<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<link rel="help" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/web-animations/#dom-animatable-animate">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="../../testcommon.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/easing-tests.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/keyframe-utils.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/keyframe-tests.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/timing-utils.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/timing-tests.js"></script>
.pseudo::before {content: '';}
.pseudo::after {content: '';}
.pseudo::marker {content: '';}
<div id="log"></div>
<iframe width="10" height="10" id="iframe"></iframe>
'use strict';
// Tests on Element
test(t => {
const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null);
assert_class_string(anim, 'Animation', 'Returned object is an Animation');
}, 'Element.animate() creates an Animation object');
test(t => {
const iframe = window.frames[0];
const div = createDiv(t, iframe.document);
const anim = Element.prototype.animate.call(div, null);
assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(anim), iframe.Animation.prototype,
'The prototype of the created Animation is that defined on'
+ ' the relevant global for the target element');
assert_not_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(anim), Animation.prototype,
'The prototype of the created Animation is NOT that of'
+ ' the current global');
}, 'Element.animate() creates an Animation object in the relevant realm of'
+ ' the target element');
test(t => {
const div = createDiv(t);
const anim = Element.prototype.animate.call(div, null);
assert_class_string(anim.effect, 'KeyframeEffect',
'Returned Animation has a KeyframeEffect');
}, 'Element.animate() creates an Animation object with a KeyframeEffect');
test(t => {
const iframe = window.frames[0];
const div = createDiv(t, iframe.document);
const anim = Element.prototype.animate.call(div, null);
'The prototype of the created KeyframeEffect is that defined on'
+ ' the relevant global for the target element');
'The prototype of the created KeyframeEffect is NOT that of'
+ ' the current global');
}, 'Element.animate() creates an Animation object with a KeyframeEffect'
+ ' that is created in the relevant realm of the target element');
for (const subtest of gEmptyKeyframeListTests) {
test(t => {
const anim = createDiv(t).animate(subtest, 2000);
assert_not_equals(anim, null);
}, 'Element.animate() accepts empty keyframe lists ' +
`(input: ${JSON.stringify(subtest)})`);
for (const subtest of gKeyframesTests) {
test(t => {
const anim = createDiv(t).animate(subtest.input, 2000);
assert_frame_lists_equal(anim.effect.getKeyframes(), subtest.output);
}, `Element.animate() accepts ${subtest.desc}`);
for (const subtest of gInvalidKeyframesTests) {
test(t => {
const div = createDiv(t);
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => {
div.animate(subtest.input, 2000);
}, `Element.animate() does not accept ${subtest.desc}`);
test(t => {
const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 2000);
assert_equals(anim.effect.getTiming().duration, 2000);
assert_default_timing_except(anim.effect, ['duration']);
}, 'Element.animate() accepts a double as an options argument');
test(t => {
const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null,
{ duration: Infinity, fill: 'forwards' });
assert_equals(anim.effect.getTiming().duration, Infinity);
assert_equals(anim.effect.getTiming().fill, 'forwards');
assert_default_timing_except(anim.effect, ['duration', 'fill']);
}, 'Element.animate() accepts a KeyframeAnimationOptions argument');
test(t => {
const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null);
assert_default_timing_except(anim.effect, []);
}, 'Element.animate() accepts an absent options argument');
for (const invalid of gBadDelayValues) {
test(t => {
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => {
createDiv(t).animate(null, { delay: invalid });
}, `Element.animate() does not accept invalid delay value: ${invalid}`);
test(t => {
const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, { duration: 'auto' });
assert_equals(anim.effect.getTiming().duration, 'auto', 'set duration \'auto\'');
assert_equals(anim.effect.getComputedTiming().duration, 0,
'getComputedTiming() after set duration \'auto\'');
}, 'Element.animate() accepts a duration of \'auto\' using a dictionary'
+ ' object');
for (const invalid of gBadDurationValues) {
if (typeof invalid === 'string' && !isNaN(parseFloat(invalid))) {
test(t => {
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => {
createDiv(t).animate(null, invalid);
}, 'Element.animate() does not accept invalid duration value: '
+ (typeof invalid === 'string' ? `"${invalid}"` : invalid));
for (const invalid of gBadDurationValues) {
test(t => {
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => {
createDiv(t).animate(null, { duration: invalid });
}, 'Element.animate() does not accept invalid duration value: '
+ (typeof invalid === 'string' ? `"${invalid}"` : invalid)
+ ' using a dictionary object');
for (const invalidEasing of gInvalidEasings) {
test(t => {
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => {
createDiv(t).animate({ easing: invalidEasing }, 2000);
}, `Element.animate() does not accept invalid easing: '${invalidEasing}'`);
for (const invalid of gBadIterationStartValues) {
test(t => {
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => {
createDiv(t).animate(null, { iterationStart: invalid });
}, 'Element.animate() does not accept invalid iterationStart value: ' +
for (const invalid of gBadIterationsValues) {
test(t => {
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => {
createDiv(t).animate(null, { iterations: invalid });
}, 'Element.animate() does not accept invalid iterations value: ' +
test(t => {
const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 2000);
assert_equals(anim.id, '');
}, 'Element.animate() correctly sets the id attribute when no id is specified');
test(t => {
const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, { id: 'test' });
assert_equals(anim.id, 'test');
}, 'Element.animate() correctly sets the id attribute');
test(t => {
const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 2000);
assert_equals(anim.timeline, document.timeline);
}, 'Element.animate() correctly sets the Animation\'s timeline');
async_test(t => {
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.width = 10;
iframe.height = 10;
iframe.addEventListener('load', t.step_func(() => {
const div = createDiv(t, iframe.contentDocument);
const anim = div.animate(null, 2000);
assert_equals(anim.timeline, iframe.contentDocument.timeline);
}, 'Element.animate() correctly sets the Animation\'s timeline when ' +
'triggered on an element in a different document');
for (const subtest of gAnimationTimelineTests) {
test(t => {
const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, { timeline: subtest.timeline });
assert_not_equals(anim, null,
'An animation sohuld be created');
assert_equals(anim.timeline, subtest.expectedTimeline,
'Animation timeline should be '+
}, 'Element.animate() correctly sets the Animation\'s timeline '
+ subtest.description + ' in KeyframeAnimationOptions.');
test(t => {
const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 2000);
assert_equals(anim.playState, 'running');
}, 'Element.animate() calls play on the Animation');
promise_test(async t => {
const div = createDiv(t);
let gotTransition = false;
div.addEventListener('transitionrun', () => {
gotTransition = true;
// Setup transition start point.
div.style.transition = 'opacity 100s';
// Update specified style but don't flush style.
div.style.opacity = '0.5';
// Trigger a new animation at the same time.
const anim = div.animate({ opacity: [0, 1] }, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);
// If Element.animate() produces a style change event it will have triggered
// a transition.
// If it does NOT produce a style change event, the animation will override
// the before-change style and after-change style such that a transition is
// never triggered.
// Wait for the animation to start and then for one more animation
// frame to give the transitionrun event a chance to be dispatched.
await anim.ready;
await waitForAnimationFrames(1);
assert_false(gotTransition, 'A transition should NOT have been triggered');
}, 'Element.animate() does NOT trigger a style change event');
// Tests on pseudo-elements
// Some tests occur twice (on pseudo-elements with and without content)
// in order to test both code paths for tree-abiding pseudo-elements in blink.
test(t => {
const div = createDiv(t);
const anim = div.animate(null, {pseudoElement: '::before'});
assert_class_string(anim, 'Animation', 'The returned object is an Animation');
}, 'animate() with pseudoElement parameter creates an Animation object');
test(t => {
const div = createDiv(t);
const anim = div.animate(null, {pseudoElement: '::before'});
assert_class_string(anim, 'Animation', 'The returned object is an Animation');
}, 'animate() with pseudoElement parameter without content creates an Animation object');
test(t => {
const div = createDiv(t);
div.style.display = 'list-item';
const anim = div.animate(null, {pseudoElement: '::marker'});
assert_class_string(anim, 'Animation', 'The returned object is an Animation for ::marker');
}, 'animate() with pseudoElement parameter creates an Animation object for ::marker');
test(t => {
const div = createDiv(t);
div.textContent = 'foo';
const anim = div.animate(null, {pseudoElement: '::first-line'});
assert_class_string(anim, 'Animation', 'The returned object is an Animation for ::first-line');
}, 'animate() with pseudoElement parameter creates an Animation object for ::first-line');
test(t => {
const div = createDiv(t);
const anim = div.animate(null, {pseudoElement: '::before'});
assert_equals(anim.effect.target, div, 'The returned element has the correct target element');
assert_equals(anim.effect.pseudoElement, '::before',
'The returned Animation targets the correct selector');
}, 'animate() with pseudoElement an Animation object targeting ' +
'the correct pseudo-element');
test(t => {
const div = createDiv(t);
const anim = div.animate(null, {pseudoElement: '::before'});
assert_equals(anim.effect.target, div, 'The returned element has the correct target element');
assert_equals(anim.effect.pseudoElement, '::before',
'The returned Animation targets the correct selector');
}, 'animate() with pseudoElement without content creates an Animation object targeting ' +
'the correct pseudo-element');
test(t => {
const div = createDiv(t);
div.style.display = 'list-item';
const anim = div.animate(null, {pseudoElement: '::marker'});
assert_equals(anim.effect.target, div, 'The returned element has the correct target element');
assert_equals(anim.effect.pseudoElement, '::marker',
'The returned Animation targets the correct selector');
}, 'animate() with pseudoElement an Animation object targeting ' +
'the correct pseudo-element for ::marker');
test(t => {
const div = createDiv(t);
div.textContent = 'foo';
const anim = div.animate(null, {pseudoElement: '::first-line'});
assert_equals(anim.effect.target, div, 'The returned element has the correct target element');
assert_equals(anim.effect.pseudoElement, '::first-line',
'The returned Animation targets the correct selector');
}, 'animate() with pseudoElement an Animation object targeting ' +
'the correct pseudo-element for ::first-line');
for (const pseudo of [
]) {
test(t => {
const div = createDiv(t);
assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", () => {
div.animate(null, {pseudoElement: pseudo});
}, `animate() with a non-null invalid pseudoElement '${pseudo}' throws a ` +
test(t => {
const div = createDiv(t);
div.animate(null, { pseudoElement: '::placeHOLDER' });
}, `animate() with pseudoElement ::placeholder does not throw`);
promise_test(async t => {
const div = createDiv(t);
let animBefore = div.animate({opacity: [1, 0]}, {duration: 1, pseudoElement: '::before', fill: 'both'});
let animAfter = div.animate({opacity: [1, 0]}, {duration: 1, pseudoElement: '::after', fill: 'both'});
await animBefore.finished;
await animAfter.finished;
// The animation on ::before should not be replaced as it targets a different
// pseudo-element.
assert_equals(animBefore.replaceState, 'active');
assert_equals(animAfter.replaceState, 'active');
}, 'Finished fill animation doesn\'t replace animation on a different pseudoElement');