<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="support/helper.sub.js"></script>
const policy = trustedTypes.createPolicy("testpolicy", {
createScript: s => s,
createHTML: s => s,
createScriptURL: s => s,
function getTrusted(element, attr) {
const type = trustedTypes.getPropertyType(element, attr);
if (type == "TrustedScript") {
return policy.createScript("2+2");
} else if (type == "TrustedScriptURL") {
return policy.createScript("https://example.test/");
} else if (type == "TrustedHTML") {
return policy.createHTML("<b>hello</b>");
} else {
return "a simple string";
// This test will run a simple, TT-relevant assignment, in a number of
// circumstances. We've had issues where subtle difference in DOM behaviour -
// for example a connected element or a non-connected element - produce
// different results, and no test catching it because the tests were written
// to do it one particular way. So this test does one thing, but in all the
// different ways we can think of.
// - With TT disabled or enabled,
// - with any of the trusted types,
// - with a string or a TT value,
// - with a element that's connected to the DOM (or not).
// Run the set of tests, assuming that is_tt_enabled reflects whether Trusted
// Types is currently enabled (& enforced) or not.
function runTests(is_tt_enabled) {
for (const [element, attr] of [
[ 'script', 'src' ],
[ 'div', 'innerHTML' ],
[ 'iframe', 'srcdoc' ],
[ 'script', 'text' ],
[ 'script', 'innerText' ],
[ 'script', 'textContent' ],
]) {
const trusted = getTrusted(element, attr);
for (const value of [trusted, trusted.toString()]) {
for (const connected of [true, false]) {
const expect_exception = is_tt_enabled &&
value.constructor.name != trustedTypes.getPropertyType(element, attr);
test(t => {
const elem = document.createElement(element);
if (connected) document.body.appendChild(elem);
if (expect_exception) {
assert_throws_js(TypeError, _ => { elem[attr] = value; });
} else {
elem[attr] = value;
}, `${is_tt_enabled ? "TT enabled" : "TT disabled"}: ${element}.${attr} = ${value.constructor.name} on a ${connected ? "connected" : "non-connected"} element.`);
// Run the tests without TT first.
// Now run the tests a second time, with TT enabled. To accomplish this, insert
// a suitable <meta> element.
const meta = document.createElement("meta");
meta.setAttribute("http-equiv", "Content-Security-Policy");
meta.setAttribute("content", "require-trusted-types-for 'script';");