<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>Web Locks API: Frames</title>
<link rel=help href="https://w3c.github.io/web-locks/">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="resources/helpers.js"></script>
<style>iframe { display: none; }</style>
'use strict';
promise_test(async t => {
const res = uniqueName(t);
const frame = await iframe('resources/iframe.html');
t.add_cleanup(() => { frame.remove(); });
const lock_id = (await postToFrameAndWait(
frame, {op: 'request', name: res, mode: 'shared'})).lock_id;
await navigator.locks.request(res, {mode: 'shared'}, async lock => {
await postToFrameAndWait(frame, {op: 'release', lock_id});
}, 'Window and Frame - shared mode');
promise_test(async t => {
const res = uniqueName(t);
const frame = await iframe('resources/iframe.html');
t.add_cleanup(() => { frame.remove(); });
// frame acquires the lock.
const lock_id = (await postToFrameAndWait(
frame, {op: 'request', name: res})).lock_id;
// This request should be blocked.
let lock_granted = false;
const blocked = navigator.locks.request(res, lock => { lock_granted = true; });
// Verify that we can't get it.
let available = undefined;
await navigator.locks.request(
res, {ifAvailable: true}, lock => { available = lock !== null; });
// Ask the frame to release it.
await postToFrameAndWait(frame, {op: 'release', lock_id});
await blocked;
// Now we've got it.
}, 'Window and Frame - exclusive mode');
promise_test(async t => {
const res = uniqueName(t);
const frame1 = await iframe('resources/iframe.html');
const frame2 = await iframe('resources/iframe.html');
// frame1 acquires the lock.
const lock_id = (await postToFrameAndWait(
frame1, {op: 'request', name: res})).lock_id;
// frame2's request should be blocked.
let lock_granted = false;
const blocked = postToFrameAndWait(
frame2, {op: 'request', name: res});
blocked.then(f => { lock_granted = true; });
// Verify that frame2 can't get it.
assert_true((await postToFrameAndWait(frame2, {
op: 'request', name: res, ifAvailable: true
})).failed, 'Lock request should have failed');
// Ask frame1 to release it.
await postToFrameAndWait(frame1, {op: 'release', lock_id});
await blocked;
// Now frame2 can get it.
}, 'Frame and Frame - exclusive mode');
promise_test(async t => {
const res = uniqueName(t);
const frame = await iframe('resources/iframe.html');
// Frame acquires the lock.
await postToFrameAndWait(frame, {op: 'request', name: res});
// This request should be blocked.
let lock_granted = false;
const blocked = navigator.locks.request(
res, lock => { lock_granted = true; });
// Verify that we can't get it.
let available = undefined;
await navigator.locks.request(
res, {ifAvailable: true}, lock => { available = lock !== null; });
// Implicitly release it by terminating the frame.
await blocked;
// Now we've got it.
}, 'Terminated Frame with held lock');
promise_test(async t => {
const res = uniqueName(t);
const frame = await iframe('resources/iframe.html');
// Frame acquires the lock.
await postToFrameAndWait(frame, {op: 'request', name: res});
// This request should be blocked.
let lock_granted = false;
const blocked = navigator.locks.request(
res, lock => { lock_granted = true; });
// Verify that we can't get it.
let available = undefined;
await navigator.locks.request(
res, {ifAvailable: true}, lock => { available = lock !== null; });
// Implicitly release it by navigating the frame.
frame.src = 'about:blank';
await blocked;
// Now we've got it.
}, 'Navigated Frame with held lock');
promise_test(async t => {
const res = uniqueName(t);
// frame1 requests and holds res - should be granted immediately.
// frame2 requests res - should be blocked.
// frame3 requests res - should be blocked.
// frame2 is navigated.
// frame1 releases res.
// frame3's request should be granted.
const frame1 = await iframe('resources/iframe.html');
const frame2 = await iframe('resources/iframe.html');
const frame3 = await iframe('resources/iframe.html');
t.add_cleanup(() => { frame1.remove(); });
t.add_cleanup(() => { frame2.remove(); });
t.add_cleanup(() => { frame3.remove(); });
// frame1 requests and holds res - should be granted immediately.
const lock_id = (await postToFrameAndWait(
frame1, {op: 'request', name: res})).lock_id;
// frame2 requests res - should be blocked.
// (don't attach listeners as they will keep the frame alive)
frame2.contentWindow.postMessage({op: 'request', name: res}, '*');
// frame3 requests res - should be blocked.
let lock_granted = false;
const blocked = postToFrameAndWait(frame3, {op: 'request', name: res});
blocked.then(f => { lock_granted = true; });
// Verify that frame3 can't get it.
assert_true((await postToFrameAndWait(frame3, {
op: 'request', name: res, ifAvailable: true
})).failed, 'Lock request should have failed');
// Navigate frame2.
frame2.src = 'about:blank';
// frame1 releases lock
await postToFrameAndWait(frame1, {op: 'release', lock_id});
// frame3's request should be granted.
await blocked;
}, 'Navigated Frame with pending request');
promise_test(async t => {
const res = uniqueName(t);
// frame1 requests and holds res - should be granted immediately.
// frame2 requests res - should be blocked.
// frame3 requests res - should be blocked.
// frame2 is removed.
// frame1 drops lock.
// frame3's request should be granted.
const frame1 = await iframe('resources/iframe.html');
const frame2 = await iframe('resources/iframe.html');
const frame3 = await iframe('resources/iframe.html');
t.add_cleanup(() => { frame1.remove(); });
t.add_cleanup(() => { frame3.remove(); });
// frame1 requests and holds res - should be granted immediately.
const lock_id = (await postToFrameAndWait(
frame1, {op: 'request', name: res})).lock_id;
// frame2 requests res - should be blocked.
// (don't attach listeners as they will keep the frame alive)
frame2.contentWindow.postMessage({op: 'request', name: res}, '*');
// frame3 requests res - should be blocked.
let lock_granted = false;
const blocked = postToFrameAndWait(frame3, {op: 'request', name: res});
blocked.then(f => { lock_granted = true; });
// So frame3 can't get it
assert_true((await postToFrameAndWait(frame3, {
op: 'request', name: res, ifAvailable: true
})).failed, 'Lock request should have failed');
// Remove frame2.
// frame1 releases lock
await postToFrameAndWait(frame1, {op: 'release', lock_id});
// frame3's request should be granted.
await blocked;
}, 'Removed Frame with pending request');
promise_test(async t => {
const res = uniqueName(t);
const frame = await iframe('about:blank');
// Remove a frame while it is in the process of requesting a lock.
// The promise returned by `request` will never resolve since its frame no
// longer exists, but the lock should still be released.
await new Promise(resolve => {
frame.contentWindow.navigator.locks.request(res, () => {
assert_false((await navigator.locks.query()).held.includes(res));
}, 'Removed Frame as lock is granted');