<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Helper IFrame</title>
'use strict';
async function onLoad() {
// Nested Step 5: wpt/web-locks/partitioned-web-locks.tentative.https.html
// Load the innermost child iframe and its content.
const params = new URLSearchParams(self.location.search);
const frame = document.createElement('iframe');
frame.src = params.get('target');
self.addEventListener('message', evt => {
// Nested Step 6: wpt/web-locks/partitioned-web-locks.tentative.https.html
// Pass any operations request messages to the
// innermost child iframe.
if (evt.data.op){
// Ensure that the iframe has loaded before passing
// on the message.
frame.addEventListener('load', function(){
frame.contentWindow.postMessage(evt.data, '*');
// Nested Step 8: wpt/web-locks/partitioned-web-locks.tentative.https.html
else {
// All other messages, should be sent back to the
// top-level site.
if (self.opener)
self.opener.postMessage(evt.data, '*');
self.top.postMessage(evt.data, '*');
self.addEventListener('load', onLoad);