
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="timeout" content="long">
<meta name="variant" content="?duration=16"> <!-- 60fps -->
<meta name="variant" content="?duration=42"> <!-- 24fps -->
<title>Check whether `mouseup` events are fired after pending boundary events</title>
<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
<script src=/resources/testdriver.js></script>
<script src=/resources/testdriver-actions.js></script>
<script src=/resources/testdriver-vendor.js></script>
div#parent {
  width: 100%;
  height: 50px;
  background-color: gray;
div#child {
  width: 100%;
  height: 40px;
  background-color: lime;
<div id="parent"><div id="child"></div></div>
"use strict";

const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(;
const duration = parseInt(searchParams.get("duration"));

async function runTest(t) {
  const parent = document.getElementById("parent");
  const child = document.getElementById("child");
  const mouseEvents = [];
  function onMouseOverOrUp(event) {
    // Ignore events before `mousedown` to make this test simpler.
    if (mouseEvents[0]?.startsWith("mousedown")) {
      mouseEvents.push(`${event.type}@${}${ ? `#${}` : ""}`);
  try {
    child.getBoundingClientRect(); // flush layout
    child.addEventListener("mousedown", event => {;
    }, {once: true});
    document.addEventListener("mouseover", onMouseOverOrUp, {capture: true});
    document.addEventListener("mouseup", onMouseOverOrUp, {once: true, capture: true});
    const actions = new test_driver.Actions(duration);
    await actions.pointerMove(10, 10, {origin: child})
                .pointerDown({button: actions.ButtonType.LEFT})
                .pointerUp({button: actions.ButtonType.LEFT})
    await new Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(() => requestAnimationFrame(resolve)));
  } finally {
    document.removeEventListener("mouseover", onMouseOverOrUp, {capture: true});

// This test tries to detect intermittent case that mouseout might be fired
// after a while from a DOM tree change.  Therefore, trying same test 30 times.
for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
  promise_test(async t => {
    await runTest(t);
    // Make things stabler to start next test.
    await new Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(() => requestAnimationFrame(resolve)));
  }, `mouseover should be fired before mouseup if mousedown target is removed (${i})`);