<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>'keySplines' with x-values outside of the 0 to 1 range</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<rect x="10" width="10" height="10" fill="blue">
<animate attributeName="x" values="0; 250" dur="5s"/>
<rect x="10" width="10" height="10" y="20" fill="blue">
<animate attributeName="x" values="0; 250" dur="5s"
keyTimes="0; 1" keySplines="-1 0 1 1" calcMode="spline"/>
<rect x="10" width="10" height="10" y="30" fill="blue">
<animate attributeName="x" values="0; 250" dur="5s"
keyTimes="0; 1" keySplines="2 0 1 1" calcMode="spline"/>
<rect x="10" width="10" height="10" y="10" fill="blue">
<animate attributeName="x" values="0; 250" dur="5s"
keyTimes="0; 1" keySplines="0 0 -1 1" calcMode="spline"/>
<rect x="10" width="10" height="10" y="40" fill="blue">
<animate attributeName="x" values="0; 250" dur="5s"
keyTimes="0; 1" keySplines="0 0 2 1" calcMode="spline"/>
<rect x="10" width="10" height="10" y="50" fill="blue">
<animateMotion values="0,50; 250,50" dur="5s" keyPoints="0; 1"
keyTimes="0; 1" keySplines="-10 0 1 1"
<rect x="10" width="10" height="10" y="60" fill="blue">
<animateMotion values="0,60; 250,60" dur="5s" keyPoints="0; 1"
keyTimes="0; 1" keySplines="10 0 1 1"
<rect x="10" width="10" height="10" y="70" fill="blue">
<animateMotion values="0,70; 250,70" dur="5s" keyPoints="0; 1"
keyTimes="0; 1" keySplines="0 0 -10 1"
<rect x="10" width="10" height="10" y="80" fill="blue">
<animateMotion values="0,80; 250,80" dur="5s" keyPoints="0; 1"
keyTimes="0; 1" keySplines="0 0 10 1"
async_test(t => {
let svg = document.querySelector('svg');
window.onload = t.step_func(() => {
requestAnimationFrame(t.step_func_done(() => {
let rects = document.getElementsByTagName('rect');
assert_equals(rects[0].getBBox().x, 125, 'animations applied');
assert_equals(rects[1].getBBox().x, 10, 'first control point x less than zero');
assert_equals(rects[2].getBBox().x, 10, 'first control point x greater than one');
assert_equals(rects[3].getBBox().x, 10, 'second control point x less than zero');
assert_equals(rects[4].getBBox().x, 10, 'second control point x greater than one');
assert_equals(rects[5].getBBox().x, 10, 'first control point x less than zero');
assert_equals(rects[6].getBBox().x, 10, 'first control point x greater than one');
assert_equals(rects[7].getBBox().x, 10, 'second control point x less than zero');
assert_equals(rects[8].getBBox().x, 10, 'second control point x greater than one');