
<!DOCTYPE html>
      Test AudioContext.suspend() and AudioContext.resume()
    <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
    <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
    <script src="/webaudio/resources/audit-util.js"></script>
    <script src="/webaudio/resources/audit.js"></script>
    <script id="layout-test-code">
      let offlineContext;
      let osc;
      let p1;
      let p2;
      let p3;

      let sampleRate = 44100;
      let durationInSeconds = 1;

      let audit = Audit.createTaskRunner();

      // Task: test suspend().
            label: 'test-suspend',
            description: 'Test suspend() for offline context'
          function(task, should) {
            // Test suspend/resume.  Ideally this test is best with a online
            // AudioContext, but content shell doesn't really have a working
            // online AudioContext. Hence, use an OfflineAudioContext. Not all
            // possible scenarios can be easily checked with an offline context
            // instead of an online context.

            // Create an audio context with an oscillator.
                () => {
                  offlineContext = new OfflineAudioContext(
                      1, durationInSeconds * sampleRate, sampleRate);
                'offlineContext = new OfflineAudioContext(1, ' +
                    (durationInSeconds * sampleRate) + ', ' + sampleRate + ')')
            osc = offlineContext.createOscillator();

            // Verify the state.
            should(offlineContext.state, 'offlineContext.state')

            // Multiple calls to suspend() should not be a problem. But we can't
            // test that on an offline context.  Thus, check that suspend() on
            // an OfflineAudioContext rejects the promise.
                () => p1 = offlineContext.suspend(),
                'p1 = offlineContext.suspend()')
            should(p1 instanceof Promise, 'p1 instanceof Promise').beTrue();

            should(p1, 'p1').beRejected().then(task.done.bind(task));

      // Task: test resume().
            label: 'test-resume',
            description: 'Test resume() for offline context'
          function(task, should) {
            // Multiple calls to resume should not be a problem. But we can't
            // test that on an offline context. Thus, check that resume() on an
            // OfflineAudioContext rejects the promise.
                () => p2 = offlineContext.resume(),
                'p2 = offlineContext.resume()')
            should(p2 instanceof Promise, 'p2 instanceof Promise').beTrue();

            // Resume doesn't actually resume an offline context
            should(offlineContext.state, 'After resume, offlineContext.state')
            should(p2, 'p2').beRejected().then(task.done.bind(task));

      // Task: test the state after context closed.
            label: 'test-after-close',
            description: 'Test state after context closed'
          function(task, should) {
            // Render the offline context.

            // Test suspend/resume in tested promise pattern. We don't care
            // about the actual result of the offline rendering.
                () => p3 = offlineContext.startRendering(),
                'p3 = offlineContext.startRendering()')

            p3.then(() => {
              should(offlineContext.state, 'After close, offlineContext.state')

              // suspend() should be rejected on a closed context.
              should(offlineContext.suspend(), 'offlineContext.suspend()')
                  .then(() => {
                    // resume() should be rejected on closed context.
                    should(offlineContext.resume(), 'offlineContext.resume()')

            label: 'resume-running-context',
            description: 'Test resuming a running context'
          (task, should) => {
            let context;
            should(() => context = new AudioContext(), 'Create online context')

            should(context.state, 'context.state').beEqualTo('suspended');
            should(context.resume(), 'context.resume')
                .then(() => {
                  should(context.state, 'context.state after resume')
                .then(() => task.done());