
<!DOCTYPE html>
      Test Basic Functionality of AudioBuffer.copyFromChannel and
    <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
    <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
    <script src="/webaudio/resources/audit-util.js"></script>
    <script src="/webaudio/resources/audit.js"></script>
    <script id="layout-test-code">
      // Define utility routines.

      // Initialize the AudioBuffer |buffer| with a ramp signal on each channel.
      // The ramp starts at channel number + 1.
      function initializeAudioBufferRamp(buffer) {
        for (let c = 0; c < buffer.numberOfChannels; ++c) {
          let d = buffer.getChannelData(c);
          for (let k = 0; k < d.length; ++k) {
            d[k] = k + c + 1;

      // Create a Float32Array of length |length| and initialize the array to
      // -1.
      function createInitializedF32Array(length) {
        let x = new Float32Array(length);
        for (let k = 0; k < length; ++k) {
          x[k] = -1;
        return x;

      // Create a Float32Array of length |length| that is initialized to be a
      // ramp starting at 1.
      function createFloat32RampArray(length) {
        let x = new Float32Array(length);
        for (let k = 0; k < x.length; ++k) {
          x[k] = k + 1;

        return x;

      // Test that the array |x| is a ramp starting at value |start| of length
      // |length|, starting at |startIndex| in the array.  |startIndex| is
      // optional and defaults to 0. Any other values must be -1.
      function shouldBeRamp(
          should, testName, x, startValue, length, startIndex) {
        let k;
        let startingIndex = startIndex || 0;
        let expected = Array(x.length);

        // Fill the expected array with the correct results.

        // The initial part (if any) must be -1.
        for (k = 0; k < startingIndex; ++k) {
          expected[k] = -1;

        // The second part should be a ramp starting with |startValue|
        for (; k < startingIndex + length; ++k) {
          expected[k] = startValue + k - startingIndex;

        // The last part (if any) should be -1.
        for (; k < x.length; ++k) {
          expected[k] = -1;

        should(x, testName, {numberOfArrayLog: 32}).beEqualToArray(expected);

      let audit = Audit.createTaskRunner();

      let context = new AudioContext();
      // Temp array for testing exceptions for copyToChannel/copyFromChannel.
      // The length is arbitrary.
      let x = new Float32Array(8);

      // Number of frames in the AudioBuffer for testing.  This is pretty
      // arbitrary so choose a fairly small value.
      let bufferLength = 16;

      // Number of channels in the AudioBuffer.  Also arbitrary, but it should
      // be greater than 1 for test coverage.
      let numberOfChannels = 3;

      // AudioBuffer that will be used for testing copyFrom and copyTo.
      let buffer = context.createBuffer(
          numberOfChannels, bufferLength, context.sampleRate);

      let initialValues = Array(numberOfChannels);

      // Initialize things
      audit.define('initialize', (task, should) => {
        // Initialize to -1.
        should(initialValues, 'Initialized values').beConstantValueOf(-1)

      // Test that expected exceptions are signaled for copyFrom.
      audit.define('copyFrom-exceptions', (task, should) => {

            () => {
              buffer = context.createBuffer(
                  numberOfChannels, bufferLength, context.sampleRate);
            '0: buffer = context.createBuffer(' + numberOfChannels + ', ' +
                bufferLength + ', context.sampleRate)')
        should(() => {
          buffer.copyFromChannel(null, 0);
        }, '1: buffer.copyFromChannel(null, 0)').throw(TypeError);
        should(() => {
          buffer.copyFromChannel(context, 0);
        }, '2: buffer.copyFromChannel(context, 0)').throw(TypeError);
        should(() => {
          buffer.copyFromChannel(x, -1);
        }, '3: buffer.copyFromChannel(x, -1)').throw(DOMException, 'IndexSizeError');
            () => {
              buffer.copyFromChannel(x, numberOfChannels);
            '4: buffer.copyFromChannel(x, ' + numberOfChannels + ')')
            .throw(DOMException, 'IndexSizeError');
        should(() => {
          buffer.copyFromChannel(x, 0, -1);
        }, '5: buffer.copyFromChannel(x, 0, -1)').notThrow();
            () => {
              buffer.copyFromChannel(x, 0, bufferLength);
            '6: buffer.copyFromChannel(x, 0, ' + bufferLength + ')')

        should(() => {
          buffer.copyFromChannel(x, 3);
        }, '7: buffer.copyFromChannel(x, 3)').throw(DOMException, 'IndexSizeError');

        // See for why not `new SharedArrayBuffer()`
        // WebAssembly.Memory's size is in multiples of 64 KiB
        const shared_buffer = new Float32Array(new WebAssembly.Memory({ shared:true, initial:1, maximum:1 }).buffer);
            () => {
              buffer.copyFromChannel(shared_buffer, 0);
            '8: buffer.copyFromChannel(SharedArrayBuffer view, 0)')

            () => {
              buffer.copyFromChannel(shared_buffer, 0, 0);
            '9: buffer.copyFromChannel(SharedArrayBuffer view, 0, 0)')


      // Test that expected exceptions are signaled for copyTo.
      audit.define('copyTo-exceptions', (task, should) => {
        should(() => {
          buffer.copyToChannel(null, 0);
        }, '0: buffer.copyToChannel(null, 0)').throw(TypeError);
        should(() => {
          buffer.copyToChannel(context, 0);
        }, '1: buffer.copyToChannel(context, 0)').throw(TypeError);
        should(() => {
          buffer.copyToChannel(x, -1);
        }, '2: buffer.copyToChannel(x, -1)').throw(DOMException, 'IndexSizeError');
            () => {
              buffer.copyToChannel(x, numberOfChannels);
            '3: buffer.copyToChannel(x, ' + numberOfChannels + ')')
            .throw(DOMException, 'IndexSizeError');
        should(() => {
          buffer.copyToChannel(x, 0, -1);
        }, '4: buffer.copyToChannel(x, 0, -1)').notThrow();
            () => {
              buffer.copyToChannel(x, 0, bufferLength);
            '5: buffer.copyToChannel(x, 0, ' + bufferLength + ')')

        should(() => {
          buffer.copyToChannel(x, 3);
        }, '6: buffer.copyToChannel(x, 3)').throw(DOMException, 'IndexSizeError');

        // See for why not `new SharedArrayBuffer()`
        // WebAssembly.Memory's size is in multiples of 64 KiB
        const shared_buffer = new Float32Array(new WebAssembly.Memory({ shared:true, initial:1, maximum:1 }).buffer);
            () => {
              buffer.copyToChannel(shared_buffer, 0);
            '7: buffer.copyToChannel(SharedArrayBuffer view, 0)')

            () => {
              buffer.copyToChannel(shared_buffer, 0, 0);
            '8: buffer.copyToChannel(SharedArrayBuffer view, 0, 0)')


      // Test copyFromChannel
      audit.define('copyFrom-validate', (task, should) => {
        // Initialize the AudioBuffer to a ramp for testing copyFrom.

        // Test copyFrom operation with a short destination array, filling the
        // destination completely.
        for (let c = 0; c < numberOfChannels; ++c) {
          let dst8 = createInitializedF32Array(8);
          buffer.copyFromChannel(dst8, c);
              should, 'buffer.copyFromChannel(dst8, ' + c + ')', dst8, c + 1, 8)

        // Test copyFrom operation with a short destination array using a
        // non-zero start index that still fills the destination completely.
        for (let c = 0; c < numberOfChannels; ++c) {
          let dst8 = createInitializedF32Array(8);
          buffer.copyFromChannel(dst8, c, 1);
              should, 'buffer.copyFromChannel(dst8, ' + c + ', 1)', dst8, c + 2,

        // Test copyFrom operation with a short destination array using a
        // non-zero start index that does not fill the destinatiom completely.
        // The extra elements should be unchanged.
        for (let c = 0; c < numberOfChannels; ++c) {
          let dst8 = createInitializedF32Array(8);
          let startInChannel = bufferLength - 5;
          buffer.copyFromChannel(dst8, c, startInChannel);
              'buffer.copyFromChannel(dst8, ' + c + ', ' + startInChannel + ')',
              dst8, c + 1 + startInChannel, bufferLength - startInChannel);

        // Copy operation with the destination longer than the buffer, leaving
        // the trailing elements of the destination untouched.
        for (let c = 0; c < numberOfChannels; ++c) {
          let dst26 = createInitializedF32Array(bufferLength + 10);
          buffer.copyFromChannel(dst26, c);
              should, 'buffer.copyFromChannel(dst26, ' + c + ')', dst26, c + 1,


      // Test copyTo
      audit.define('copyTo-validate', (task, should) => {
        // Create a source consisting of a ramp starting at 1, longer than the
        // AudioBuffer
        let src = createFloat32RampArray(bufferLength + 10);

        // Test copyTo with AudioBuffer shorter than Float32Array. The
        // AudioBuffer should be completely filled with the Float32Array.
            () => {
              buffer =
                  createConstantBuffer(context, bufferLength, initialValues);
            'buffer = createConstantBuffer(context, ' + bufferLength + ', [' +
                initialValues + '])')

        for (let c = 0; c < numberOfChannels; ++c) {
          buffer.copyToChannel(src, c);
              should, 'buffer.copyToChannel(src, ' + c + ')',
              buffer.getChannelData(c), 1, bufferLength);

        // Test copyTo with AudioBuffer longer than the Float32Array.  The tail
        // of the AudioBuffer should be unchanged.
        buffer = createConstantBuffer(context, bufferLength, initialValues);
        let src10 = createFloat32RampArray(10);
        for (let c = 0; c < numberOfChannels; ++c) {
          buffer.copyToChannel(src10, c);
              should, 'buffer.copyToChannel(src10, ' + c + ')',
              buffer.getChannelData(c), 1, 10);

        // Test copyTo with non-default startInChannel.  Part of the AudioBuffer
        // should filled with the beginning and end sections untouched.
        buffer = createConstantBuffer(context, bufferLength, initialValues);
        for (let c = 0; c < numberOfChannels; ++c) {
          let startInChannel = 5;
          buffer.copyToChannel(src10, c, startInChannel);

              'buffer.copyToChannel(src10, ' + c + ', ' + startInChannel + ')',
              buffer.getChannelData(c), 1, src10.length, startInChannel);