
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:h="">
  <title>Disabled shapes are not rendered and cannot be hit</title>
  <h:script src="/resources/testharness.js"/>
  <h:script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"/>
    <h:link rel="help" href=""/>
    <h:link rel="help" href=""/>
    <h:link rel="help" href=""/>
  <g stroke="red" stroke-width="100">
    <g transform="translate(50, 50)">
      <rect width="0" height="10"/>
      <rect width="-10" height="10"/>
      <rect height="0" width="10"/>
      <rect height="-10" width="10"/>
      <rect style="width: 0"/>
      <rect style="width: 0" height="10"/>
      <rect style="width: -10px"/>
      <rect style="width: -10px" height="10"/>
      <rect style="height: 0"/>
      <rect style="height: 0" width="10"/>
      <rect style="height: -10px"/>
      <rect style="height: -10px" width="10"/>
      <rect style="width: calc(-10px); height: calc(-10px)"/>

    <g transform="translate(150, 50)">
      <circle r="0"/>
      <circle r="-10"/>
      <circle style="r: 0"/>
      <circle style="r: -10px"/>
      <circle style="r: calc(-10px)"/>

    <g transform="translate(250, 50)">
      <ellipse rx="0"/>
      <ellipse rx="0" ry="10"/>
      <ellipse ry="0"/>
      <ellipse ry="0" rx="10"/>
      <ellipse style="rx: 0"/>
      <ellipse style="rx: -10px"/>
      <ellipse style="rx: 0" ry="10"/>
      <ellipse style="ry: 0"/>
      <ellipse style="ry: -10px"/>
      <ellipse style="ry: 0" rx="10"/>
      <ellipse style="rx: calc(-10px); ry: calc(-10px)"/>
    test(function() {
      let element = document.elementFromPoint(50, 50);
      assert_equals(element, document.documentElement, "does not hit one of the shapes");
    }, document.title + ": <rect>");

    test(function() {
      let element = document.elementFromPoint(150, 50);
      assert_equals(element, document.documentElement, "does not hit one of the shapes");
    }, document.title + ": <circle>");

    test(function() {
      let element = document.elementFromPoint(250, 50);
      assert_equals(element, document.documentElement, "does not hit one of the shapes");
    }, document.title + ": <ellipse>");