
<!doctype html>
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<title>Animatable.animate in combination with elements in documents
       without a browsing context</title>
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'use strict';

// The following tests relate to animations on elements in documents without
// a browsing context. This is NOT the same as documents that are not bound to
// a document tree.

function getXHRDoc(t) {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '../../resources/');
    xhr.responseType = 'document';
    xhr.onload = t.step_func(() => {
      assert_equals(xhr.readyState, xhr.DONE,
                    'Request should complete successfully');
      assert_equals(xhr.status, 200,
                    'Response should be OK');

promise_test(t => {
  return getXHRDoc(t).then(xhrdoc => {
    const div = xhrdoc.getElementById('test');
    const anim = div.animate(null);
    assert_class_string(anim.timeline, 'DocumentTimeline',
                        'Animation should have a timeline');
    assert_equals(anim.timeline, xhrdoc.timeline,
                  'Animation timeline should be the default document timeline'
                  + ' of the XHR doc');
    assert_not_equals(anim.timeline, document.timeline,
                      'Animation timeline should NOT be the same timeline as'
                      + ' the default document timeline for the current'
                      + ' document');

}, 'Element.animate() creates an animation with the correct timeline'
   + ' when called on an element in a document without a browsing context');

// The following tests are cross-cutting tests that are not specific to the
// Animatable.animate() interface. Instead, they draw on assertions from
// various parts of the spec. These assertions are tested in other tests
// but are repeated here to confirm that user agents are not doing anything
// different in the particular case of document without a browsing context.

promise_test(t => {
  return getXHRDoc(t).then(xhrdoc => {
    const div = xhrdoc.getElementById('test');
    const anim = div.animate(null);
    // Since a document from XHR will not be active by itself, its document
    // timeline will also be inactive.
    assert_equals(anim.timeline.currentTime, null,
                  'Document timeline time should be null');
}, 'The timeline associated with an animation trigger on an element in'
   + ' a document without a browsing context is inactive');

promise_test(t => {
  let anim;
  return getXHRDoc(t).then(xhrdoc => {
    const div = xhrdoc.getElementById('test');
    anim = div.animate(null);
    anim.timeline = document.timeline;
    assert_true(anim.pending, 'The animation should be initially pending');
    return waitForAnimationFrames(2);
  }).then(() => {
    // Because the element is in a document without a browsing context, it will
    // not be rendered and hence the user agent will never deem it ready to
    // animate.
                'The animation should still be pending after replacing'
                + ' the document timeline');
}, 'Replacing the timeline of an animation targetting an element in a'
   + ' document without a browsing context leaves it in the pending state');

promise_test(t => {
  let anim;
  return getXHRDoc(t).then(xhrdoc => {
    const div = xhrdoc.getElementById('test');
    anim = div.animate({ opacity: [ 0, 1 ] }, 1000);
    anim.timeline = document.timeline;
    assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).opacity, '0',
                  'Style should be updated');
}, 'Replacing the timeline of an animation targetting an element in a'
   + ' document without a browsing context and then adopting that element'
   + ' causes it to start updating style');
