smil_async_test((t) => {
    rect = rootSVGElement.ownerDocument.getElementsByTagName("rect")[0];

    // All animations in the test file use the same duration, so it's not needed to list all sample points individually for an5/an6/an7/an8.
    const expectedValues = [
        // [animationId, time, sampleCallback]
        ["an1", 0.0,   sample1],
        ["an1", 3.0,   sample2],
        ["an1", 4.999, sample3],
        ["an1", 5.0,   changeBaseVal],
        ["an1", 5.001, sample4],
        ["an1", 6.001, sample5],
        ["an1", 60.0,  sample5]

    runAnimationTest(t, expectedValues);

window.animationStartsImmediately = true;
