'use strict';
const expected = values => {
// Some properties, such as line-height, report computed values which differ
// from the keyframe values. To support this, we allow optional values to specify
// explicit "from" and "to" values as additional keyframe values.
const [ from, to ] = values;
return [ values[2] ?? from, values[3] ?? to ];
const discreteType = {
testInterpolation: (property, setup, options) => {
for (const keyframes of options) {
const [ from, to ] = keyframes;
const [ expectedFrom, expectedTo ] = expected(keyframes);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: [from, to] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: expectedFrom.toLowerCase() },
{ time: 499, expected: expectedFrom.toLowerCase() },
{ time: 500, expected: expectedTo.toLowerCase() },
{ time: 1000, expected: expectedTo.toLowerCase() }]);
}, `${property} uses discrete animation when animating between`
+ ` "${from}" and "${to}" with linear easing`);
test(t => {
// Easing: http://cubic-bezier.com/#.68,0,1,.01
// With this curve, we don't reach the 50% point until about 95% of
// the time has expired.
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const keyframes = {};
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
{ [idlName]: [from, to] },
duration: 1000,
fill: 'both',
easing: 'cubic-bezier(0.68,0,1,0.01)',
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: expectedFrom.toLowerCase() },
{ time: 940, expected: expectedFrom.toLowerCase() },
{ time: 960, expected: expectedTo.toLowerCase() }]);
}, `${property} uses discrete animation when animating between`
+ ` "${from}" and "${to}" with effect easing`);
test(t => {
// Easing: http://cubic-bezier.com/#.68,0,1,.01
// With this curve, we don't reach the 50% point until about 95% of
// the time has expired.
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: [from, to],
easing: 'cubic-bezier(0.68,0,1,0.01)',
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' }
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: expectedFrom.toLowerCase() },
{ time: 940, expected: expectedFrom.toLowerCase() },
{ time: 960, expected: expectedTo.toLowerCase() }]);
}, `${property} uses discrete animation when animating between`
+ ` "${from}" and "${to}" with keyframe easing`);
testAdditionOrAccumulation: (property, setup, options, composite) => {
for (const keyframes of options) {
const [ from, to ] = keyframes;
const [ expectedFrom, expectedTo ] = expected(keyframes);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.animate({ [idlName]: [from, from] }, 1000);
const animation = target.animate(
{ [idlName]: [to, to] },
{ duration: 1000, composite }
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: expectedTo.toLowerCase() }]);
}, `${property}: "${to}" onto "${from}"`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.animate({ [idlName]: [to, to] }, 1000);
const animation = target.animate(
{ [idlName]: [from, from] },
{ duration: 1000, composite }
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: expectedFrom.toLowerCase() }]);
}, `${property}: "${from}" onto "${to}"`);
testAddition: function(property, setup, options) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, options, 'add');
testAccumulation: function(property, setup, options) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, options, 'accumulate');
const lengthType = {
testInterpolation: (property, setup) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['10px', '50px'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: '30px' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as a length`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['1rem', '5rem'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: '30px' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as a length of rem`);
testAdditionOrAccumulation: (property, setup, composite) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '10px';
const animation = target.animate(
{ [idlName]: ['10px', '50px'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite }
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName, [{ time: 0, expected: '20px' }]);
}, `${property}: length`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '1rem';
const animation = target.animate(
{ [idlName]: ['1rem', '5rem'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite }
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName, [{ time: 0, expected: '20px' }]);
}, `${property}: length of rem`);
testAddition: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'add');
testAccumulation: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'accumulate');
const lengthPairType = {
testInterpolation: (property, setup) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
{ [idlName]: ['10px 10px', '50px 50px'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' }
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: '30px 30px' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as a length pair`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
{ [idlName]: ['1rem 1rem', '5rem 5rem'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' }
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: '30px 30px' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as a length pair of rem`);
testAdditionOrAccumulation: (property, setup, composite) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '10px 10px';
const animation = target.animate(
{ [idlName]: ['10px 10px', '50px 50px'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite }
[{ time: 0, expected: '20px 20px' }]
}, `${property}: length pair`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '1rem 1rem';
const animation = target.animate(
{ [idlName]: ['1rem 1rem', '5rem 5rem'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite }
[{ time: 0, expected: '20px 20px' }]
}, `${property}: length pair of rem`);
testAddition: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'add');
testAccumulation: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'accumulate');
const percentageType = {
testInterpolation: (property, setup) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['10%', '50%'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: '30%' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as a percentage`);
testAdditionOrAccumulation: (property, setup, composite) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '60%';
const animation = target.animate(
{ [idlName]: ['70%', '100%'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite }
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName, [{ time: 0, expected: '130%' }]);
}, `${property}: percentage`);
testAddition: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'add');
testAccumulation: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'accumulate');
const integerType = {
testInterpolation: (property, setup) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: [-2, 2] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: '0' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as an integer`);
testAdditionOrAccumulation: (property, setup, composite) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = -1;
const animation = target.animate(
{ [idlName]: [-2, 2] },
{ duration: 1000, composite }
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: '-3' }]);
}, `${property}: integer`);
testAddition: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'add');
testAccumulation: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'accumulate');
const positiveIntegerType = {
testInterpolation: (property, setup) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: [1, 3] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[ { time: 500, expected: '2' } ]);
}, `${property} supports animating as a positive integer`);
testAdditionOrAccumulation: (property, setup, composite) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 1;
const animation = target.animate(
{ [idlName]: [2, 5] },
{ duration: 1000, composite }
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: '3' }]);
}, `${property}: positive integer`);
testAddition: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'add');
testAccumulation: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'accumulate');
const lengthPercentageOrCalcType = {
testInterpolation: (property, setup) => {
lengthType.testInterpolation(property, setup);
percentageType.testInterpolation(property, setup);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['10px', '20%'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'calc(10% + 5px)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as combination units "px" and "%"`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['10%', '2em'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'calc(5% + 10px)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as combination units "%" and "em"`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['1em', '2rem'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: '15px' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as combination units "em" and "rem"`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
{ [idlName]: ['10px', 'calc(1em + 20%)'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' }
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'calc(10% + 10px)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as combination units "px" and "calc"`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
{ [idlName]: ['calc(10px + 10%)', 'calc(1em + 1rem + 20%)'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500,
expected: 'calc(15% + 15px)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as a calc`);
testAdditionOrAccumulation: (property, setup, composite) => {
lengthType.testAddition(property, setup);
percentageType.testAddition(property, setup);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '10px';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['10%', '50%'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: 'calc(10% + 10px)' }]);
}, `${property}: units "%" onto "px"`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '10%';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['10px', '50px'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: 'calc(10% + 10px)' }]);
}, `${property}: units "px" onto "%"`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '10%';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['2rem', '5rem'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: 'calc(10% + 20px)' }]);
}, `${property}: units "rem" onto "%"`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '2rem';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['10%', '50%'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: 'calc(10% + 20px)' }]);
}, `${property}: units "%" onto "rem"`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '2em';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['2rem', '5rem'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName, [{ time: 0, expected: '40px' }]);
}, `${property}: units "rem" onto "em"`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '2rem';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['2em', '5em'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName, [{ time: 0, expected: '40px' }]);
}, `${property}: units "em" onto "rem"`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '10px';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['calc(2em + 20%)',
'calc(5rem + 50%)'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: 'calc(20% + 30px)' }]);
}, `${property}: units "calc" onto "px"`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'calc(10px + 10%)';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['calc(20px + 20%)',
'calc(2em + 3rem + 40%)'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: 'calc(30% + 30px)' }]);
}, `${property}: calc`);
testAddition: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'add');
testAccumulation: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'accumulate');
const positiveNumberType = {
testInterpolation: (property, setup, expectedUnit='') => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: [1.1, 1.5] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: '1.3' + expectedUnit }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as a positive number`);
testAdditionOrAccumulation: (property, setup, composite) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 1.1;
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: [1.1, 1.5] },
{ duration: 1000, composite });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName, [{ time: 0, expected: '2.2' }]);
}, `${property}: positive number`);
testAddition: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'add');
testAccumulation: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'accumulate');
// Test using float values in the range [0, 1]
const opacityType = {
testInterpolation: (property, setup) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: [0.3, 0.8] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: '0.55' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as a [0, 1] number`);
testAdditionOrAccumulation: (property, setup, composite) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 0.3;
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: [0.3, 0.8] },
{ duration: 1000, composite });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName, [{ time: 0, expected: '0.6' }]);
}, `${property}: [0, 1] number`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 0.8;
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: [0.3, 0.8] },
{ duration: 1000, composite });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName, [{ time: 0, expected: '1' }]);
}, `${property}: [0, 1] number (clamped)`);
testAddition: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'add');
testAccumulation: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'accumulate');
const visibilityType = {
testInterpolation: (property, setup) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['visible', 'hidden'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: 'visible' },
{ time: 999, expected: 'visible' },
{ time: 1000, expected: 'hidden' }]);
}, `${property} uses visibility animation when animating`
+ ' from "visible" to "hidden"');
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['hidden', 'visible'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: 'hidden' },
{ time: 1, expected: 'visible' },
{ time: 1000, expected: 'visible' }]);
}, `${property} uses visibility animation when animating`
+ ' from "hidden" to "visible"');
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['hidden', 'collapse'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: 'hidden' },
{ time: 499, expected: 'hidden' },
{ time: 500, expected: 'collapse' },
{ time: 1000, expected: 'collapse' }]);
}, `${property} uses visibility animation when animating`
+ ' from "hidden" to "collapse"');
test(t => {
// Easing: http://cubic-bezier.com/#.68,-.55,.26,1.55
// With this curve, the value is less than 0 till about 34%
// also more than 1 since about 63%
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['visible', 'hidden'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both',
easing: 'cubic-bezier(0.68, -0.55, 0.26, 1.55)' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: 'visible' },
{ time: 1, expected: 'visible' },
{ time: 330, expected: 'visible' },
{ time: 340, expected: 'visible' },
{ time: 620, expected: 'visible' },
{ time: 630, expected: 'hidden' },
{ time: 1000, expected: 'hidden' }]);
}, `${property} uses visibility animation when animating`
+ ' from "visible" to "hidden" with easeInOutBack easing');
testAdditionOrAccumulation: (property, setup, composite) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'visible';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['visible', 'hidden'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both',
composite });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: 'visible' },
{ time: 1000, expected: 'hidden' }]);
}, `${property}: onto "visible"`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'hidden';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['hidden', 'visible'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both',
composite });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: 'hidden' },
{ time: 1000, expected: 'visible' }]);
}, `${property}: onto "hidden"`);
testAddition: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'add');
testAccumulation: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'accumulate');
const colorType = {
testInterpolation: (property, setup) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['rgb(255, 0, 0)',
'rgb(0, 0, 255)'] },
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgb(128, 0, 128)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as color of rgb()`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['#ff0000', '#0000ff'] },
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgb(128, 0, 128)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as color of #RGB`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['hsl(0, 100%, 50%)',
'hsl(240, 100%, 50%)'] },
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgb(128, 0, 128)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as color of hsl()`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
{ [idlName]: ['#ff000066', '#0000ffcc'] },
// R: 255 * (0.4 * 0.5) / 0.6 = 85
// B: 255 * (0.8 * 0.5) / 0.6 = 170
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgba(85, 0, 170, 0.6)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as color of #RGBa`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: ['rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4)', 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.8)'],
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName, // Same as above.
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgba(85, 0, 170, 0.6)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as color of rgba()`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: ['hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 0.4)', 'hsla(240, 100%, 50%, 0.8)'],
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName, // Same as above.
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgba(85, 0, 170, 0.6)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as color of hsla()`);
testAdditionOrAccumulation: (property, setup, composite) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'rgb(128, 128, 128)';
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: ['rgb(255, 0, 0)', 'rgb(0, 0, 255)'],
{ duration: 1000, composite }
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: 'rgb(255, 128, 128)' },
// The value at 50% is interpolated
// from 'rgb(128+255, 128, 128)'
// to 'rgb(128, 128, 128+255)'.
{ time: 500, expected: 'rgb(255, 128, 255)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as color of rgb() with overflowed `
+ ' from and to values');
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'rgb(128, 128, 128)';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['#ff0000', '#0000ff'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: 'rgb(255, 128, 128)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as color of #RGB`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'rgb(128, 128, 128)';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['hsl(0, 100%, 50%)',
'hsl(240, 100%, 50%)'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: 'rgb(255, 128, 128)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as color of hsl()`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'rgb(128, 128, 128)';
const animation = target.animate(
{ [idlName]: ['#ff000066', '#0000ffcc'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite }
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: 'rgb(230, 128, 128)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as color of #RGBa`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'rgb(128, 128, 128)';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4)',
'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.8)'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName, // Same as above.
[{ time: 0, expected: 'rgb(230, 128, 128)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as color of rgba()`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'rgb(128, 128, 128)';
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: ['hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 0.4)', 'hsla(240, 100%, 50%, 0.8)'],
{ duration: 1000, composite }
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName, // Same as above.
[{ time: 0, expected: 'rgb(230, 128, 128)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as color of hsla()`);
testAddition: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'add');
testAccumulation: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'accumulate');
const colorPairType = {
testInterpolation: (property, setup) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['rgb(255, 0, 0) rgb(0, 0, 255)',
'rgb(0, 0, 255) rgb(0, 255, 0)'] },
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgb(128, 0, 128) rgb(0, 128, 128)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as color pair of rgb()`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['#ff0000 #00ff00', '#0000ff #ff0000'] },
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgb(128, 0, 128) rgb(128, 128, 0)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as color pair of #RGB`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['hsl(0, 100%, 50%) hsl(0, 100%, 50%)',
'hsl(240, 100%, 50%) hsl(360, 100%, 50%)'] },
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgb(128, 0, 128) rgb(255, 0, 0)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as color pair of hsl()`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
{ [idlName]: ['#ff000066 #ff000066', '#0000ffcc #00ff00cc'] },
// R: 255 * (0.4 * 0.5) / 0.6 = 85
// B: 255 * (0.8 * 0.5) / 0.6 = 170
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgba(85, 0, 170, 0.6) rgba(85, 170, 0, 0.6)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as color pair of #RGBa`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: ['rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4) rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4)', 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.8) rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.8)'],
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName, // Same as above.
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgba(85, 0, 170, 0.6) rgba(85, 170, 0, 0.6)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as color pair of rgba()`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: ['hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 0.4) hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 0.4)', 'hsla(240, 100%, 50%, 0.8) hsla(360, 100%, 50%, 0.8)'],
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName, // Same as above.
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgba(85, 0, 170, 0.6) rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as color pair of hsla()`);
testAdditionOrAccumulation: (property, setup, composite) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'rgb(128, 128, 128) rgb(0, 0, 0)';
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: ['rgb(255, 0, 0) rgb(0, 0, 255)', 'rgb(0, 0, 255) rgb(255, 0, 0)']
{ duration: 1000, composite }
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: 'rgb(255, 128, 128) rgb(0, 0, 255)' },
{ time: 500, expected: 'rgb(255, 128, 255) rgb(128, 0, 128)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as color pair of rgb() with overflowed `
+ ' from and to values');
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'rgb(128, 128, 128) rgb(0, 0, 0)';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['#ff0000 #0000ff', '#0000ff #ff0000'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: 'rgb(255, 128, 128) rgb(0, 0, 255)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as color pair of #RGB`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'rgb(128, 128, 128) rgb(0, 0, 0)';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['hsl(0, 100%, 50%) hsl(0, 100%, 50%)',
'hsl(240, 100%, 50%) hsl(360, 100%, 50%)'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: 'rgb(255, 128, 128) rgb(255, 0, 0)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as color pair of hsl()`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'rgb(128, 128, 128) rgb(0, 0, 0)';
const animation = target.animate(
{ [idlName]: ['#ff000066 #ff000066', '#0000ffcc #00ff00cc'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite }
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: 'rgb(230, 128, 128) rgb(102, 0, 0)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as color pair of #RGBa`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'rgb(128, 128, 128) rgb(0, 0, 0)';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4) rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.4)',
'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.8) rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8)'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName, // Same as above.
[{ time: 0, expected: 'rgb(230, 128, 128) rgb(0, 102, 0)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as color pair of rgba()`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'rgb(128, 128, 128) rgb(0, 0, 0)';
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: ['hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 0.4) hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 0.4)', 'hsla(240, 100%, 50%, 0.8) hsla(360, 100%, 50%, 0.8)'],
{ duration: 1000, composite }
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName, // Same as above.
[{ time: 0, expected: 'rgb(230, 128, 128) rgb(102, 0, 0)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as color pair of hsla()`);
testAddition: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'add');
testAccumulation: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'accumulate');
const transformListType = {
testInterpolation: (property, setup) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: ['translate(200px, -200px)', 'translate(400px, 400px)'],
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: [ 1, 0, 0, 1, 300, 100 ] }]);
}, `${property}: translate`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: ['rotate(45deg)', 'rotate(135deg)'],
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: [ Math.cos(Math.PI / 2),
Math.sin(Math.PI / 2),
-Math.sin(Math.PI / 2),
Math.cos(Math.PI / 2),
0, 0] }]);
}, `${property}: rotate`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['scale(3)', 'scale(5)'] },
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: [ 4, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0 ] }]);
}, `${property}: scale`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['skew(30deg, 60deg)',
'skew(60deg, 30deg)'] },
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: [ 1, Math.tan(Math.PI / 4),
Math.tan(Math.PI / 4), 1,
0, 0] }]);
}, `${property}: skew`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['translateX(100px) rotate(45deg)',
'translateX(200px) rotate(135deg)'] },
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: [ Math.cos(Math.PI / 2),
Math.sin(Math.PI / 2),
-Math.sin(Math.PI / 2),
Math.cos(Math.PI / 2),
150, 0 ] }]);
}, `${property}: rotate and translate`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['rotate(45deg) translateX(100px)',
'rotate(135deg) translateX(200px)'] },
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: [ Math.cos(Math.PI / 2),
Math.sin(Math.PI / 2),
-Math.sin(Math.PI / 2),
Math.cos(Math.PI / 2),
150 * Math.cos(Math.PI / 2),
150 * Math.sin(Math.PI / 2) ] }]);
}, `${property}: translate and rotate`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['rotate(0deg)',
'rotate(1080deg) translateX(100px)'] },
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: [ -1, 0, 0, -1, -50, 0 ] }]);
}, `${property}: extend shorter list (from)`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['rotate(0deg) translateX(100px)',
'rotate(1080deg)'] },
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: [ -1, 0, 0, -1, -50, 0 ] }]);
}, `${property}: extend shorter list (to)`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = // matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 100)
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['rotate(90deg) translateX(100px)',
// matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 200, 0)
'translateX(200px) rotate(180deg)'] },
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: [ Math.cos(Math.PI * 3 / 4),
Math.sin(Math.PI * 3 / 4),
-Math.sin(Math.PI * 3 / 4),
Math.cos(Math.PI * 3 / 4),
100, 50 ] }]);
}, `${property}: mismatch order of translate and rotate`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = // Same matrices as above.
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ 'matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 100)',
'matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 200, 0)' ] },
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: [ Math.cos(Math.PI * 3 / 4),
Math.sin(Math.PI * 3 / 4),
-Math.sin(Math.PI * 3 / 4),
Math.cos(Math.PI * 3 / 4),
100, 50 ] }]);
}, `${property}: matrix`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ 'rotate3d(1, 1, 0, 0deg)',
'rotate3d(1, 1, 0, 90deg)'] },
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: rotate3dToMatrix(1, 1, 0, Math.PI / 4) }]);
}, `${property}: rotate3d`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
// To calculate expected matrices easily, generate input matrices from
// rotate3d.
const from = rotate3dToMatrix3d(1, 1, 0, Math.PI / 4);
const to = rotate3dToMatrix3d(1, 1, 0, Math.PI * 3 / 4);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: [ from, to ] }, 1000);
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: rotate3dToMatrix(1, 1, 0, Math.PI * 2 / 4) }]);
}, `${property}: matrix3d`);
// This test aims for forcing the two mismatched transforms to be
// decomposed into matrix3d before interpolation. Therefore, we not only
// test the interpolation, but also test the 3D matrix decomposition.
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: [
// scale(0.5) translateZ(1px)
'matrix3d(0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1)',
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: [ 0.4, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0.4, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0.5, 1] }]);
}, `${property}: mismatched 3D transforms`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['rotateY(60deg)', 'none' ] }, 1000);
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
// rotateY(30deg) == rotate3D(0, 1, 0, 30deg)
[{ time: 500, expected: rotate3dToMatrix(0, 1, 0, Math.PI / 6) }]);
}, `${property}: rotateY`);
// Following tests aim for test the fallback discrete interpolation behavior
// for non-invertible matrices. The non-invertible matrix that we use is the
// singular matrix, matrix(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100).
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 200, 0)',
'matrix( 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100)'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[ { time: 0, expected: [ -1, 0, 0, -1, 200, 0 ] },
{ time: 499, expected: [ -1, 0, 0, -1, 200, 0 ] },
{ time: 500, expected: [ 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100 ] },
{ time: 1000, expected: [ 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100 ] }]);
}, `${property}: non-invertible matrices`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: [
// matrix(0, -1, 1, 0, 250, 0)
'translate(50px) matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 200, 0) rotate(90deg)',
// matrix(-1, -1, 0, 0, 100, 100)
'translate(100px) matrix( 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100) rotate(180deg)',
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' }
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[ { time: 0, expected: [ 0, -1, 1, 0, 250, 0 ] },
{ time: 499, expected: [ 0, -1, 1, 0, 250, 0 ] },
{ time: 500, expected: [ -1, -1, 0, 0, 100, 100 ] },
{ time: 1000, expected: [ -1, -1, 0, 0, 100, 100 ] }]);
}, `${property}: non-invertible matrices in matched transform lists`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: [
// matrix(-2, 0, 0, -2, 250, 0)
'translate(50px) matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 200, 0) scale(2)',
// matrix(1, 1, 1, 1, 100, 100)
'translate(100px) matrix( 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100) skew(45deg)',
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' }
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[ { time: 0, expected: [ -2, 0, 0, -2, 250, 0 ] },
{ time: 499, expected: [ -2, 0, 0, -2, 250, 0 ] },
{ time: 500, expected: [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 100, 100 ] },
{ time: 1000, expected: [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 100, 100 ] }]);
}, `${property}: non-invertible matrices in mismatched transform lists`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
// perspective(0) is treated as perspective(1px)
[idlName]: ['perspective(0)', 'perspective(10px)'],
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: [ 1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, -0.55,
0, 0, 0, 1 ] }]);
}, `${property}: perspective`);
testAddition: function(property, setup) {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'translateX(100px)';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['translateX(-200px)',
'translateX(500px)'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both',
composite: 'add' });
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[ { time: 0, expected: [ 1, 0, 0, 1, -100, 0 ] },
{ time: 1000, expected: [ 1, 0, 0, 1, 600, 0 ] }]);
}, `${property}: translate`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'rotate(45deg)';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['rotate(-90deg)',
'rotate(90deg)'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both',
composite: 'add' });
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: [ Math.cos(-Math.PI / 4),
Math.sin(-Math.PI / 4),
-Math.sin(-Math.PI / 4),
Math.cos(-Math.PI / 4),
0, 0] },
{ time: 1000, expected: [ Math.cos(Math.PI * 3 / 4),
Math.sin(Math.PI * 3 / 4),
-Math.sin(Math.PI * 3 / 4),
Math.cos(Math.PI * 3 / 4),
0, 0] }]);
}, `${property}: rotate`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'scale(2)';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['scale(-3)', 'scale(5)'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both',
composite: 'add' });
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: [ -6, 0, 0, -6, 0, 0 ] }, // scale(-3) scale(2)
{ time: 1000, expected: [ 10, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0 ] }]); // scale(5) scale(2)
}, `${property}: scale`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
// matrix(1, tan(10deg), tan(10deg), 1)
target.style[idlName] = 'skew(10deg, 10deg)';
const animation = // matrix(1, tan(20deg), tan(-30deg), 1)
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['skew(-30deg, 20deg)',
// matrix(1, tan(-30deg), tan(20deg), 1)
'skew(20deg, -30deg)'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both', composite: 'add' });
// matrix at 0%.
// [ 1 tan(10deg) ] [ 1 tan(-30deg) ]
// [ tan(10deg) 1 ] [ tan(20deg) 1 ] =
// [ 1 + tan(10deg) * tan(20deg) tan(-30deg) + tan(10deg) ]
// [ tan(10deg) + tan(20deg) tan(10deg) * tan(-30deg) + 1 ]
// matrix at 100%.
// [ 1 tan(10deg) ] [ 1 tan(20deg) ]
// [ tan(10deg) 1 ] [ tan(-30deg) 1 ] =
// [ 1 + tan(10deg) * tan(-30deg) tan(20deg) + tan(10deg) ]
// [ tan(10deg) + tan(-30deg) tan(10deg) * tan(20deg) + 1 ]
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: [ 1 + Math.tan(Math.PI/18) * Math.tan(Math.PI/9),
Math.tan(Math.PI/18) + Math.tan(Math.PI/9),
Math.tan(-Math.PI/6) + Math.tan(Math.PI/18),
1 + Math.tan(Math.PI/18) * Math.tan(-Math.PI/6),
0, 0] },
{ time: 1000, expected: [ 1 + Math.tan(Math.PI/18) * Math.tan(-Math.PI/6),
Math.tan(Math.PI/18) + Math.tan(-Math.PI/6),
Math.tan(Math.PI/9) + Math.tan(Math.PI/18),
1 + Math.tan(Math.PI/18) * Math.tan(Math.PI/9),
0, 0] }]);
}, `${property}: skew`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
// matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 100, 0)
target.style[idlName] = 'translateX(100px)';
const animation = // matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0)
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['rotate(90deg)',
// matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0)
'rotate(180deg)'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both', composite: 'add' });
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: [ 0, 1, -1, 0, 100, 0 ] },
{ time: 1000, expected: [ -1, 0, 0, -1, 100, 0 ] }]);
}, `${property}: rotate on translate`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
// matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0)
target.style[idlName] = 'rotate(90deg)';
const animation = // matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 100, 0)
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['translateX(100px)',
// matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 200, 0)
'translateX(200px)'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both', composite: 'add' });
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: [ 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 100 ] },
{ time: 1000, expected: [ 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 200 ] }]);
}, `${property}: translate on rotate`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'rotate(45deg) translateX(100px)';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['rotate(-90deg)',
'rotate(90deg)'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both',
composite: 'add' });
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: [ Math.cos(-Math.PI / 4),
Math.sin(-Math.PI / 4),
-Math.sin(-Math.PI / 4),
Math.cos(-Math.PI / 4),
100 * Math.cos(Math.PI / 4),
100 * Math.sin(Math.PI / 4) ] },
{ time: 1000, expected: [ Math.cos(Math.PI * 3 / 4),
Math.sin(Math.PI * 3 / 4),
-Math.sin(Math.PI * 3 / 4),
Math.cos(Math.PI * 3 / 4),
100 * Math.cos(Math.PI / 4),
100 * Math.sin(Math.PI / 4) ] }]);
}, `${property}: rotate on rotate and translate`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0)';
const animation = // Same matrices as above.
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ 'matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 100, 0)',
'matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 200, 0)' ] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both', composite: 'add' });
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: [ 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 100 ] },
{ time: 1000, expected: [ 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 200 ] }]);
}, `${property}: matrix`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'rotate3d(1, 1, 0, 45deg)';
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ 'rotate3d(1, 1, 0, -90deg)',
'rotate3d(1, 1, 0, 90deg)'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both', composite: 'add' });
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: rotate3dToMatrix(1, 1, 0, -Math.PI / 4) },
{ time: 1000, expected: rotate3dToMatrix(1, 1, 0, 3 * Math.PI / 4) }]);
}, `${property}: rotate3d`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
// To calculate expected matrices easily, generate input matrices from
// rotate3d.
target.style[idlName] = rotate3dToMatrix3d(1, 1, 0, Math.PI / 4);
const from = rotate3dToMatrix3d(1, 1, 0, -Math.PI / 2);
const to = rotate3dToMatrix3d(1, 1, 0, Math.PI / 2);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ from, to ] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both', composite: 'add' });
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: rotate3dToMatrix(1, 1, 0, -Math.PI / 4) },
{ time: 1000, expected: rotate3dToMatrix(1, 1, 0, 3 * Math.PI / 4) }]);
}, `${property}: matrix3d`);
// Following tests aim for test the addition behavior for non-invertible
// matrices. Note that the addition for non-invertible matrices should be
// the same, just like addition for invertible matrices. With these tests,
// we can assure that addition never behaves as discrete. The non-invertible
// matrix that we use is the singular matrix, matrix(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100).
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'translateX(50px)';
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 200, 0)',
'matrix( 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100)'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both', composite: 'add' });
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[ { time: 0, expected: [ -1, 0, 0, -1, 250, 0 ] },
{ time: 1000, expected: [ 1, 1, 0, 0, 50, 100 ] }]);
}, `${property}: non-invertible matrices`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'translateX(50px)';
const animation = // matrix(0, -1, 1, 0, 200, 0)
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 200, 0) rotate(90deg)',
// matrix(-1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 100)
'matrix( 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100) rotate(180deg)'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both', composite: 'add' });
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[ { time: 0, expected: [ 0, -1, 1, 0, 250, 0 ] },
{ time: 1000, expected: [ -1, -1, 0, 0, 50, 100 ] }]);
}, `${property}: non-invertible matrices in matched transform lists`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'translateX(50px)';
const animation = // matrix(-2, 0, 0, -2, 200, 0)
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 200, 0) scale(2)',
// matrix(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100)
'matrix( 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100) skew(45deg)'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both', composite: 'add' });
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[ { time: 0, expected: [ -2, 0, 0, -2, 250, 0 ] },
{ time: 1000, expected: [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 50, 100 ] }]);
}, `${property}: non-invertible matrices in mismatched transform lists`);
testAccumulation: function(property, setup) {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'translateX(100px)';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['translateX(-200px)',
'translateX(500px)'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both',
composite: 'accumulate' });
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[ { time: 0, expected: [ 1, 0, 0, 1, -100, 0 ] },
{ time: 1000, expected: [ 1, 0, 0, 1, 600, 0 ] }]);
}, `${property}: translate`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'rotate(45deg)';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['rotate(-90deg)',
'rotate(90deg)'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both',
composite: 'accumulate' });
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: [ Math.cos(-Math.PI / 4),
Math.sin(-Math.PI / 4),
-Math.sin(-Math.PI / 4),
Math.cos(-Math.PI / 4),
0, 0] },
{ time: 1000, expected: [ Math.cos(Math.PI * 3 / 4),
Math.sin(Math.PI * 3 / 4),
-Math.sin(Math.PI * 3 / 4),
Math.cos(Math.PI * 3 / 4),
0, 0] }]);
}, `${property}: rotate`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'scale(2)';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['scale(-3)', 'scale(5)'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both',
composite: 'accumulate' });
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
// scale((2 - 1) + (-3 - 1) + 1)
[{ time: 0, expected: [ -2, 0, 0, -2, 0, 0 ] },
// scale((2 - 1) + (5 - 1) + 1)
{ time: 1000, expected: [ 6, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0 ] }]);
}, `${property}: scale`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
// matrix(1, tan(10deg), tan(10deg), 1)
target.style[idlName] = 'skew(10deg, 10deg)';
const animation = // matrix(1, tan(20deg), tan(-30deg), 1)
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['skew(-30deg, 20deg)',
// matrix(1, tan(-30deg), tan(20deg), 1)
'skew(20deg, -30deg)'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both', composite: 'accumulate' });
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: [ 1, Math.tan(Math.PI/6),
Math.tan(-Math.PI/9), 1,
0, 0] },
{ time: 1000, expected: [ 1, Math.tan(-Math.PI/9),
Math.tan(Math.PI/6), 1,
0, 0] }]);
}, `${property}: skew`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
// matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 100, 0)
target.style[idlName] = 'translateX(100px)';
const animation = // matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0)
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['rotate(90deg)',
// matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0)
'rotate(180deg)'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both', composite: 'accumulate' });
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: [ 0, 1, -1, 0, 100, 0 ] },
{ time: 1000, expected: [ -1, 0, 0, -1, 100, 0 ] }]);
}, `${property}: rotate on translate`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
// matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0)
target.style[idlName] = 'rotate(90deg)';
const animation = // matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 100, 0)
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['translateX(100px)',
// matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 200, 0)
'translateX(200px)'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both', composite: 'accumulate' });
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: [ 0, 1, -1, 0, 100, 0 ] },
{ time: 1000, expected: [ 0, 1, -1, 0, 200, 0 ] }]);
}, `${property}: translate on rotate`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'rotate(45deg)';
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['rotate(45deg) translateX(0px)',
'rotate(45deg) translateX(100px)'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both', composite: 'accumulate' });
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: [ Math.cos(Math.PI / 2),
Math.sin(Math.PI / 2),
-Math.sin(Math.PI / 2),
Math.cos(Math.PI / 2),
0 * Math.cos(Math.PI / 2),
0 * Math.sin(Math.PI / 2) ] },
{ time: 1000, expected: [ Math.cos(Math.PI / 2),
Math.sin(Math.PI / 2),
-Math.sin(Math.PI / 2),
Math.cos(Math.PI / 2),
100 * Math.cos(Math.PI / 2),
100 * Math.sin(Math.PI / 2) ] }]);
}, `${property}: rotate and translate on rotate`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'rotate(45deg) translateX(100px)';
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['rotate(45deg)', 'rotate(45deg)'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both', composite: 'accumulate' });
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: [ Math.cos(Math.PI / 2),
Math.sin(Math.PI / 2),
-Math.sin(Math.PI / 2),
Math.cos(Math.PI / 2),
100 * Math.cos(Math.PI / 2),
100 * Math.sin(Math.PI / 2) ] },
{ time: 1000, expected: [ Math.cos(Math.PI / 2),
Math.sin(Math.PI / 2),
-Math.sin(Math.PI / 2),
Math.cos(Math.PI / 2),
100 * Math.cos(Math.PI / 2),
100 * Math.sin(Math.PI / 2) ] }]);
}, `${property}: rotate on rotate and translate`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0)';
const animation = // Same matrices as above.
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ 'matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 100, 0)',
'matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 200, 0)' ] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both', composite: 'accumulate' });
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: [ 0, 1, -1, 0, 100, 0 ] },
{ time: 1000, expected: [ 0, 1, -1, 0, 200, 0 ] }]);
}, `${property}: matrix`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'rotate3d(1, 1, 0, 45deg)';
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ 'rotate3d(1, 1, 0, -90deg)',
'rotate3d(1, 1, 0, 90deg)'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both', composite: 'accumulate' });
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: rotate3dToMatrix(1, 1, 0, -Math.PI / 4) },
{ time: 1000, expected: rotate3dToMatrix(1, 1, 0, 3 * Math.PI / 4) }]);
}, `${property}: rotate3d`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
// To calculate expected matrices easily, generate input matrices from
// rotate3d.
target.style[idlName] = rotate3dToMatrix3d(1, 1, 0, Math.PI / 4);
const from = rotate3dToMatrix3d(1, 1, 0, -Math.PI / 2);
const to = rotate3dToMatrix3d(1, 1, 0, Math.PI / 2);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ from, to ] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both', composite: 'accumulate' });
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: rotate3dToMatrix(1, 1, 0, -Math.PI / 4) },
{ time: 1000, expected: rotate3dToMatrix(1, 1, 0, 3 * Math.PI / 4) }]);
}, `${property}: matrix3d`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const matrixArray = [ 1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 1, 1 ];
target.style[idlName] = createMatrixFromArray(matrixArray);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ 'none', 'none' ] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both', composite: 'accumulate' });
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: matrixArray },
{ time: 1000, expected: matrixArray }]);
}, `${property}: none`);
// Following tests aim for test the fallback discrete accumulation behavior
// for non-invertible matrices. The non-invertible matrix that we use is the
// singular matrix, matrix(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100).
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 200, 0)',
'matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 200, 0)'] }, 1000);
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: [
'matrix( 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100)',
'matrix( 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100)',
{ duration: 1000, composite: 'accumulate' }
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName, [
{ time: 0, expected: [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100] },
}, `${property}: non-invertible matrices (non-invertible onto invertible)`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['matrix( 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100)',
'matrix( 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100)'] }, 1000);
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: [
'matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 200, 0)',
'matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 200, 0)',
{ duration: 1000, composite: 'accumulate' }
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName, [
{ time: 0, expected: [-1, 0, 0, -1, 200, 0] },
}, `${property}: non-invertible matrices (invertible onto non-invertible)`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
// matrix(0, -1, 1, 0, 250, 0)
[idlName]: [
'translate(50px) matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 200, 0) rotate(90deg)',
'translate(50px) matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 200, 0) rotate(90deg)',
// matrix(-1, -1, 0, 0, 100, 100)
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: [
'translate(100px) matrix( 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100) rotate(180deg)',
'translate(100px) matrix( 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100) rotate(180deg)',
{ duration: 1000, composite: 'accumulate' }
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName, [
{ time: 0, expected: [-1, -1, 0, 0, 100, 100] },
}, `${property}: non-invertible matrices in matched transform lists (non-invertible onto invertible)`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
// matrix(-1, -1, 0, 0, 100, 100)
[idlName]: [
'translate(100px) matrix(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100) rotate(180deg)',
'translate(100px) matrix(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100) rotate(180deg)',
// matrix(0, -1, 1, 0, 250, 0)
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: [
'translate(50px) matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 200, 0) rotate(90deg)',
'translate(50px) matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 200, 0) rotate(90deg)',
{ duration: 1000, composite: 'accumulate' }
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName, [
{ time: 0, expected: [0, -1, 1, 0, 250, 0] },
}, `${property}: non-invertible matrices in matched transform lists (invertible onto non-invertible)`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
// matrix(-2, 0, 0, -2, 250, 0)
[idlName]: [
'translate(50px) matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 200, 0) scale(2)',
'translate(50px) matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 200, 0) scale(2)',
// matrix(1, 1, 1, 1, 100, 100)
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: [
'translate(100px) matrix(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100) skew(45deg)',
'translate(100px) matrix(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100) skew(45deg)',
{ duration: 1000, composite: 'accumulate' }
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName, [
{ time: 0, expected: [1, 1, 1, 1, 100, 100] },
}, `${property}: non-invertible matrices in mismatched transform lists`
+ ' (non-invertible onto invertible)');
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
// matrix(1, 1, 1, 1, 100, 100)
[idlName]: [
'translate(100px) matrix(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100) skew(45deg)',
'translate(100px) matrix(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100) skew(45deg)',
// matrix(-2, 0, 0, -2, 250, 0)
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: [
'translate(50px) matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 200, 0) scale(2)',
'translate(50px) matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 200, 0) scale(2)',
{ duration: 1000, composite: 'accumulate' }
testAnimationSampleMatrices(animation, idlName, [
{ time: 0, expected: [-2, 0, 0, -2, 250, 0] },
}, `${property}: non-invertible matrices in mismatched transform lists`
+ ' (invertible onto non-invertible)');
const rotateListType = {
testInterpolation: (property, setup) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: ['45deg', '135deg'],
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: '90deg' }]);
}, `${property} without rotation axes`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ '0 1 0 0deg',
'0 1 0 90deg'] },
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'y 45deg' }]);
}, `${property} with rotation axes`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ '0 1 0 0deg',
'0 1 0 720deg'] },
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 250, expected: 'y 180deg' }]);
}, `${property} with rotation axes and range over 360 degrees`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ '0 1 0 0deg',
'0 1 1 90deg'] },
testAnimationSampleRotate3d(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: '0 0.707107 0.707107 45deg' }]);
}, `${property} with different rotation axes`);
testAddition: function(property, setup) {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '45deg';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['-90deg', '90deg'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both',
composite: 'add' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: '-45deg' },
{ time: 1000, expected: '135deg' }]);
}, `${property} without rotation axes`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
// Rotation specified in transform property should not affect the computed
// value of |property|.
target.style.transform = 'rotate(20deg)';
target.style[idlName] = 'y -45deg';
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['0 1 0 90deg',
'0 1 0 180deg'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both', composite: 'add' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: 'y 45deg' },
{ time: 1000, expected: 'y 135deg' }]);
}, `${property} with underlying transform`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ '0 1 0 0deg',
'1 1 1 270deg'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both', composite: 'add' });
testAnimationSampleRotate3d(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: '0.57735 0.57735 0.57735 135deg' }]);
}, `${property} with different rotation axes`);
testAccumulation: function(property, setup) {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '45deg';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['-90deg', '90deg'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both',
composite: 'accumulate' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: '-45deg' },
{ time: 1000, expected: '135deg' }]);
}, `${property} without rotation axes`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style.transform = 'translateX(100px)';
target.style[idlName] = '1 0 0 -45deg';
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['1 0 0 90deg',
'1 0 0 180deg'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both', composite: 'accumulate' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: 'x 45deg' },
{ time: 1000, expected: 'x 135deg' }]);
}, `${property} with underlying transform`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ '0 1 0 0deg',
'1 0 1 180deg'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both', composite: 'accumulate' });
testAnimationSampleRotate3d(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: '0.707107 0 0.707107 90deg' }]);
}, `${property} with different rotation axes`);
const translateListType = {
testInterpolation: (property, setup) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: ['200px', '400px'],
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: '300px' }]);
}, `${property} with two unspecified values`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: ['200px -200px', '400px 400px'],
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: '300px 100px' }]);
}, `${property} with one unspecified value`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: ['200px -200px 600px', '400px 400px -200px'],
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: '300px 100px 200px' }]);
}, `${property} with all three values specified`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: ['0% -101px 600px', '400px 50% -200px'],
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'calc(0% + 200px) calc(25% - 50.5px) 200px' }]);
}, `${property} with combination of percentages and lengths`);
testAddition: function(property, setup) {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '100px';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['-200px', '500px'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both',
composite: 'add' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[ { time: 0, expected: '-100px' },
{ time: 1000, expected: '600px' }]);
}, `${property}`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.transform = 'translateY(100px)';
target.style[idlName] = '100px';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['-200px', '500px'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both',
composite: 'add' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[ { time: 0, expected: '-100px' },
{ time: 1000, expected: '600px' }]);
}, `${property} with underlying transform`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '50%';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['-200px', '500px'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both',
composite: 'add' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[ { time: 0, expected: 'calc(50% - 200px)' },
{ time: 1000, expected: 'calc(50% + 500px)' }]);
}, `${property} with underlying percentage value`);
testAccumulation: function(property, setup) {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '100px';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['-200px', '500px'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both',
composite: 'accumulate' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[ { time: 0, expected: '-100px' },
{ time: 1000, expected: '600px' }]);
}, `${property}`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.transform = 'translateY(100px)';
target.style[idlName] = '100px';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['-200px', '500px'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both',
composite: 'accumulate' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[ { time: 0, expected: '-100px' },
{ time: 1000, expected: '600px' }]);
}, `${property} with transform`);
const scaleListType = {
testInterpolation: (property, setup) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['3', '5'] },
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: '4' }]);
}, `${property} with two unspecified values`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['3 3', '5 5'] },
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: '4' }]);
}, `${property} with one unspecified value`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['3 3 3', '5 5 5'] },
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: '4 4 4' }]);
}, `${property}`);
testAddition: function(property, setup) {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '2';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['-3', '5'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both',
composite: 'add' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: '-6' },
{ time: 1000, expected: '10' }]);
}, `${property} with two unspecified values`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '2 2';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['-3 -3', '5 5'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both',
composite: 'add' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: '-6' },
{ time: 1000, expected: '10' }]);
}, `${property} with one unspecified value`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '2 2 2';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['-1 -2 -3', '4 5 6'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both',
composite: 'add' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: '-2 -4 -6' },
{ time: 1000, expected: '8 10 12' }]);
}, `${property}`);
testAccumulation: function(property, setup) {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '2';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['-3', '5'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both',
composite: 'accumulate' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: '-2' },
{ time: 1000, expected: '6' }]);
}, `${property} with two unspecified values`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '2 2';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['-3 -3', '5 5'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both',
composite: 'accumulate' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: '-2' },
{ time: 1000, expected: '6' }]);
}, `${property} with one unspecified value`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '2 2 2';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['-1 -2 -3', '4 5 6'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both',
composite: 'accumulate' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: '0 -1 -2' },
{ time: 1000, expected: '5 6 7' }]);
}, `${property}`);
const filterListType = {
testInterpolation: (property, setup) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]:
['blur(10px)', 'blur(50px)'] },
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'blur(30px)' }]);
}, `${property}: blur function`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['hue-rotate(0deg)',
'hue-rotate(100deg)'] },
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'hue-rotate(50deg)' }]);
}, `${property}: hue-rotate function with same unit(deg)`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['hue-rotate(10deg)',
'hue-rotate(100rad)'] },
// 10deg = 0.1745rad.
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'hue-rotate(2869.79deg)' }]);
}, `${property}: hue-rotate function with different unit(deg -> rad)`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
{ [idlName]:
['drop-shadow(10px 10px 10px rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4))',
'drop-shadow(50px 50px 50px rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.8))'] },
animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500,
expected: 'drop-shadow(rgba(85, 0, 170, 0.6) 30px 30px 30px)' }]);
}, `${property}: drop-shadow function`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
{ [idlName]:
['brightness(0.1) contrast(0.1) grayscale(0.1) invert(0.1) ' +
'opacity(0.1) saturate(0.1) sepia(0.1)',
'brightness(0.5) contrast(0.5) grayscale(0.5) invert(0.5) ' +
'opacity(0.5) saturate(0.5) sepia(0.5)'] },
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500,
expected: 'brightness(0.3) contrast(0.3) grayscale(0.3) ' +
'invert(0.3) opacity(0.3) saturate(0.3) sepia(0.3)' }]);
}, `${property}: percentage or numeric-specifiable functions`
+ ' (number value)');
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
{ [idlName]:
['brightness(10%) contrast(10%) grayscale(10%) invert(10%) ' +
'opacity(10%) saturate(10%) sepia(10%)',
'brightness(50%) contrast(50%) grayscale(50%) invert(50%) ' +
'opacity(50%) saturate(50%) sepia(50%)'] },
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500,
expected: 'brightness(0.3) contrast(0.3) grayscale(0.3) ' +
'invert(0.3) opacity(0.3) saturate(0.3) sepia(0.3)' }]);
}, `${property}: percentage or numeric-specifiable functions`
+ ' (percentage value)');
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
{ [idlName]:
// To make missing filter-function-lists, specified the grayscale.
'grayscale(1) brightness(0) contrast(0) opacity(0) saturate(0)' ]},
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500,
expected: 'grayscale(0.5) brightness(0.5) contrast(0.5) ' +
'opacity(0.5) saturate(0.5)' }]);
}, `${property}: interpolate different length of filter-function-list`
+ ' with function which lacuna value is 1');
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
{ [idlName]:
// To make missing filter-function-lists, specified the opacity.
'opacity(0) grayscale(1) invert(1) sepia(1) blur(10px)'] },
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500,
'opacity(0.5) grayscale(0.5) invert(0.5) sepia(0.5) blur(5px)' }]);
}, `${property}: interpolate different length of filter-function-list`
+ ' with function which lacuna value is 0');
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
{ [idlName]:
'blur(10px) drop-shadow(10px 10px 10px rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.8))'] },
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500,
// Per the spec: The initial value for interpolation is all length values
// set to 0 and the used color set to transparent.
expected: 'blur(5px) drop-shadow(rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.4) 5px 5px 5px)' }]);
}, `${property}: interpolate different length of filter-function-list`
+ ' with drop-shadow function');
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['none', 'blur(10px)'] },
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'blur(5px)' }]);
}, `${property}: interpolate from none`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate(
{ [idlName]:
['blur(0px) url(\"#f1\")',
'blur(10px) url(\"#f2\")']},
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 499, expected: 'blur(0px) url(\"#f1\")' },
{ time: 500, expected: 'blur(10px) url(\"#f2\")' }]);
}, `${property}: url function (interpoalte as discrete)`);
testAddition: function(property, setup) {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'blur(10px)';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['blur(20px)',
'blur(50px)'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite: 'add' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[ { time: 0, expected: 'blur(10px) blur(20px)' }]);
}, `${property}: blur on blur`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'blur(10px)';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['brightness(80%)',
'brightness(40%)'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite: 'add' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[ { time: 0, expected: 'blur(10px) brightness(0.8)' }]);
}, `${property}: different filter functions`);
testAccumulation: function(property, setup) {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'blur(10px) brightness(0.3)';
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: [
'blur(20px) brightness(0.1)',
'blur(20px) brightness(0.1)',
{ duration: 1000, composite: 'accumulate' }
// brightness(0.1) onto brightness(0.3) means
// brightness((0.1 - 1.0) + (0.3 - 1.0) + 1.0). The result of this formula
// is brightness(-0.6) that means brightness(0.0).
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[ { time: 0, expected: 'blur(30px) brightness(0)' }]);
}, `${property}: same ordered filter functions`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'blur(10px) brightness(1.3)';
const animation = target.animate(
[idlName]: [
'brightness(1.2) blur(20px)',
'brightness(1.2) blur(20px)',
{ duration: 1000, composite: 'accumulate' }
// Mismatched ordered functions can't be accumulated.
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[ { time: 0, expected: 'brightness(1.2) blur(20px)' }]);
}, `${property}: mismatched ordered filter functions`);
const textShadowListType = {
testInterpolation: (property, setup) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ 'none',
'rgb(100, 100, 100) 10px 10px 10px'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
// Premultiplied
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.5) 5px 5px 5px' }]);
}, `${property}: from none to other`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ 'rgb(100, 100, 100) 10px 10px 10px',
'none' ] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
// Premultiplied
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.5) 5px 5px 5px' }]);
}, `${property}: from other to none`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ 'rgb(0, 0, 0) 0px 0px 0px',
'rgb(100, 100, 100) 10px 10px 10px'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgb(50, 50, 50) 5px 5px 5px' }]);
}, `${property}: single shadow`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ 'rgb(0, 0, 0) 0px 0px 0px, '
+ 'rgb(200, 200, 200) 20px 20px 20px',
'rgb(100, 100, 100) 10px 10px 10px, '
+ 'rgb(100, 100, 100) 10px 10px 10px'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgb(50, 50, 50) 5px 5px 5px, '
+ 'rgb(150, 150, 150) 15px 15px 15px' }]);
}, `${property}: shadow list`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ 'rgb(200, 200, 200) 20px 20px 20px',
'rgb(100, 100, 100) 10px 10px 10px, '
+ 'rgb(100, 100, 100) 10px 10px 10px'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgb(150, 150, 150) 15px 15px 15px, '
+ 'rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.5) 5px 5px 5px' }]);
}, `${property}: mismatched list length (from longer to shorter)`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ 'rgb(100, 100, 100) 10px 10px 10px, '
+ 'rgb(100, 100, 100) 10px 10px 10px',
'rgb(200, 200, 200) 20px 20px 20px'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgb(150, 150, 150) 15px 15px 15px, '
+ 'rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.5) 5px 5px 5px' }]);
}, `${property}: mismatched list length (from shorter to longer)`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style.color = 'rgb(0, 255, 0)';
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ 'currentcolor 0px 0px 0px',
'currentcolor 10px 10px 10px'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgb(0, 255, 0) 5px 5px 5px' }]);
}, `${property}: with currentcolor`);
testAddition: function(property, setup) {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'rgb(0, 0, 0) 0px 0px 0px';
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ 'rgb(120, 120, 120) 10px 10px 10px',
'rgb(120, 120, 120) 10px 10px 10px'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite: 'add' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[ { time: 0, expected: 'rgb(0, 0, 0) 0px 0px 0px, ' +
'rgb(120, 120, 120) 10px 10px 10px' }]);
}, `${property}: shadow`);
testAccumulation: function(property, setup) {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'rgb(120, 120, 120) 10px 10px 10px';
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ 'rgb(120, 120, 120) 10px 10px 10px',
'rgb(120, 120, 120) 10px 10px 10px'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite: 'accumulate' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[ { time: 0, expected: 'rgb(240, 240, 240) 20px 20px 20px' }]);
}, `${property}: shadow`);
const boxShadowListType = {
testInterpolation: (property, setup) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ 'none',
'rgb(100, 100, 100) 10px 10px 10px 0px'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
// Premultiplied
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.5) 5px 5px 5px 0px' }]);
}, `${property}: from none to other`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ 'rgb(100, 100, 100) 10px 10px 10px 0px',
'none' ] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
// Premultiplied
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.5) 5px 5px 5px 0px' }]);
}, `${property}: from other to none`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ 'rgb(0, 0, 0) 0px 0px 0px 0px',
'rgb(100, 100, 100) 10px 10px 10px 0px'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgb(50, 50, 50) 5px 5px 5px 0px' }]);
}, `${property}: single shadow`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ 'rgb(0, 0, 0) 0px 0px 0px 0px, '
+ 'rgb(200, 200, 200) 20px 20px 20px 20px',
'rgb(100, 100, 100) 10px 10px 10px 0px, '
+ 'rgb(100, 100, 100) 10px 10px 10px 0px'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgb(50, 50, 50) 5px 5px 5px 0px, '
+ 'rgb(150, 150, 150) 15px 15px 15px 10px' }]);
}, `${property}: shadow list`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ 'rgb(200, 200, 200) 20px 20px 20px 20px',
'rgb(100, 100, 100) 10px 10px 10px 0px, '
+ 'rgb(100, 100, 100) 10px 10px 10px 0px'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgb(150, 150, 150) 15px 15px 15px 10px, '
+ 'rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.5) 5px 5px 5px 0px' }]);
}, `${property}: mismatched list length (from shorter to longer)`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ 'rgb(100, 100, 100) 10px 10px 10px 0px, '
+ 'rgb(100, 100, 100) 10px 10px 10px 0px',
'rgb(200, 200, 200) 20px 20px 20px 20px']},
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgb(150, 150, 150) 15px 15px 15px 10px, '
+ 'rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.5) 5px 5px 5px 0px' }]);
}, `${property}: mismatched list length (from longer to shorter)`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style.color = 'rgb(0, 255, 0)';
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ 'currentcolor 0px 0px 0px 0px',
'currentcolor 10px 10px 10px 10px'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rgb(0, 255, 0) 5px 5px 5px 5px' }]);
}, `${property}: with currentcolor`);
testAddition: function(property, setup) {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'rgb(0, 0, 0) 0px 0px 0px 0px';
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ 'rgb(120, 120, 120) 10px 10px 10px 0px',
'rgb(120, 120, 120) 10px 10px 10px 0px'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite: 'add' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[ { time: 0, expected: 'rgb(0, 0, 0) 0px 0px 0px 0px, ' +
'rgb(120, 120, 120) 10px 10px 10px 0px' }]);
}, `${property}: shadow`);
testAccumulation: function(property, setup) {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'rgb(120, 120, 120) 10px 10px 10px 10px';
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: [ 'rgb(120, 120, 120) 10px 10px 10px 10px',
'rgb(120, 120, 120) 10px 10px 10px 10px'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite: 'accumulate' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[ { time: 0, expected: 'rgb(240, 240, 240) 20px 20px 20px 20px' }]);
}, `${property}: shadow`);
const positionType = {
testInterpolation: (property, setup) => {
lengthPairType.testInterpolation(property, setup);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['10% 10%', '50% 50%'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: calcFromPercentage(idlName, '30% 30%') }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as a position of percent`);
testAdditionOrAccumulation: (property, setup, composite) => {
lengthPairType.testAddition(property, setup);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '60% 60%';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ['70% 70%', '100% 100%'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite });
animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: calcFromPercentage(idlName, '130% 130%') }]);
}, `${property}: position of percentage`);
testAddition: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'add');
testAccumulation: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'accumulate');
const rectType = {
testInterpolation: (property, setup) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]:
['rect(10px, 10px, 10px, 10px)',
'rect(50px, 50px, 50px, 50px)'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: 'rect(30px, 30px, 30px, 30px)' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as a rect`);
testAdditionOrAccumulation: (property, setup, composite) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = 'rect(100px, 100px, 100px, 100px)';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]:
['rect(10px, 10px, 10px, 10px)',
'rect(10px, 10px, 10px, 10px)'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite });
animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: 'rect(110px, 110px, 110px, 110px)' }]);
}, `${property}: rect`);
testAddition: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'add');
testAccumulation: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'accumulate');
// stroke-dasharray: none | [ <length> | <percentage> | <number> ]*
const dasharrayType = {
testInterpolation: (property, setup) => {
percentageType.testInterpolation(property, setup);
positiveNumberType.testInterpolation(property, setup, 'px');
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]:
['8, 16, 4',
'4, 8, 12, 16'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: '6px, 12px, 8px, 12px, 10px, 6px, 10px, 16px, 4px, 8px, 14px, 10px' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as a dasharray (mismatched length)`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]:
['2, 50%, 6, 10',
'6, 30%, 2, 2'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
animation, idlName,
[{ time: 500, expected: '4px, 40%, 4px, 6px' }]);
}, `${property} supports animating as a dasharray (mixed lengths and percentages)`);
// Note that stroke-dasharray is neither additive nor cumulative, so we should
// write this additive test case that animating value replaces underlying
// values.
// See https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG2/painting.html#StrokeDashing.
testAdditionOrAccumulation: (property, setup, composite) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '6, 30%, 2px';
const animation = target.animate({ [idlName]:
['1, 2, 3, 4, 5',
'6, 7, 8, 9, 10'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite });
animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: '1px, 2px, 3px, 4px, 5px' }]);
}, `${property}: dasharray`);
testAddition: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'add');
testAccumulation: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'accumulate');
const fontVariationSettingsType = {
testInterpolation: (property, setup) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['"wght" 1.1', '"wght" 1.5'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: '"wght" 1.1' },
{ time: 250, expected: '"wght" 1.2' },
{ time: 750, expected: '"wght" 1.4' } ]);
}, `${property} supports animation as float`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['"wdth" 1, "wght" 1.1',
'"wght" 1.5, "wdth" 5'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
animation, idlName,
[{ time: 0, expected: '"wdth" 1, "wght" 1.1' },
{ time: 250, expected: '"wdth" 2, "wght" 1.2' },
{ time: 750, expected: '"wdth" 4, "wght" 1.4' } ]);
}, `${property} supports animation as float with multiple tags`);
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['"wdth" 1, "wght" 1.1',
'"wght" 10, "wdth" 5, "wght" 1.5'] },
{ duration: 1000, fill: 'both' });
animation, idlName,
[{ time: 250, expected: '"wdth" 2, "wght" 1.2' },
{ time: 750, expected: '"wdth" 4, "wght" 1.4' } ]);
}, `${property} supports animation as float with multiple duplicate tags`);
testAdditionOrAccumulation: (property, setup, composite) => {
test(t => {
const idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
const target = createTestElement(t, setup);
target.style[idlName] = '"wght" 1';
const animation =
target.animate({ [idlName]: ['"wght" 1.1', '"wght" 1.5'] },
{ duration: 1000, composite });
testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
[{ time: 250, expected: '"wght" 2.2' },
{ time: 750, expected: '"wght" 2.4' } ]);
}, `${property} with composite type ${composite}`);
testAddition: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'add');
testAccumulation: function(property, setup) {
this.testAdditionOrAccumulation(property, setup, 'accumulate');
const types = {
color: colorType,
colorPair: colorPairType,
discrete: discreteType,
filterList: filterListType,
integer: integerType,
positiveInteger: positiveIntegerType,
length: lengthType,
percentage: percentageType,
lengthPercentageOrCalc: lengthPercentageOrCalcType,
lengthPair: lengthPairType,
positiveNumber: positiveNumberType,
opacity: opacityType,
transformList: transformListType,
rotateList: rotateListType,
translateList: translateListType,
scaleList: scaleListType,
visibility: visibilityType,
boxShadowList: boxShadowListType,
textShadowList: textShadowListType,
rect: rectType,
position: positionType,
dasharray: dasharrayType,
fontVariationSettings: fontVariationSettingsType,