
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
  <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy"
        content="trusted-types policy default 'allow-duplicates'; require-trusted-types-for 'script'">

// Test Trusted Types in document types other than the main document, such as
// documents created by createHTMLDocument or XHR requests.

function create_XHR_document() {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.onload = _ => { resolve(xhr.response); };"GET", 'data:text/html,<title>aaa</title>');
    xhr.responseType = "document";

const doc_types = {
  "document": _ => document,
  "createHTMLDocument": _ => document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(""),
  "DOMParser": _ => (new DOMParser).parseFromString(trustedTypes.emptyHTML, "text/html"),
  "XHR": create_XHR_document,

function doc_test(doc_type, test_fn, description) {
  promise_test(t => {
    return Promise.resolve(doc_types[doc_type]()).then(test_fn);
  }, `${description} (${doc_type})`);

for (let doc_type in doc_types) {
  doc_test(doc_type, doc => {
                     _ => { doc.createElement("script").textContent = "2+2"; });
  }, "Trusted Type assignment is blocked." );

  doc_test(doc_type, doc => {
    const policy = trustedTypes.createPolicy("policy", {createHTML: x => x });
    const value = policy.createHTML("hello");
    doc.body.innerHTML = value;
    assert_equals(doc.body.textContent, "hello");
                     _ => { doc.body.innerHTML = "world"; });
  }, "Trusted Type instances created in the main doc can be used.");

// Create default policy (applies to all subsequent tests).
// Wrapped in a promise_test so that it won't interfere with the previous tests
// (which hanve't yet run).
promise_test(t => {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    trustedTypes.createPolicy("default", {
      createHTML: (s, _, sink) => {
        assert_equals(sink, 'Element innerHTML');
        return s + " [default]";
}, "Install default policy.")

for (let doc_type in doc_types) {
  doc_test(doc_type, doc => {
    doc.body.innerHTML = "shouldpass";
    assert_equals(doc.body.textContent, "shouldpass [default]");
  },  "Default policy applies.");