<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<!-- Based on similar tests in html/infrastructure/safe-passing-of-structured-data/shared-array-buffers/ -->
<title>WebAssembly.Module cannot cross agent clusters, service worker edition</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/service-workers/service-worker/resources/test-helpers.sub.js"></script>
<script src="./resources/create-empty-wasm-module.js"></script>
"use strict";
promise_test(t => {
const scope = "resources/blank.html";
return service_worker_unregister_and_register(t, "resources/serviceworker-failure.js", scope)
.then(reg => {
t.add_cleanup(() => service_worker_unregister(t, scope));
return wait_for_state(t, reg.installing, "activated");
.then(() => with_iframe(scope))
.then(iframe => {
t.add_cleanup(() => iframe.remove());
const sw = iframe.contentWindow.navigator.serviceWorker;
let state = "start in window";
return new Promise(resolve => {
sw.onmessage = t.step_func(e => {
if (e.data === "start in worker") {
assert_equals(state, "start in window");
state = "we are expecting confirmation of an onmessageerror in the worker";
} else if (e.data === "onmessageerror was received in worker") {
assert_equals(state, "we are expecting confirmation of an onmessageerror in the worker");
state = "we are expecting a messageerror due to the worker sending us a WebAssembly.Module";
} else {
assert_unreached("Got an unexpected message from the service worker: " + e.data);
sw.onmessageerror = t.step_func(e => {
assert_equals(state, "we are expecting a messageerror due to the worker sending us a WebAssembly.Module");
assert_equals(e.data, null, "data");
assert_equals(e.origin, self.origin, "origin");
assert_not_equals(e.source, null, "source");
assert_equals(e.ports.length, 0, "ports length");
state = "done in window";