"use strict";
function createEmptyWasmModule() {
return new WebAssembly.Module(
new Uint8Array([0x00, 0x61, 0x73, 0x6d, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]));
test(() => {
assert_throws_dom("DataCloneError", () => {
new Notification("Bob: Hi", { data: createEmptyWasmModule() });
}, "WebAssembly.Module cloning via the Notifications API's data member: basic case");
test(() => {
let getter1Called = false;
let getter2Called = false;
assert_throws_dom("DataCloneError", () => {
new Notification("Bob: Hi", { data: [
{ get x() { getter1Called = true; return 5; } },
{ get x() { getter2Called = true; return 5; } }
assert_true(getter1Called, "The getter before the SAB must have been called");
assert_false(getter2Called, "The getter after the SAB must not have been called");
}, "WebAssembly.Module cloning via the Notifications API's data member: is interleaved correctly");