<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy"
content="require-trusted-types-for 'script'; trusted-types *">
<iframe id="iframe" data-x="" srcdoc="content" onmouseover=""></iframe>
<div id="div"></div>
// This is a regression test for https://g-issues.chromium.org/issues/333739948
// The test should hold true for any browser that supports Trusted Types.
let target = "data-x";
trustedTypes.createPolicy("default", {
createHTML: (s, _, sink) => {
assert_equals(sink, 'HTMLIFrameElement srcdoc');
return s;
createScript: (s) => {
if (s == 'accepted') {
return s;
div.setAttribute('onmouseover', 'accepted');
return s;
test(t => {
// Original bug report: Delete an attribute *before* the current one.
assert_equals(iframe.srcdoc, "content");
assert_equals(iframe.getAttribute("onmouseover"), "");
iframe.setAttribute("srcdoc", "alert(1)");
assert_equals(iframe.srcdoc, "alert(1)");
assert_equals(iframe.getAttribute("onmouseover"), "");
}, "Ensure the right attributes are modified.");
test(t => {
// Second case: Delete the exact attribute. It still gets set.
target = "srcdoc";
assert_equals(iframe.srcdoc, "alert(1)");
iframe.setAttribute("srcdoc", "new srcdoc value");
assert_equals(iframe.srcdoc, "new srcdoc value");
}, "Ensure the deleted attributes is modified.");
test(t => {
assert_equals(div.attributes.length, 2);
assert_equals(div.attributes.onmouseover.value, '');
}, "Ensure toggleAttribute results in an empty attribute.");
test(t => {
div.setAttribute('onmouseover', 'foo');
assert_equals(div.attributes.length, 2);
assert_equals(div.attributes.onmouseover.value, 'foo');
}, "Ensure setAttribute results in right attribute value.");
test(t => {
div.setAttributeNS(null, 'onmouseover', 'foo');
assert_equals(div.attributes.length, 2);
assert_equals(div.attributes.onmouseover.value, 'foo');
}, "Ensure setAttributeNS results in right attribute value.");