
<!doctype html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>Update animations and send events</title>
<meta name="timeout" content="long">
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'use strict';

promise_test(async t => {
  const div = createDiv(t);
  const animation = div.animate(null, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);

  // The ready promise should be resolved as part of micro-task checkpoint
  // after updating the current time of all timeslines in the procedure to
  // "update animations and send events".
  await animation.ready;

  let rAFReceived = false;
  requestAnimationFrame(() => rAFReceived = true);

  const eventWatcher = new EventWatcher(t, animation, 'cancel');

  await eventWatcher.wait_for('cancel');

    'cancel event should be fired before requestAnimationFrame');
}, 'Fires cancel event before requestAnimationFrame');

promise_test(async t => {
  const div = createDiv(t);
  const animation = div.animate(null, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);

  // Like the above test, the ready promise should be resolved micro-task
  // checkpoint after updating the current time of all timeslines in the
  // procedure to "update animations and send events".
  await animation.ready;

  let rAFReceived = false;
  requestAnimationFrame(() => rAFReceived = true);

  const eventWatcher = new EventWatcher(t, animation, 'finish');

  await eventWatcher.wait_for('finish');

    'finish event should be fired before requestAnimationFrame');
}, 'Fires finish event before requestAnimationFrame');

function animationType(anim) {
  if (anim instanceof CSSAnimation) {
    return 'CSSAnimation';
  } else if (anim instanceof CSSTransition) {
    return 'CSSTransition';
  } else {
    return 'ScriptAnimation';

promise_test(async t => {
  createStyle(t, { '@keyframes anim': '' });
  const div = createDiv(t);

  getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft; = 'animation: anim 100s; ' +
              'transition: margin-left 100s; ' +
              'margin-left: 100px;';
  div.animate(null, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);
  const animations = div.getAnimations();

  let receivedEvents = [];
  animations.forEach(anim => {
    anim.onfinish = event => {
        type: animationType(anim) + ':' + event.type,
        timeStamp: event.timeStamp

  await Promise.all( => anim.ready));

  // Setting current time to the time just before the effect end.
  animations.forEach(anim => anim.currentTime = 100 * MS_PER_SEC - 1);

  await waitForNextFrame();

  assert_array_equals( => event.type),
    [ 'CSSTransition:finish', 'CSSAnimation:finish',
      'ScriptAnimation:finish' ],
    'finish events for various animation type should be sorted by composite ' +
}, 'Sorts finish events by composite order');

promise_test(async t => {
  createStyle(t, { '@keyframes anim': '' });
  const div = createDiv(t);

  let receivedEvents = [];
  function receiveEvent(type, timeStamp) {
    receivedEvents.push({ type, timeStamp });

  div.onanimationcancel = event => receiveEvent(event.type, event.timeStamp);
  div.ontransitioncancel = event => receiveEvent(event.type, event.timeStamp);

  getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft; = 'animation: anim 100s; ' +
              'transition: margin-left 100s; ' +
              'margin-left: 100px;';
  div.animate(null, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);
  const animations = div.getAnimations();

  animations.forEach(anim => {
    anim.oncancel = event => {
      receiveEvent(animationType(anim) + ':' + event.type, event.timeStamp);

  await Promise.all( => anim.ready));

  const timeInAnimationReady = document.timeline.currentTime;

  // Call cancel() in reverse composite order.  I.e. canceling for script
  // animation happen first, then for CSS animation and CSS transition.
  // 'cancel' events for these animations should be sorted by composite
  // order.
  animations.reverse().forEach(anim => anim.cancel());

  // requestAnimationFrame callback which is actually the _same_ frame since we
  // are currently operating in the `ready` callbac of the animations which
  // happens as part of the "Update animations and send events" procedure
  // _before_ we run animation frame callbacks.
  await waitForAnimationFrames(1);

  assert_times_equal(timeInAnimationReady, document.timeline.currentTime,
    'A rAF callback should happen in the same frame');

  assert_array_equals( => event.type),
    // This ordering needs more clarification in the spec, but the intention is
    // that the cancel playback event fires before the equivalent CSS cancel
    // event in each case.
    [ 'CSSTransition:cancel', 'CSSAnimation:cancel', 'ScriptAnimation:cancel',
      'transitioncancel', 'animationcancel' ],
    'cancel events should be sorted by composite order');
}, 'Sorts cancel events by composite order');

promise_test(async t => {
  const div = createDiv(t);
  getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft; = 'transition: margin-left 100s; margin-left: 100px;';
  const anim = div.getAnimations()[0];

  let receivedEvents = [];
  anim.oncancel = event => receivedEvents.push(event);

  const eventWatcher = new EventWatcher(t, div, 'transitionstart');
  await eventWatcher.wait_for('transitionstart');

  const timeInEventCallback = document.timeline.currentTime;

  // Calling cancel() queues a cancel event

  await waitForAnimationFrames(1);
  assert_times_equal(timeInEventCallback, document.timeline.currentTime,
    'A rAF callback should happen in the same frame');

  assert_array_equals(receivedEvents, [],
    'The queued cancel event shouldn\'t be dispatched in the same frame');

  await waitForAnimationFrames(1);
  assert_array_equals( => event.type), ['cancel'],
    'The cancel event should be dispatched in a later frame');
}, 'Queues a cancel event in transitionstart event callback');

promise_test(async t => {
  const div = createDiv(t);
  getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft; = 'transition: margin-left 100s; margin-left: 100px;';
  const anim = div.getAnimations()[0];

  let receivedEvents = [];
  anim.oncancel = event => receivedEvents.push(event);
  div.ontransitioncancel = event => receivedEvents.push(event);

  await anim.ready;


  await waitForAnimationFrames(1);

  assert_array_equals( => event.type),
    [ 'cancel', 'transitioncancel' ],
    'Playback and CSS events for the same transition should be sorted by ' +
    'schedule event time and composite order');
}, 'Sorts events for the same transition');

promise_test(async t => {
  const div = createDiv(t);
  const anim = div.animate(null, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);

  let receivedEvents = [];
  anim.oncancel = event => receivedEvents.push(event);
  anim.onfinish = event => receivedEvents.push(event);

  await anim.ready;


  await waitForAnimationFrames(1);

  assert_array_equals( => event.type),
    [ 'finish', 'cancel' ],
    'Calling finish() synchronously queues a finish event when updating the ' +
    'finish state so it should appear before the cancel event');
}, 'Playback events with the same timeline retain the order in which they are' +

promise_test(async t => {
  const div = createDiv(t);

  // Create two animations with separate timelines

  const timelineA = document.timeline;
  const animA = div.animate(null, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);

  const timelineB = new DocumentTimeline();
  const animB = new Animation(
    new KeyframeEffect(div, null, 100 * MS_PER_SEC),

  animA.currentTime = 99.9 * MS_PER_SEC;
  animB.currentTime = 99.9 * MS_PER_SEC;

  // When the next tick happens both animations should be updated, and we will
  // notice that they are now finished. As a result their finished promise
  // callbacks should be queued. All of that should happen before we run the
  // next microtask checkpoint and actually run the promise callbacks and
  // hence the calls to cancel should not stop the existing callbacks from
  // being run.

  animA.finished.then(() => { animB.cancel() });
  animB.finished.then(() => { animA.cancel() });

  await Promise.all([animA.finished, animB.finished]);
}, 'All timelines are updated before running microtasks');
