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<title>Updating the finished state</title>
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// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------

// CASE 1: playback rate > 0 and current time >= target effect end
// (Also the start time is resolved and there is pending task)

// Did seek = false
promise_test(async t => {
  const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);

  // Here and in the following tests we wait until ready resolves as
  // otherwise we don't have a resolved start time. We test the case
  // where the start time is unresolved in a subsequent test.
  await anim.ready;

  // Seek to 1ms before the target end and then wait 1ms
  anim.currentTime = 100 * MS_PER_SEC - 1;
  await waitForAnimationFramesWithDelay(1);

  assert_equals(anim.currentTime, 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
                'Hold time is set to target end clamping current time');
}, 'Updating the finished state when playing past end');

// Did seek = true
promise_test(async t => {
  const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);

  await anim.ready;

  anim.currentTime = 200 * MS_PER_SEC;
  await waitForNextFrame();

  assert_equals(anim.currentTime, 200 * MS_PER_SEC,
                'Hold time is set so current time should NOT change');
}, 'Updating the finished state when seeking past end');

// Test current time == target end
// We can't really write a test for current time == target end with
// did seek = false since that would imply setting up an animation where
// the next animation frame time happens to exactly align with the target end.
// Fortunately, we don't need to test that case since even if the implementation
// fails to set the hold time on such a tick, it should be mostly unobservable
// (on the subsequent tick the hold time will be set to the same value anyway).

// Did seek = true
promise_test(async t => {
  const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);
  await anim.ready;

  anim.currentTime = 100 * MS_PER_SEC;
  await waitForNextFrame();

  assert_equals(anim.currentTime, 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
                'Hold time is set so current time should NOT change');
}, 'Updating the finished state when seeking exactly to end');

// CASE 2: playback rate < 0 and current time <= 0
// (Also the start time is resolved and there is pending task)

// Did seek = false
promise_test(async t => {
  const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);
  anim.playbackRate = -1;; // Make sure animation is not initially finished

  await anim.ready;

  // Seek to 1ms before 0 and then wait 1ms
  anim.currentTime = 1;
  await waitForAnimationFramesWithDelay(1);

  assert_equals(anim.currentTime, 0 * MS_PER_SEC,
                'Hold time is set to zero clamping current time');
}, 'Updating the finished state when playing in reverse past zero');

// Did seek = true
promise_test(async t => {
  const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);
  anim.playbackRate = -1;;

  await anim.ready;

  anim.currentTime = -100 * MS_PER_SEC;
  await waitForNextFrame();

  assert_equals(anim.currentTime, -100 * MS_PER_SEC,
                'Hold time is set so current time should NOT change');
}, 'Updating the finished state when seeking a reversed animation past zero');

// As before, it's difficult to test current time == 0 for did seek = false but
// it doesn't really matter.

// Did seek = true
promise_test(async t => {
  const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);
  anim.playbackRate = -1;;
  await anim.ready;

  anim.currentTime = 0;
  await waitForNextFrame();

  assert_equals(anim.currentTime, 0 * MS_PER_SEC,
                'Hold time is set so current time should NOT change');
}, 'Updating the finished state when seeking a reversed animation exactly'
   + ' to zero');

// CASE 3: playback rate > 0 and current time < target end OR
//         playback rate < 0 and current time > 0
// (Also the start time is resolved and there is pending task)

// Did seek = false; playback rate > 0
promise_test(async t => {
  const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);

  // We want to test that the hold time is cleared so first we need to
  // put the animation in a state where the hold time is set.
  await anim.ready;

  assert_equals(anim.currentTime, 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
                'Hold time is initially set');
  // Then extend the duration so that the hold time is cleared and on
  // the next tick the current time will increase.
    duration: anim.effect.getComputedTiming().duration * 2,
  await waitForNextFrame();

  assert_greater_than(anim.currentTime, 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
                      'Hold time is not set so current time should increase');
}, 'Updating the finished state when playing before end');

// Did seek = true; playback rate > 0
promise_test(async t => {
  const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);
  await anim.ready;

  anim.currentTime = 50 * MS_PER_SEC;
  // When did seek = true, updating the finished state: (i) updates
  // the animation's start time and (ii) clears the hold time.
  // We can test both by checking that the currentTime is initially
  // updated and then increases.
  assert_equals(anim.currentTime, 50 * MS_PER_SEC, 'Start time is updated');
  await waitForNextFrame();

  assert_greater_than(anim.currentTime, 50 * MS_PER_SEC,
                      'Hold time is not set so current time should increase');
}, 'Updating the finished state when seeking before end');

// Did seek = false; playback rate < 0
// Unfortunately it is not possible to test this case. We need to have
// a hold time set, a resolved start time, and then perform some
// operation that updates the finished state with did seek set to true.
// However, the only situation where this could arrive is when we
// replace the timeline and that procedure is likely to change. For all
// other cases we either have an unresolved start time (e.g. when
// paused), we don't have a set hold time (e.g. regular playback), or
// the current time is zero (and anything that gets us out of that state
// will set did seek = true).

// Did seek = true; playback rate < 0
promise_test(async t => {
  const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);
  anim.playbackRate = -1;
  await anim.ready;

  anim.currentTime = 50 * MS_PER_SEC;
  assert_equals(anim.currentTime, 50 * MS_PER_SEC, 'Start time is updated');
  await waitForNextFrame();

  assert_less_than(anim.currentTime, 50 * MS_PER_SEC,
                    'Hold time is not set so current time should decrease');
}, 'Updating the finished state when seeking a reversed animation before end');

// CASE 4: playback rate == 0

// current time < 0
promise_test(async t => {
  const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);
  anim.playbackRate = 0;
  await anim.ready;

  anim.currentTime = -100 * MS_PER_SEC;
  await waitForNextFrame();

  assert_equals(anim.currentTime, -100 * MS_PER_SEC,
                'Hold time should not be cleared so current time should'
                + ' NOT change');
}, 'Updating the finished state when playback rate is zero and the'
   + ' current time is less than zero');

// current time < target end
promise_test(async t => {
  const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);
  anim.playbackRate = 0;
  await anim.ready;

  anim.currentTime = 50 * MS_PER_SEC;
  await waitForNextFrame();

  assert_equals(anim.currentTime, 50 * MS_PER_SEC,
                'Hold time should not be cleared so current time should'
                + ' NOT change');
}, 'Updating the finished state when playback rate is zero and the'
   + ' current time is less than end');

// current time > target end
promise_test(async t => {
  const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);
  anim.playbackRate = 0;
  await anim.ready;

  anim.currentTime = 200 * MS_PER_SEC;
  await waitForNextFrame();

  assert_equals(anim.currentTime, 200 * MS_PER_SEC,
                'Hold time should not be cleared so current time should'
                + ' NOT change');
}, 'Updating the finished state when playback rate is zero and the'
   + ' current time is greater than end');

// CASE 5: current time unresolved

promise_test(async t => {
  const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);
  // Trigger a change that will cause the "update the finished state"
  // procedure to run.
  anim.effect.updateTiming({ duration: 200 * MS_PER_SEC });
  assert_equals(anim.currentTime, null,
                'The animation hold time / start time should not be updated');
  // The "update the finished state" procedure is supposed to run after any
  // change to timing, but just in case an implementation defers that, let's
  // wait a frame and check that the hold time / start time has still not been
  // updated.
  await waitForAnimationFrames(1);

  assert_equals(anim.currentTime, null,
                'The animation hold time / start time should not be updated');
}, 'Updating the finished state when current time is unresolved');

// CASE 6: has a pending task

test(t => {
  const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);
  anim.currentTime = 75 * MS_PER_SEC;;
  // We now have a pending task and a resolved current time.
  // In the next step we will adjust the timing so that the current time
  // is greater than the target end. At this point the "update the finished
  // state" procedure should run and if we fail to check for a pending task
  // we will set the hold time to the target end, i.e. 50ms.
  anim.effect.updateTiming({ duration: 50 * MS_PER_SEC });
  assert_equals(anim.currentTime, 75 * MS_PER_SEC,
                'Hold time should not be updated');
}, 'Updating the finished state when there is a pending task');

// CASE 7: start time unresolved

// Did seek = false
promise_test(async t => {
  const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);
  // Make it so that only the start time is unresolved (to avoid overlapping
  // with the test case where current time is unresolved)
  anim.currentTime = 150 * MS_PER_SEC;
  // Trigger a change that will cause the "update the finished state"
  // procedure to run (did seek = false).
  anim.effect.updateTiming({ duration: 200 * MS_PER_SEC });
  await waitForAnimationFrames(1);

  assert_equals(anim.currentTime, 150 * MS_PER_SEC,
                'The animation hold time should not be updated');
  assert_equals(anim.startTime, null,
                'The animation start time should not be updated');
}, 'Updating the finished state when start time is unresolved and'
   + ' did seek = false');

// Did seek = true
test(t => {
  const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);
  anim.currentTime = 150 * MS_PER_SEC;
  // Trigger a change that will cause the "update the finished state"
  // procedure to run.
  anim.currentTime = 50 * MS_PER_SEC;
  assert_equals(anim.currentTime, 50 * MS_PER_SEC,
                'The animation hold time should not be updated');
  assert_equals(anim.startTime, null,
                'The animation start time should not be updated');
}, 'Updating the finished state when start time is unresolved and'
   + ' did seek = true');

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function waitForFinishEventAndPromise(animation) {
  const eventPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
    animation.onfinish = resolve;
  return Promise.all([eventPromise, animation.finished]);

promise_test(t => {
  const animation = createDiv(t).animate(null, 1);
  animation.onfinish =
    t.unreached_func('Seeking to finish should not fire finish event');
    t.unreached_func('Seeking to finish should not resolve finished promise'));
  animation.currentTime = 1;
  animation.currentTime = 0;
  return waitForAnimationFrames(3);
}, 'Finish notification steps don\'t run when the animation seeks to finish'
   + ' and then seeks back again');

promise_test(async t => {
  const animation = createDiv(t).animate(null, 1);
  await animation.ready;

  return waitForFinishEventAndPromise(animation);
}, 'Finish notification steps run when the animation completes normally');

promise_test(async t => {
  const effect = new KeyframeEffect(null, null, 1);
  const animation = new Animation(effect, document.timeline);;
  await animation.ready;

  return waitForFinishEventAndPromise(animation);
}, 'Finish notification steps run when an animation without a target'
   + ' effect completes normally');

promise_test(async t => {
  const animation = createDiv(t).animate(null, 1);
  await animation.ready;

  animation.currentTime = 10;
  return waitForFinishEventAndPromise(animation);
}, 'Finish notification steps run when the animation seeks past finish');

promise_test(async t => {
  const animation = createDiv(t).animate(null, 1);
  await animation.ready;

  // Register for notifications now since once we seek away from being
  // finished the 'finished' promise will be replaced.
  const finishNotificationSteps = waitForFinishEventAndPromise(animation);
  animation.currentTime = 0;
  return finishNotificationSteps;
}, 'Finish notification steps run when the animation completes with .finish(),'
   + ' even if we then seek away');

promise_test(async t => {
  const animation = createDiv(t).animate(null, 1);
  const initialFinishedPromise = animation.finished;
  await animation.finished;

  animation.currentTime = 0;
  assert_not_equals(initialFinishedPromise, animation.finished);
}, 'Animation finished promise is replaced after seeking back to start');

promise_test(async t => {
  const animation = createDiv(t).animate(null, 1);
  const initialFinishedPromise = animation.finished;
  await animation.finished;;
  assert_not_equals(initialFinishedPromise, animation.finished);
}, 'Animation finished promise is replaced after replaying from start');

async_test(t => {
  const animation = createDiv(t).animate(null, 1);
  animation.onfinish = event => {
    animation.currentTime = 0;
    animation.onfinish = event => {
}, 'Animation finish event is fired again after seeking back to start');

async_test(t => {
  const animation = createDiv(t).animate(null, 1);
  animation.onfinish = event => {;
    animation.onfinish = event => {
}, 'Animation finish event is fired again after replaying from start');

async_test(t => {
  const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null,
                                    { duration: 100000, endDelay: 50000 });
  anim.onfinish = t.step_func(event => {
    assert_unreached('finish event should not be fired');

  anim.ready.then(() => {
    anim.currentTime = 100000;
    return waitForAnimationFrames(2);
  }).then(t.step_func(() => {
}, 'finish event is not fired at the end of the active interval when the'
   + ' endDelay has not expired');

async_test(t => {
  const anim = createDiv(t).animate(null,
                                    { duration: 100000, endDelay: 30000 });
  anim.ready.then(() => {
    anim.currentTime = 110000; // during endDelay
    anim.onfinish = t.step_func(event => {
      assert_unreached('onfinish event should not be fired during endDelay');
    return waitForAnimationFrames(2);
  }).then(t.step_func(() => {
    anim.onfinish = t.step_func(event => {
    anim.currentTime = 130000; // after endTime
}, 'finish event is fired after the endDelay has expired');
