<!DOCTYPE html>
<script nonce="abc" src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script nonce="abc" src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script nonce="abc" src="support/helper.sub.js"></script>
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<script nonce="abc">
const p = trustedTypes.createPolicy("p", {createScript: s => s});
test(t => {
assert_equals(eval(p.createScript('1+1')), 2);
}, "eval of TrustedScript works.");
test(t => {
assert_equals(eval?.(p.createScript('1+1')), 2);
}, "indirect eval of TrustedScript works.");
test(t => {
assert_equals(eval('1+1'), 2);
}, "eval of string works.");
test(t => {
assert_equals(eval?.('1+1'), 2);
}, "indirect eval of string works.");
test(t => {
assert_equals(eval(42), 42);
assert_object_equals(eval({}), {});
assert_equals(eval(null), null);
assert_equals(eval(undefined), undefined);
}, "eval of !TrustedScript and !string works.");
test(t => {
assert_equals(new Function(p.createScript('return 1+1'))(), 2);
}, "Function constructor of TrustedScript works.");
test(t => {
assert_equals(new Function('return 1+1')(), 2);
}, "Function constructor of string works.");