
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script nonce="abc" src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
  <script nonce="abc" src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
  <script nonce="abc" src="support/helper.sub.js"></script>

  <!-- Note: Trusted Types enforcement, and a CSP that allows all eval. -->
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy"
        content="script-src 'nonce-abc' 'unsafe-eval'; require-trusted-types-for 'script'">
<script nonce="abc">
  let p = createScript_policy(window, 1);
  test(t => {
    let a = 0;
    assert_throws_js(EvalError, _ => {
      eval('a="hello there"');
    assert_equals(a, 0);
  }, "eval with plain string with Trusted Types and permissive CSP throws (no type).");

  test(t => {
    let a = 0;
    assert_throws_js(EvalError, _ => {
      eval?.('a="hello there"');
    assert_equals(a, 0);
  }, "indirect eval with plain string with Trusted Types and permissive CSP throws (no type).");

  test(t => {
    let a = 0;
    assert_throws_js(EvalError, _ => {
      new Function('a="hello there"');
    assert_equals(a, 0);
  }, "Function constructor with plain string with Trusted Types and permissive CSP throws (no type).");

  test(t => {
    let s = eval(p.createScript('"Hello transformed string"'));
    assert_equals("" + s, "Hello a cat string");
  }, "eval with TrustedScript and permissive CSP works.");

  test(t => {
    let s = eval?.(p.createScript('"Hello transformed string"'));
    assert_equals("" + s, "Hello a cat string");
  }, "indirect eval with TrustedScript and permissive CSP works.");

  test(t => {
    let s = new Function(p.createScript('return "Hello transformed string"'))();
    assert_equals(s, "Hello a cat string");
  }, "new Function with TrustedScript and permissive CSP works.");

  trustedTypes.createPolicy("default", { createScript: (s) => s });
  test(t => {
    let s = eval('1+1');
    assert_equals(s, 2);
  }, "eval with plain string with Trusted Types and permissive CSP works with default policy.");

  test(t => {
    let s = eval?.('1+1');
    assert_equals(s, 2);
  }, "indirect eval with plain string with Trusted Types and permissive CSP works with default policy.");

  test(t => {
    let s = new Function('return 1+1')();
    assert_equals(s, 2);
  }, "new Function with plain string default policy and permissive CSP works with default policy.");