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<title> apply interpolated transform on multiple keyframes</title>
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'use strict';
// This test tests the correctness if animation behavior under
// box-size-denpendent and non-box-size-dependent transformation.
test(t => {
var div_1 = createDiv(t);
div_1.style.width = "100px";
// Non-pairwise compatible transforms that are effectively no-ops with a
// matrix fallback. Both rotate(360deg) and scale(1) are identity matrix,
// making it easy to compute.
const keyframe1 = [
{"transform":"translateX( 200px ) rotate( 360deg )"},
{"transform":"translateX( 100% ) scale( 1 )"},
const keyframe2 = [
{"transform":"translateX( 200px ) rotate( 360deg )"},
{"transform":"translateX( 100% ) scale( 1 )"},
const animation1 = div_1.animate(keyframe1, {
const animation2 = div_1.animate(keyframe2, {
// new animation on the second div, using px value instead of % as a reference
var div_2 = createDiv(t);
div_2.style.width = "100px";
const keyframe3 = [
{"transform":"translateX( 200px ) rotate( 360deg )"},
{"transform":"translateX( 100px ) scale( 1 )"},
const keyframe4 = [
{"transform":"translateX( 200px ) rotate( 360deg )"},
{"transform":"translateX( 100px ) scale( 1 )"},
const animation3 = div_2.animate(keyframe1, {
const animation4 = div_2.animate(keyframe2, {
"composite": 'replace',
var i;
for (i = 0; i <= 30; i++) {
animation2.currentTime = 100 * i;
animation4.currentTime = 100 * i;
var box_size_dependent_transform = getComputedStyle(div_1)['transform'];
var reference_transform = getComputedStyle(div_2)['transform']
var progress = i / 30;
// The second animation replaces the first animation. As the rotate and
// scale perations are effectively no-ops when the matrix fallback is
// applied. The expected behavior is to go from x-postion 200px to 0 in the
// first 2000ms and go back to x-position 200px in the last 1000ms.
var expected_transform = 'matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, $1, 0)'
.replace('$1', Math.max(200 - 300 * progress, 0)
+ Math.max(0, -400 + 600 * progress));
assert_matrix_equals(box_size_dependent_transform, reference_transform);
assert_matrix_equals(reference_transform, expected_transform);