<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/webaudio/resources/audit-util.js"></script>
<script src="/webaudio/resources/audit.js"></script>
<script src="/webaudio/resources/biquad-filters.js"></script>
<script id="layout-test-code">
let audit = Audit.createTaskRunner();
// In the tests below, the initial values are not important, except that
// we wanted them to be all different so that the output contains
// different values for the first few samples. Otherwise, the actual
// values don't really matter. A peaking filter is used because the
// frequency, Q, gain, and detune parameters are used by this filter.
// Also, for the changeList option, the times and new values aren't really
// important. They just need to change so that we can verify that the
// outputs from the .value setter still matches the output from the
// corresponding setValueAtTime.
{label: 'Test 0', description: 'No dezippering for frequency'},
(task, should) => {
doTest(should, {
paramName: 'frequency',
initializer: {type: 'peaking', Q: 1, gain: 5},
[{quantum: 2, newValue: 800}, {quantum: 7, newValue: 200}],
threshold: 3.0399e-6
}).then(() => task.done());
{label: 'Test 1', description: 'No dezippering for detune'},
(task, should) => {
doTest(should, {
paramName: 'detune',
{type: 'peaking', frequency: 400, Q: 3, detune: 33, gain: 10},
[{quantum: 2, newValue: 1000}, {quantum: 5, newValue: -400}],
threshold: 4.0532e-6
}).then(() => task.done());
{label: 'Test 2', description: 'No dezippering for Q'},
(task, should) => {
doTest(should, {
paramName: 'Q',
initializer: {type: 'peaking', Q: 5},
[{quantum: 2, newValue: 10}, {quantum: 8, newValue: -10}]
}).then(() => task.done());
{label: 'Test 3', description: 'No dezippering for gain'},
(task, should) => {
doTest(should, {
paramName: 'gain',
initializer: {type: 'peaking', gain: 1},
[{quantum: 2, newValue: 5}, {quantum: 6, newValue: -.3}],
threshold: 1.9074e-6
}).then(() => task.done());
// This test compares the filter output against a JS implementation of the
// filter. We're only testing a change in the frequency for a lowpass
// filter. This assumes we don't need to test other AudioParam changes
// with JS code because any mistakes would be exposed in the tests above.
label: 'Test 4',
description: 'No dezippering of frequency vs JS filter'
(task, should) => {
// Channel 0 is the source, channel 1 is the filtered output.
let context = new OfflineAudioContext(2, 2048, 16384);
let merger = new ChannelMergerNode(
context, {numberOfInputs: context.destination.channelCount});
let src = new OscillatorNode(context);
let f = new BiquadFilterNode(context, {type: 'lowpass'});
// Remember the initial filter parameters.
let initialFilter = {
type: f.type,
frequency: f.frequency.value,
gain: f.gain.value,
detune: f.detune.value,
Q: f.Q.value
src.connect(merger, 0, 0);
src.connect(f).connect(merger, 0, 1);
// Apply the filter change at frame |changeFrame| with a new
// frequency value of |newValue|.
let changeFrame = 2 * RENDER_QUANTUM_FRAMES;
let newValue = 750;
context.suspend(changeFrame / context.sampleRate)
.then(() => f.frequency.value = newValue)
.then(() => context.resume());
.then(audio => {
let signal = audio.getChannelData(0);
let actual = audio.getChannelData(1);
// Get initial filter coefficients and updated coefficients
let nyquistFreq = context.sampleRate / 2;
let initialCoef = createFilter(
initialFilter.type, initialFilter.frequency / nyquistFreq,
initialFilter.Q, initialFilter.gain);
let finalCoef = createFilter(
f.type, f.frequency.value / nyquistFreq, f.Q.value,
let expected = new Float32Array(signal.length);
// Filter the initial part of the signal.
expected[0] =
filterSample(signal[0], initialCoef, 0, 0, 0, 0);
expected[1] = filterSample(
signal[1], initialCoef, expected[0], 0, signal[0], 0);
for (let k = 2; k < changeFrame; ++k) {
expected[k] = filterSample(
signal[k], initialCoef, expected[k - 1],
expected[k - 2], signal[k - 1], signal[k - 2]);
// Filter the rest of the input with the new coefficients
for (let k = changeFrame; k < signal.length; ++k) {
expected[k] = filterSample(
signal[k], finalCoef, expected[k - 1], expected[k - 2],
signal[k - 1], signal[k - 2]);
// The JS filter should match the actual output.
let match =
should(actual, 'Output from ' + f.type + ' filter')
expected, {absoluteThreshold: 6.8546e-7});
should(match, 'Output matches JS filter results').beTrue();
.then(() => task.done());
{label: 'Test 5', description: 'Test with modulation'},
(task, should) => {
doTest(should, {
prefix: 'Modulation: ',
paramName: 'frequency',
initializer: {type: 'peaking', Q: 5, gain: 5},
modulation: true,
[{quantum: 2, newValue: 10}, {quantum: 8, newValue: -10}]
}).then(() => task.done());
// Run test, returning the promise from startRendering. |options|
// specifies the parameters for the test. |options.paramName| is the name
// of the AudioParam of the filter that is being tested.
// |options.initializer| is the initial value to be used in constructing
// the filter. |options.changeList| is an array consisting of dictionary
// with two members: |quantum| is the rendering quantum at which time we
// want to change the AudioParam value, and |newValue| is the value to be
// used.
function doTest(should, options) {
let paramName = options.paramName;
let newValue = options.newValue;
let prefix = options.prefix || '';
// Create offline audio context. The sample rate should be a power of
// two to eliminate any round-off errors in computing the time at which
// to suspend the context for the parameter change. The length is
// fairly arbitrary as long as it's big enough to the changeList
// values. There are two channels: channel 0 is output for the filter
// under test, and channel 1 is the output of referencef filter.
let context = new OfflineAudioContext(2, 2048, 16384);
let merger = new ChannelMergerNode(
context, {numberOfInputs: context.destination.channelCount});
let src = new OscillatorNode(context);
// |f0| is the filter under test that will have its AudioParam value
// changed. |f1| is the reference filter that uses setValueAtTime to
// update the AudioParam value.
let f0 = new BiquadFilterNode(context, options.initializer);
let f1 = new BiquadFilterNode(context, options.initializer);
src.connect(f0).connect(merger, 0, 0);
src.connect(f1).connect(merger, 0, 1);
// Modulate the AudioParam with an input signal, if requested.
if (options.modulation) {
// The modulation signal is a sine wave with amplitude 1/3 the cutoff
// frequency of the test filter. The amplitude is fairly arbitrary,
// but we want it to be a significant fraction of the cutoff so that
// the cutoff varies quite a bit in the test.
let mod =
new OscillatorNode(context, {type: 'sawtooth', frequency: 1000});
let modGain = new GainNode(context, {gain: f0.frequency.value / 3});
// Output a message showing where we're starting from.
should(f0[paramName].value, prefix + `At time 0, ${paramName}`)
// Schedule all of the desired changes from |changeList|.
options.changeList.forEach(change => {
let changeTime =
change.quantum * RENDER_QUANTUM_FRAMES / context.sampleRate;
let value = change.newValue;
// Just output a message to show what we're doing.
should(value, prefix + `At time ${changeTime}, ${paramName}`)
// Update the AudioParam value of each filter using setValueAtTime or
// the value setter.
f1[paramName].setValueAtTime(value, changeTime);
.then(() => f0[paramName].value = value)
.then(() => context.resume());
return context.startRendering().then(audio => {
let actual = audio.getChannelData(0);
let expected = audio.getChannelData(1);
// The output from both filters MUST match exactly if dezippering has
// been properly removed.
let match = should(actual, `${prefix}Output from ${paramName} setter`)
expected, {absoluteThreshold: options.threshold});
// Just an extra message saying that what we're comparing, to make the
// output clearer. (Not really neceesary, but nice.)
`${prefix}Output from ${
} setter matches setValueAtTime output`)
// Filter one sample:
// y[n] = b0 * x[n] + b1*x[n-1] + b2*x[n-2] - a1*y[n-1] - a2*y[n-2]
// where |x| is x[n], |xn1| is x[n-1], |xn2| is x[n-2], |yn1| is y[n-1],
// and |yn2| is y[n-2]. |coef| is a dictonary of the filter coefficients
// |b0|, |b1|, |b2|, |a1|, and |a2|.
function filterSample(x, coef, yn1, yn2, xn1, xn2) {
return coef.b0 * x + coef.b1 * xn1 + coef.b2 * xn2 - coef.a1 * yn1 -
coef.a2 * yn2;