<!doctype html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<link rel="help" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/web-animations/#dom-animation-persist">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="../../testcommon.js"></script>
<div id="log"></div>
'use strict';
async_test(t => {
const div = createDiv(t);
const animA = div.animate({ opacity: 1 }, { duration: 1, fill: 'forwards' });
const animB = div.animate({ opacity: 1 }, { duration: 1, fill: 'forwards' });
animA.onremove = t.step_func_done(() => {
assert_equals(animA.replaceState, 'removed');
assert_equals(animA.replaceState, 'persisted');
}, 'Allows an animation to be persisted after being removed');
promise_test(async t => {
const div = createDiv(t);
const animA = div.animate({ opacity: 1 }, { duration: 1, fill: 'forwards' });
const animB = div.animate({ opacity: 1 }, { duration: 1, fill: 'forwards' });
await animA.finished;
assert_equals(animA.replaceState, 'persisted');
}, 'Allows an animation to be persisted before being removed');