
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="support/helper.sub.js"></script>
  // TrustedHTML assignments do not throw.
  test(t => {
    let p = createHTML_policy(window, 1);
    let html = p.createHTML(INPUTS.HTML);
    assert_true(document.body.innerText.indexOf(RESULTS.HTML) !== -1);
  }, "document.write with html assigned via policy (successful transformation).");

  test(t => {
    document.body.innerText = '';
    let p = createHTML_policy(window, 1);
    let html = p.createHTML(INPUTS.HTML);
    assert_true(document.body.innerText.indexOf(RESULTS.HTML) !== -1);
  }, "document.writeln with html assigned via policy (successful transformation).");

  test(t => {
    document.body.innerText = '';
    let p = createHTML_policy(window, 1);
    let a = p.createHTML("abcdef");
    let b = p.createHTML("ghijkl");
    document.write(a, b);
    assert_equals(document.body.innerText, "abcdefghijkl");
  }, "document.write(TrustedHTML, TrustedHTML)");

  test(t => {
    document.body.innerText = '';
    let p = createHTML_policy(window, 1);
    let a = p.createHTML("abcdef");
    let b = p.createHTML("ghijkl");
    document.writeln(a, b);
    assert_equals(document.body.innerText, "abcdefghijkl");
  }, "document.writeln(TrustedHTML, TrustedHTML)");

  test(t => {
    document.body.innerText = '';
    let p = createHTML_policy(window, 1);
    let a = p.createHTML("abcdef");
    let b = "ghijkl";
    document.write(a, b);
    assert_equals(document.body.innerText, "abcdefghijkl");
  }, "document.write(TrustedHTML, String)");

  test(t => {
    document.body.innerText = '';
    let p = createHTML_policy(window, 1);
    let a = p.createHTML("abcdef");
    let b = "ghijkl";
    document.writeln(a, b);
    assert_equals(document.body.innerText, "abcdefghijkl");
  }, "document.writeln(TrustedHTML, String)");

  test(t => {
    document.body.innerText = '';
    let a = "abcdef";
    let b = "ghijkl";
    document.write(a, b);
    assert_equals(document.body.innerText, "abcdefghijkl");
  }, "document.write(String, String)");

  test(t => {
    document.body.innerText = '';
    let a = "abcdef";
    let b = "ghijkl";
    document.writeln(a, b);
    assert_equals(document.body.innerText, "abcdefghijkl");
  }, "document.writeln(String, String)");