<!doctype html>
<title>Test k-rate AudioParam Inputs for BiquadFilterNode</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/webaudio/resources/audit-util.js"></script>
<script src="/webaudio/resources/audit.js"></script>
// sampleRate and duration are fairly arbitrary. We use low values to
// limit the complexity of the test.
let sampleRate = 8192;
let testDuration = 0.5;
let audit = Audit.createTaskRunner();
{label: 'Frequency AudioParam', description: 'k-rate input works'},
async (task, should) => {
// Test frequency AudioParam using a lowpass filter whose bandwidth
// is initially larger than the oscillator frequency. Then automate
// the frequency to 0 so that the output of the filter is 0 (because
// the cutoff is 0).
let oscFrequency = 440;
let options = {
sampleRate: sampleRate,
paramName: 'frequency',
oscFrequency: oscFrequency,
testDuration: testDuration,
filterOptions: {type: 'lowpass', frequency: 0},
{method: 'setValueAtTime', args: [2 * oscFrequency, 0]},
autoEnd: {
method: 'linearRampToValueAtTime',
args: [0, testDuration / 4]
let buffer = await doTest(should, options);
let expected = buffer.getChannelData(0);
let actual = buffer.getChannelData(1);
let halfLength = expected.length / 2;
// Sanity check. The expected output should not be zero for
// the first half, but should be zero for the second half
// (because the filter bandwidth is exactly 0).
const prefix = 'Expected k-rate frequency with automation';
expected.slice(0, halfLength),
`${prefix} output[0:${halfLength - 1}]`)
`${prefix} output[${halfLength}:]`)
// Outputs should be the same. Break the message into two
// parts so we can see the expected outputs.
checkForSameOutput(should, options.paramName, actual, expected);
{label: 'Q AudioParam', description: 'k-rate input works'},
async (task, should) => {
// Test Q AudioParam. Use a bandpass filter whose center frequency
// is fairly far from the oscillator frequency. Then start with a Q
// value of 0 (so everything goes through) and then increase Q to
// some large value such that the out-of-band signals are basically
// cutoff.
let frequency = 440;
let oscFrequency = 4 * frequency;
let options = {
sampleRate: sampleRate,
oscFrequency: oscFrequency,
testDuration: testDuration,
paramName: 'Q',
filterOptions: {type: 'bandpass', frequency: frequency, Q: 0},
autoStart: {method: 'setValueAtTime', args: [0, 0]},
autoEnd: {
method: 'linearRampToValueAtTime',
args: [100, testDuration / 4]
const buffer = await doTest(should, options);
let expected = buffer.getChannelData(0);
let actual = buffer.getChannelData(1);
// Outputs should be the same
checkForSameOutput(should, options.paramName, actual, expected);
{label: 'Gain AudioParam', description: 'k-rate input works'},
async (task, should) => {
// Test gain AudioParam. Use a peaking filter with a large Q so the
// peak is narrow with a center frequency the same as the oscillator
// frequency. Start with a gain of 0 so everything goes through and
// then ramp the gain down to -100 so that the oscillator is
// filtered out.
let oscFrequency = 4 * 440;
let options = {
sampleRate: sampleRate,
oscFrequency: oscFrequency,
testDuration: testDuration,
paramName: 'gain',
{type: 'peaking', frequency: oscFrequency, Q: 100, gain: 0},
autoStart: {method: 'setValueAtTime', args: [0, 0]},
autoEnd: {
method: 'linearRampToValueAtTime',
args: [-100, testDuration / 4]
const buffer = await doTest(should, options);
let expected = buffer.getChannelData(0);
let actual = buffer.getChannelData(1);
// Outputs should be the same
checkForSameOutput(should, options.paramName, actual, expected);
{label: 'Detune AudioParam', description: 'k-rate input works'},
async (task, should) => {
// Test detune AudioParam. The basic idea is the same as the
// frequency test above, but insteda of automating the frequency, we
// automate the detune value so that initially the filter cutuff is
// unchanged and then changing the detune until the cutoff goes to 1
// Hz, which would cause the oscillator to be filtered out.
let oscFrequency = 440;
let filterFrequency = 5 * oscFrequency;
// For a detune value d, the computed frequency, fc, of the filter
// is fc = f*2^(d/1200), where f is the frequency of the filter. Or
// d = 1200*log2(fc/f). Compute the detune value to produce a final
// cutoff frequency of 1 Hz.
let detuneEnd = 1200 * Math.log2(1 / filterFrequency);
let options = {
sampleRate: sampleRate,
oscFrequency: oscFrequency,
testDuration: testDuration,
paramName: 'detune',
filterOptions: {
type: 'lowpass',
frequency: filterFrequency,
detune: 0,
gain: 0
autoStart: {method: 'setValueAtTime', args: [0, 0]},
autoEnd: {
method: 'linearRampToValueAtTime',
args: [detuneEnd, testDuration / 4]
const buffer = await doTest(should, options);
let expected = buffer.getChannelData(0);
let actual = buffer.getChannelData(1);
// Outputs should be the same
checkForSameOutput(should, options.paramName, actual, expected);
audit.define('All k-rate inputs', async (task, should) => {
// Test the case where all AudioParams are set to k-rate with an input
// to each AudioParam. Similar to the above tests except all the params
// are k-rate.
let testFrames = testDuration * sampleRate;
let context = new OfflineAudioContext(
{numberOfChannels: 2, sampleRate: sampleRate, length: testFrames});
let merger = new ChannelMergerNode(
context, {numberOfInputs: context.destination.channelCount});
let src = new OscillatorNode(context);
// The peaking filter uses all four AudioParams, so this is the node to
// test.
let filterOptions =
{type: 'peaking', frequency: 0, detune: 0, gain: 0, Q: 0};
let refNode;
() => refNode = new BiquadFilterNode(context, filterOptions),
`Create: refNode = new BiquadFilterNode(context, ${
let tstNode;
() => tstNode = new BiquadFilterNode(context, filterOptions),
`Create: tstNode = new BiquadFilterNode(context, ${
// Make all the AudioParams k-rate.
['frequency', 'Q', 'gain', 'detune'].forEach(param => {
() => refNode[param].automationRate = 'k-rate',
`Set rate: refNode[${param}].automationRate = 'k-rate'`)
() => tstNode[param].automationRate = 'k-rate',
`Set rate: tstNode[${param}].automationRate = 'k-rate'`)
// One input for each AudioParam.
let mod = {};
['frequency', 'Q', 'gain', 'detune'].forEach(param => {
() => mod[param] = new ConstantSourceNode(context, {offset: 0}),
`Create: mod[${
param}] = new ConstantSourceNode(context, {offset: 0})`)
() => mod[param].offset.automationRate = 'a-rate',
`Set rate: mod[${param}].offset.automationRate = 'a-rate'`)
// Set up automations for refNode. We want to start the filter with
// parameters that let the oscillator signal through more or less
// untouched. Then change the filter parameters to filter out the
// oscillator. What happens in between doesn't reall matter for this
// test. Hence, set the initial parameters with a center frequency well
// above the oscillator and a Q and gain of 0 to pass everthing.
[['frequency', [4 * src.frequency.value, 0]], ['Q', [0, 0]],
['gain', [0, 0]], ['detune', [4 * 1200, 0]]]
.forEach(param => {
() => refNode[param[0]].setValueAtTime(...param[1]),
`Automate 0: refNode.${param[0]}.setValueAtTime(${
param[1][0]}, ${param[1][1]})`)
() => mod[param[0]].offset.setValueAtTime(...param[1]),
`Automate 0: mod[${param[0]}].offset.setValueAtTime(${
param[1][0]}, ${param[1][1]})`)
// Now move the filter frequency to the oscillator frequency with a high
// Q and very low gain to remove the oscillator signal.
[['frequency', [src.frequency.value, testDuration / 4]],
['Q', [40, testDuration / 4]], ['gain', [-100, testDuration / 4]], [
'detune', [0, testDuration / 4]
]].forEach(param => {
() => refNode[param[0]].linearRampToValueAtTime(...param[1]),
`Automate 1: refNode[${param[0]}].linearRampToValueAtTime(${
param[1][0]}, ${param[1][1]})`)
() => mod[param[0]].offset.linearRampToValueAtTime(...param[1]),
`Automate 1: mod[${param[0]}].offset.linearRampToValueAtTime(${
param[1][0]}, ${param[1][1]})`)
// Connect everything
src.connect(refNode).connect(merger, 0, 0);
src.connect(tstNode).connect(merger, 0, 1);
for (let param in mod) {
() => mod[param].connect(tstNode[param]),
`Connect: mod[${param}].connect(tstNode.${param})`)
for (let param in mod) {
should(() => mod[param].start(), `Start: mod[${param}].start()`)
const buffer = await context.startRendering();
let expected = buffer.getChannelData(0);
let actual = buffer.getChannelData(1);
// Sanity check that the output isn't all zeroes.
should(actual, 'All k-rate AudioParams').notBeConstantValueOf(0);
should(actual, 'All k-rate AudioParams').beCloseToArray(expected, {
absoluteThreshold: 0
async function doTest(should, options) {
// Test that a k-rate AudioParam with an input reads the input value and
// is actually k-rate.
// A refNode is created with an automation timeline. This is the
// expected output.
// The testNode is the same, but it has a node connected to the k-rate
// AudioParam. The input to the node is an a-rate ConstantSourceNode
// whose output is automated in exactly the same was as the refNode. If
// the test passes, the outputs of the two nodes MUST match exactly.
// The options argument MUST contain the following members:
// sampleRate - the sample rate for the offline context
// testDuration - duration of the offline context, in sec.
// paramName - the name of the AudioParam to be tested
// oscFrequency - frequency of oscillator source
// filterOptions - options used to construct the BiquadFilterNode
// autoStart - information about how to start the automation
// autoEnd - information about how to end the automation
// The autoStart and autoEnd options are themselves dictionaries with
// the following required members:
// method - name of the automation method to be applied
// args - array of arguments to be supplied to the method.
let {
} = options;
let testFrames = testDuration * sampleRate;
let context = new OfflineAudioContext(
{numberOfChannels: 2, sampleRate: sampleRate, length: testFrames});
let merger = new ChannelMergerNode(
context, {numberOfInputs: context.destination.channelCount});
// Any calls to |should| are meant to be informational so we can see
// what nodes are created and the automations used.
let src;
// Create the source.
() => {
src = new OscillatorNode(context, {frequency: oscFrequency});
`${paramName}: new OscillatorNode(context, {frequency: ${
// The refNode automates the AudioParam with k-rate automations, no
// inputs.
let refNode;
() => {
refNode = new BiquadFilterNode(context, filterOptions);
`Reference BiquadFilterNode(c, ${JSON.stringify(filterOptions)})`)
refNode[paramName].automationRate = 'k-rate';
// Set up automations for the reference node.
() => {
() => {
// The tstNode does the same automation, but it comes from the input
// connected to the AudioParam.
let tstNode;
() => {
tstNode = new BiquadFilterNode(context, filterOptions);
`Test BiquadFilterNode(context, ${JSON.stringify(filterOptions)})`)
tstNode[paramName].automationRate = 'k-rate';
// Create the input to the AudioParam of the test node. The output of
// this node MUST have the same set of automations as the reference
// node, and MUST be a-rate to make sure we're handling k-rate inputs
// correctly.
let mod = new ConstantSourceNode(context);
mod.offset.automationRate = 'a-rate';
() => {
`${paramName}: mod.offset.${autoStart.method}(${autoStart.args})`)
() => {
`${paramName}: mod.offset.${autoEnd.method}(${autoEnd.args})`)
// Create graph
src.connect(refNode).connect(merger, 0, 0);
src.connect(tstNode).connect(merger, 0, 1);
// Run!
return context.startRendering();
function checkForSameOutput(should, paramName, actual, expected) {
let halfLength = expected.length / 2;
// Outputs should be the same. We break the check into halves so we can
// see the expected outputs. Mostly for a simple visual check that the
// output from the second half is small because the tests generally try
// to filter out the signal so that the last half of the output is
// small.
actual.slice(0, halfLength),
`k-rate ${paramName} with input: output[0,${halfLength}]`)
expected.slice(0, halfLength), {absoluteThreshold: 0});
`k-rate ${paramName} with input: output[${halfLength}:]`)
.beCloseToArray(expected.slice(halfLength), {absoluteThreshold: 0});