
<!DOCTYPE html>
      Test Convolver on Real-time Context
    <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
    <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
    <script src="/webaudio/resources/audit-util.js"></script>
    <script src="/webaudio/resources/audit.js"></script>
    <script src="/webaudio/resources/convolution-testing.js"></script>
    <script id="layout-test-code">
      const audit = Audit.createTaskRunner();
      // Choose a length that is larger enough to cause multiple threads to be
      // used in the convolver.  For browsers that don't support this, this
      // value doesn't matter.
      const pulseLength = 16384;

      // The computed SNR should be at least this large.  This value depends on
      // the platform and browser.  Don't set this value to be to much lower
      // than this. It probably indicates a fairly inaccurate convolver or
      // constant source node automations that should be fixed instead.
      // Any major change of operating system or CPU architecture might affect
      // this value significantly. See:
      const minRequiredSNR = 68.40;

      // To test the real-time convolver, we convolve two square pulses together
      // to produce a triangular pulse.  To verify the result is correct we
      // compare it against a constant source node configured to generate the
      // expected ramp.
          {label: 'test', description: 'Test convolver with real-time context'},
          (task, should) => {
            // Use a power of two for the sample rate to eliminate round-off in
            // computing times from frames.
            const context = new AudioContext({sampleRate: 16384});

            // Square pulse for the convolver impulse response.
            const squarePulse = new AudioBuffer(
                {length: pulseLength, sampleRate: context.sampleRate});

            const convolver = new ConvolverNode(
                context, {buffer: squarePulse, disableNormalization: true});

            // Square pulse for testing
            const srcSquare = new ConstantSourceNode(context, {offset: 0});

            // Reference ramp.  Automations on this constant source node will
            // generate the desired ramp.
            const srcRamp = new ConstantSourceNode(context, {offset: 0});

            // Use these gain nodes to compute the difference between the
            // convolver output and the expected ramp to create the error
            // signal.
            const inverter = new GainNode(context, {gain: -1});
            const sum = new GainNode(context, {gain: 1});

            // Square the error signal using this gain node.
            const squarer = new GainNode(context, {gain: 0});

            // Merge the error signal and the square source so we can integrate
            // the error signal to find an SNR.
            const merger = new ChannelMergerNode(context, {numberOfInputs: 2});

            squarer.connect(merger, 0, 0);
            srcSquare.connect(merger, 0, 1);

            // For simplicity, use a ScriptProcessor to integrate the error
            // signal. The square pulse signal is used as a gate over which the
            // integration is done.  When the pulse ends, the SNR is computed
            // and the test ends.

            // |doSum| is used to determine when to integrate and when it
            // becomes false, it signals the end of integration.
            let doSum = false;

            // |signalSum| is the energy in the square pulse.  |errorSum| is the
            // energy in the error signal.
            let signalSum = 0;
            let errorSum = 0;

            let spn = context.createScriptProcessor(0, 2, 1);
            spn.onaudioprocess = (event) => {
              // Sum the values on the first channel when the second channel is
              // not zero.  When the second channel goes from non-zero to 0,
              // dump the value out and terminate the test.
              let c0 = event.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0);
              let c1 = event.inputBuffer.getChannelData(1);

              for (let k = 0; k < c1.length; ++k) {
                if (c1[k] == 0) {
                  if (doSum) {
                    doSum = false;
                    // Square wave is now silent and we were integration, so we
                    // can stop now and verify the SNR.
                    should(10 * Math.log10(signalSum / errorSum), 'SNR')
                    spn.onaudioprocess = null;
                } else {
                  // Signal is non-zero so sum up the values.
                  doSum = true;
                  errorSum += c0[k];
                  signalSum += c1[k] * c1[k];


            // Schedule everything to start a bit in the futurefrom now, and end
            // pulseLength frames later.
            let now = context.currentTime;

            // |startFrame| is the number of frames to schedule ahead for
            // testing.
            const startFrame = 512;
            const startTime = startFrame / context.sampleRate;
            const pulseDuration = pulseLength / context.sampleRate;

            // Create a square pulse in the constant source node.
            srcSquare.offset.setValueAtTime(1, now + startTime);
            srcSquare.offset.setValueAtTime(0, now + startTime + pulseDuration);

            // Create the reference ramp.
            srcRamp.offset.setValueAtTime(1, now + startTime);
                now + startTime + pulseDuration - 1 / context.sampleRate);
                now + startTime + 2 * pulseDuration - 1 / context.sampleRate);

            // Start the ramps!