
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title id='desc'> WheelEvent: wheel - MouseEvent.ctrlKey and Zooming </title>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var PassTest = function()
                document.getElementById("testresult") = "PASS";

            var FailTest = function()
                document.getElementById("testresult") = "FAIL";

            function DisableZooming()
                BEFORE = HELPER.getBoundingClientRect().width;
                DisableZoom = true;

            function VerifyResult()
                AFTER = HELPER.getBoundingClientRect().width;

                if ((true == DisableZoom) && (true == TestResult) && (BEFORE == AFTER))

            function TestEvent(evt)
                if ((true == DisableZoom) && (true == evt.ctrlKey) && (EVENT == evt.type))
                    TestResult = evt.defaultPrevented;

            var EVENT = "wheel";
            var TARGET;
            var HELPER;
            var BEFORE;
            var AFTER;
            var DisableZoom = false;
            var TestResult = false;

            window.onload = function()
                    TARGET = document;
                    HELPER = document.getElementById("helper");
                    TARGET.addEventListener(EVENT, TestEvent, true);
        <h3>DOM Events</h3>
            Test Description: The typical default action of the wheel event type, in some cases,  is to
            zoom the document. If this event is canceled, the implementation must not zoom the document.

        <div id="helper" style="width:100%"></div>

        <p id="manualsteps">
                <li> Note: an input device with scroll wheel support (e.g., mouse wheel) is required
                <li> Make sure the page can be zoomed in/out by holding down '{CTRL}' key + scrolling the mouse wheel on the page
                <li> Now, click the button: <button id="verify" onclick="DisableZooming()">Disable Zooming</button>
                <li> Press and hold down '{CTRL}' key on the keyboard
                <li> Move the mouse pointer to the center of the page
                <li> Scroll down/up the mouse wheel some units
                <li> Click the button: <button id="verify" onclick="VerifyResult()">VerifyResult</button>
        <p>Test passes if the word "PASS" appears below after following the above steps.</p>
        <div>Test result: </div>
        <div id='testresult'>FAIL</div>