<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
a { visibility: hidden; }
<div id='container'>
<div id='child'></div>
<div id='element'></div>
<rect id='svgElement'></rect>
<a href='example.com/unvisited' id='unvisited'><div id='unvisitedchild'>Unvisited</div></a>
<a href='' id='visited'><div id='visitedchild'>Visited</div></a>
'use strict';
var container = document.getElementById('container');
var child = document.getElementById('child');
var element = document.getElementById('element');
var unvisited = document.getElementById('unvisited');
var visited = document.getElementById('visited');
var unvisitedChild = document.getElementById('unvisitedchild');
var visitedChild = document.getElementById('visitedchild');
test(function() {
var keyframes = [
{backgroundColor: 'currentColor'},
{backgroundColor: 'rgb(0, 68, 0)'}
element.style.color = 'rgb(204, 0, 0)';
var player = element.animate(keyframes, 10);
player.currentTime = 5;
element.style.color = 'rgb(0, 0, 204)';
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(element).backgroundColor, 'rgb(0, 34, 102)');
}, 'Background color responsive to currentColor changes');
test(function() {
var keyframes = [
{fill: 'currentColor'},
{fill: 'rgb(0, 68, 0)'}
svgElement.style.color = 'rgb(204, 0, 0)';
var player = svgElement.animate(keyframes, 10);
player.currentTime = 5;
svgElement.style.color = 'rgb(0, 0, 204)';
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(svgElement).fill, 'rgb(0, 34, 102)');
}, 'Fill color responsive to currentColor changes');
test(function() {
var keyframes = [
{backgroundColor: 'rgba(250, 240, 220, 0.431372549)'},
{backgroundColor: 'currentColor'}
element.style.color = 'rgb(204, 0, 0)';
var player = element.animate(keyframes, 10);
player.currentTime = 3;
element.style.color = 'rgba(160, 190, 180, 0.980392157)';
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(element).backgroundColor, 'rgba(206, 215, 200, 0.596)');
}, 'Color interpolation uses pre-multiplied colors');
test(function() {
var keyframes = [
borderBottomColor: 'currentColor',
borderLeftColor: 'currentColor',
borderRightColor: 'currentColor',
borderTopColor: 'currentColor',
offset: 0
borderBottomColor: 'rgb(0, 68, 0)',
borderLeftColor: 'rgb(0, 70, 0)',
borderRightColor: 'rgb(0, 72, 0)',
borderTopColor: 'rgb(0, 74, 0)',
offset: 1
element.style.color = 'rgb(204, 0, 0)';
var player = element.animate(keyframes, 10);
player.currentTime = 5;
element.style.color = 'rgb(0, 0, 204)';
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(element).borderBottomColor, 'rgb(0, 34, 102)');
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(element).borderLeftColor, 'rgb(0, 35, 102)');
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(element).borderRightColor, 'rgb(0, 36, 102)');
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(element).borderTopColor, 'rgb(0, 37, 102)');
}, 'Border color responsive to currentColor changes');
test(function() {
var keyframes = [
borderBottomColor: 'currentColor',
borderLeftColor: 'currentColor',
borderRightColor: 'currentColor',
borderTopColor: 'currentColor',
offset: 0
borderBottomColor: 'rgb(0, 68, 0)',
borderLeftColor: 'rgb(0, 70, 0)',
borderRightColor: 'rgb(0, 72, 0)',
borderTopColor: 'rgb(0, 74, 0)',
offset: 1
element.style.color = 'rgb(204, 0, 0)';
var player = element.animate(keyframes, 10);
player.currentTime = 5;
element.style.color = 'rgb(0, 0, 200)';
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(element).borderBottomColor, 'rgb(0, 34, 100)');
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(element).borderLeftColor, 'rgb(0, 35, 100)');
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(element).borderRightColor, 'rgb(0, 36, 100)');
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(element).borderTopColor, 'rgb(0, 37, 100)');
}, 'Border color responsive to currentColor changes again');
test(function() {
var keyframes = [
{outlineColor: 'currentColor'},
{outlineColor: 'rgb(0, 68, 0)'}
element.style.color = 'rgb(204, 0, 0)';
var player = element.animate(keyframes, 10);
player.currentTime = 5;
element.style.color = 'rgb(0, 0, 204)';
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(element).outlineColor, 'rgb(0, 34, 102)');
}, 'Outline color responsive to currentColor changes');
test(function() {
var keyframes = [
{stroke: 'rgb(0, 68, 0)'},
{stroke: 'currentColor'}
svgElement.style.color = 'rgb(204, 0, 0)';
var player = svgElement.animate(keyframes, 10);
player.currentTime = 5;
svgElement.style.color = 'rgb(0, 0, 204)';
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(svgElement).stroke, 'rgb(0, 34, 102)');
}, 'Stroke color responsive to currentColor changes');
test(function() {
var keyframes = [
{textDecorationColor: 'rgb(0, 68, 0)'},
{textDecorationColor: 'currentColor'}
element.style.color = 'rgb(204, 0, 0)';
var player = element.animate(keyframes, 10);
player.currentTime = 5;
element.style.color = 'rgb(0, 0, 204)';
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(element).textDecorationColor, 'rgb(0, 34, 102)');
}, 'Text decoration color responsive to currentColor changes');
test(function() {
var keyframes = [
{color: 'currentColor'},
{color: 'rgb(0, 68, 0)'}
child.style.color = 'rgb(10, 10, 10)'; // Should be ignored
container.style.color = 'rgb(204, 0, 0)';
var player = child.animate(keyframes, 10);
player.currentTime = 5;
container.style.color = 'rgb(0, 0, 204)';
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(child).color, 'rgb(0, 34, 102)');
player.currentTime = 7.5;
container.style.color = 'rgb(136, 0, 136)';
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(child).color, 'rgb(34, 51, 34)');
}, 'Color responsive to parent currentColor changes');
test(function() {
var keyframes = [
{color: 'rgb(0, 68, 0)'},
{color: 'currentColor'}
child.style.color = 'rgb(10, 10, 10)'; // Should be ignored
container.style.color = 'rgb(204, 0, 0)';
var player = child.animate(keyframes, 10);
player.currentTime = 5;
container.style.color = 'rgb(0, 0, 204)';
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(child).color, 'rgb(0, 34, 102)');
player.currentTime = 7.5;
container.style.color = 'rgb(136, 0, 68)';
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(child).color, 'rgb(102, 17, 51)');
}, 'Color responsive to repeated parent currentColor changes');
test(function() {
var keyframes = [
{backgroundColor: 'currentColor'},
{backgroundColor: 'rgb(100, 150, 200)'}
var player1 = unvisited.animate(keyframes, 10);
var player2 = visited.animate(keyframes, 10);
player1.currentTime = 5;
player2.currentTime = 5;
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(unvisited).backgroundColor, getComputedStyle(visited).backgroundColor);
}, 'Color animations do not expose visited status');
test(function() {
var keyframes = [
{color: 'rgb(100, 150, 200)'},
{color: 'currentColor'}
var player1 = unvisitedChild.animate(keyframes, 10);
var player2 = visitedChild.animate(keyframes, 10);
player1.currentTime = 5;
player2.currentTime = 5;
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(unvisitedChild).color, getComputedStyle(visitedChild).color);
}, 'Color animations do not expose parent visited status');
test(function() {
var keyframes = [
{columnRuleColor: 'inherit'},
{columnRuleColor: 'rgb(70, 70, 170)'}
container.style.columnRuleColor = 'rgb(170, 70, 70)';
var player = child.animate(keyframes, 10);
player.currentTime = 5;
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(child).columnRuleColor, 'rgb(120, 70, 120)');
container.style.columnRuleColor = 'rgb(70, 170, 70)';
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(child).columnRuleColor, 'rgb(70, 120, 120)');
}, 'Color animations respond to inherited changes');