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<title>Phases and states</title>
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'use strict';

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Phases
// --------------------------------------------------------------------

test(t => {
  const animation = createDiv(t).animate(null, 1);

  for (const test of [{ currentTime: -1, phase: 'before' },
                      { currentTime:  0, phase: 'active' },
                      { currentTime:  1, phase: 'after'  }]) {
    assert_phase_at_time(animation, test.phase, test.currentTime);
}, 'Phase calculation for a simple animation effect');

test(t => {
  const animation = createDiv(t).animate(null, { duration: 1, delay: 1 });

  for (const test of [{ currentTime: 0, phase: 'before' },
                      { currentTime: 1, phase: 'active' },
                      { currentTime: 2, phase: 'after'  }]) {
    assert_phase_at_time(animation, test.phase, test.currentTime);
}, 'Phase calculation for an animation effect with a positive start delay');

test(t => {
  const animation = createDiv(t).animate(null, { duration: 1, delay: -1 });

  for (const test of [{ currentTime: -2, phase: 'before' },
                      { currentTime: -1, phase: 'before' },
                      { currentTime:  0, phase: 'after'  }]) {
    assert_phase_at_time(animation, test.phase, test.currentTime);
}, 'Phase calculation for an animation effect with a negative start delay');

test(t => {
  const animation = createDiv(t).animate(null, { duration: 1, endDelay: 1 });

  for (const test of [{ currentTime: -1, phase: 'before' },
                      { currentTime:  0, phase: 'active' },
                      { currentTime:  1, phase: 'after'  },
                      { currentTime:  2, phase: 'after'  }]) {
    assert_phase_at_time(animation, test.phase, test.currentTime);
}, 'Phase calculation for an animation effect with a positive end delay');

test(t => {
  const animation = createDiv(t).animate(null, { duration: 2, endDelay: -1 });

  for (const test of [{ currentTime: -1,   phase: 'before' },
                      { currentTime:  0,   phase: 'active' },
                      { currentTime:  0.9, phase: 'active' },
                      { currentTime:  1,   phase: 'after'  }]) {
    assert_phase_at_time(animation, test.phase, test.currentTime);
}, 'Phase calculation for an animation effect with a negative end delay lesser'
   + ' in magnitude than the active duration');

test(t => {
  const animation = createDiv(t).animate(null, { duration: 1, endDelay: -1 });

  for (const test of [{ currentTime: -1, phase: 'before' },
                      { currentTime:  0, phase: 'after'  },
                      { currentTime:  1, phase: 'after'  }]) {
    assert_phase_at_time(animation, test.phase, test.currentTime);
}, 'Phase calculation for an animation effect with a negative end delay equal'
   + ' in magnitude to the active duration');

test(t => {
  const animation = createDiv(t).animate(null, { duration: 1, endDelay: -2 });

  for (const test of [{ currentTime: -2, phase: 'before' },
                      { currentTime: -1, phase: 'before' },
                      { currentTime:  0, phase: 'after'  }]) {
    assert_phase_at_time(animation, test.phase, test.currentTime);
}, 'Phase calculation for an animation effect with a negative end delay'
   + ' greater in magnitude than the active duration');

test(t => {
  const animation = createDiv(t).animate(null, { duration: 2,
                                                 delay: 1,
                                                 endDelay: -1 });

  for (const test of [{ currentTime: 0, phase: 'before' },
                      { currentTime: 1, phase: 'active' },
                      { currentTime: 2, phase: 'after'  }]) {
    assert_phase_at_time(animation, test.phase, test.currentTime);
}, 'Phase calculation for an animation effect with a positive start delay'
   + ' and a negative end delay lesser in magnitude than the active duration');

test(t => {
  const animation = createDiv(t).animate(null, { duration: 1,
                                                 delay: -1,
                                                 endDelay: -1 });

  for (const test of [{ currentTime: -2, phase: 'before' },
                      { currentTime: -1, phase: 'before' },
                      { currentTime:  0, phase: 'after'  }]) {
    assert_phase_at_time(animation, test.phase, test.currentTime);
}, 'Phase calculation for an animation effect with a negative start delay'
   + ' and a negative end delay equal in magnitude to the active duration');

test(t => {
  const animation = createDiv(t).animate(null, { duration: 1,
                                                 delay: -1,
                                                 endDelay: -2 });

  for (const test of [{ currentTime: -3, phase: 'before' },
                      { currentTime: -2, phase: 'before' },
                      { currentTime: -1, phase: 'before' },
                      { currentTime:  0, phase: 'after'  }]) {
    assert_phase_at_time(animation, test.phase, test.currentTime);
}, 'Phase calculation for an animation effect with a negative start delay'
   + ' and a negative end delay equal greater in magnitude than the active'
   + ' duration');

test(t => {
  const animation = createDiv(t).animate(null, 1);
  animation.playbackRate = -1;

  for (const test of [{ currentTime: -1, phase: 'before' },
                      { currentTime:  0, phase: 'before' },
                      { currentTime:  1, phase: 'active' },
                      { currentTime:  2, phase: 'after'  }]) {
    assert_phase_at_time(animation, test.phase, test.currentTime);
}, 'Phase calculation for a simple animation effect with negative playback'
   + ' rate');
