* @class InvalidParamArrayProcessor
* @extends AudioWorkletProcessor
* This processor intentionally returns an array with an invalid size when the
* processor's getter is queried.
let singleton = undefined;
let secondFetch = false;
let useDescriptor = false;
let processCounter = 0;
class InvalidParamArrayProcessor extends AudioWorkletProcessor {
static get parameterDescriptors() {
if (useDescriptor)
return [{name: 'invalidParam'}];
useDescriptor = true;
return [];
constructor() {
if (singleton === undefined)
singleton = this;
return singleton;
process(inputs, outputs, parameters) {
const output = outputs[0];
for (let channel = 0; channel < output.length; ++channel)
return false;
// This overridden getter is invoked under the hood before process() gets
// called. After this gets called, process() method above will be invalidated,
// and mark the worklet node non-functional. (i.e. in an error state)
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'invalidParam', {'get': () => {
if (secondFetch)
return new Float32Array(256);
secondFetch = true;
return new Float32Array(128);
registerProcessor('invalid-param-array-1', InvalidParamArrayProcessor);
registerProcessor('invalid-param-array-2', InvalidParamArrayProcessor);