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let audit = Audit.createTaskRunner();
// To test noteGrainOn, a single ramp signal is created.
// Various sections of the ramp are rendered by noteGrainOn() at
// different times, and we verify that the actual output
// consists of the correct section of the ramp at the correct
// time.
let linearRampBuffer;
// Array of the grain offset used for each ramp played.
let grainOffsetTime = [];
// Verify the received signal is a ramp from the correct section
// of our ramp signal.
function verifyGrain(renderedData, startFrame, endFrame, grainIndex) {
let grainOffsetFrame =
timeToSampleFrame(grainOffsetTime[grainIndex], sampleRate);
let grainFrameLength = endFrame - startFrame;
let ramp = linearRampBuffer.getChannelData(0);
let isCorrect = true;
let expected;
let actual;
let frame;
for (let k = 0; k < grainFrameLength; ++k) {
if (renderedData[startFrame + k] != ramp[grainOffsetFrame + k]) {
expected = ramp[grainOffsetFrame + k];
actual = renderedData[startFrame + k];
frame = startFrame + k;
isCorrect = false;
return {
verified: isCorrect,
expected: expected,
actual: actual,
frame: frame
function checkResult(buffer, should) {
renderedData = buffer.getChannelData(0);
let nSamples = renderedData.length;
// Number of grains that we found that have incorrect data.
let invalidGrainDataCount = 0;
let startEndFrames = findStartAndEndSamples(renderedData);
// Verify the start and stop times. Not strictly needed for
// this test, but it's useful to know that if the ramp data
// appears to be incorrect.
verifyStartAndEndFrames(startEndFrames, should);
// Loop through each of the rendered grains and check that
// each grain contains our expected ramp.
for (let k = 0; k < startEndFrames.start.length; ++k) {
// Verify that the rendered data matches the expected
// section of our ramp signal.
let result = verifyGrain(
renderedData, startEndFrames.start[k], startEndFrames.end[k], k);
should(result.verified, 'Pulse ' + k + ' contained the expected data')
'Number of grains that did not contain the expected data')
label: 'note-grain-on-play',
description: 'Test noteGrainOn offset rendering'
function(task, should) {
// Create offline audio context.
context =
new OfflineAudioContext(2, sampleRate * renderTime, sampleRate);
// Create a linear ramp for testing noteGrainOn.
linearRampBuffer = createSignalBuffer(context, function(k) {
// Want the ramp to start
// with 1, not 0.
return k + 1;
let grainInfo =
playAllGrains(context, linearRampBuffer, numberOfTests);
grainOffsetTime = grainInfo.grainOffsetTimes;
context.startRendering().then(function(audioBuffer) {
checkResult(audioBuffer, should);