
<!DOCTYPE html>
      Test Basic PannerNode with Automation Position Properties
    <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
    <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
    <script src="../../resources/audit-util.js"></script>
    <script src="../../resources/audit.js"></script>
    <script src="../../resources/panner-formulas.js"></script>
    <script id="layout-test-code">
      let sampleRate = 48000;

      // These tests are quite slow, so don't run for many frames.  256 frames
      // should be enough to demonstrate that automations are working.
      let renderFrames = 256;
      let renderDuration = renderFrames / sampleRate;

      let audit = Audit.createTaskRunner();

      // Array of tests for setting the panner positions.  These tests basically
      // verify that the position setters for the panner and listener are
      // working correctly.
      let testConfig = [
          setter: 'positionX',
          setter: 'positionY',
          setter: 'positionZ',

      // Create tests for the panner position setters.  Both mono and steroe
      // sources are tested.
      for (let k = 0; k < testConfig.length; ++k) {
        let config = testConfig[k];
        // Function to create the test to define the test.
        let tester = function(config, channelCount) {
          return (task, should) => {
            let nodes = createGraph(channelCount);
            let {context, source, panner} = nodes;

            let message = channelCount == 1 ? 'Mono' : 'Stereo';
            message += ' panner.' + config.setter;

            testPositionSetter(should, {
              nodes: nodes,
              pannerSetter: panner[config.setter],
              message: message
            }).then(() => task.done());

        audit.define('Stereo panner.' + config.setter, tester(config, 2));
        audit.define('Mono panner.' + config.setter, tester(config, 1));

      // Create tests for the listener position setters.  Both mono and steroe
      // sources are tested.
      for (let k = 0; k < testConfig.length; ++k) {
        let config = testConfig[k];
        // Function to create the test to define the test.
        let tester = function(config, channelCount) {
          return (task, should) => {
            let nodes = createGraph(channelCount);
            let {context, source, panner} = nodes;

            let message = channelCount == 1 ? 'Mono' : 'Stereo';
            message += ' listener.' + config.setter;

            // Some relatively arbitrary (non-default) position for the source
            // location.
            panner.setPosition(1, 0, 1);

            testPositionSetter(should, {
              nodes: nodes,
              pannerSetter: context.listener[config.setter],
              message: message
            }).then(() => task.done());

        audit.define('Stereo listener.' + config.setter, tester(config, 2));
        audit.define('Mono listener.' + config.setter, tester(config, 1));

      // Test setPosition method.
      audit.define('setPosition', (task, should) => {
        let {context, panner, source} = createGraph(2);

        // Initialize source position (values don't really matter).
        panner.setPosition(1, 1, 1);

        // After some (unimportant) time, move the panner to a (any) new
        // location.
        let suspendFrame = 128;
        context.suspend(suspendFrame / sampleRate)
            .then(function() {
              panner.setPosition(-100, 2000, 8000);

            .then(function(resultBuffer) {
                  should, resultBuffer,
                  {message: 'setPosition', suspendFrame: suspendFrame});
            .then(() => task.done());

      audit.define('orientation setter', (task, should) => {
        let {context, panner, source} = createGraph(2);

        // For orientation to matter, we need to make the source directional,
        // and also move away from the listener (because the default location is
        // 0,0,0).
        panner.setPosition(0, 0, 1);
        panner.coneInnerAngle = 0;
        panner.coneOuterAngle = 360;
        panner.coneOuterGain = .001;

        // After some (unimportant) time, change the panner orientation to a new
        // orientation.  The only constraint is that the orientation changes
        // from before.
        let suspendFrame = 128;
        context.suspend(suspendFrame / sampleRate)
            .then(function() {
              panner.orientationX.value = -100;
              panner.orientationY.value = 2000;
              panner.orientationZ.value = 8000;

            .then(function(resultBuffer) {
              verifyPannerOutputChanged(should, resultBuffer, {
                message: 'panner.orientation{XYZ}',
                suspendFrame: suspendFrame
            .then(() => task.done());

      audit.define('forward setter', (task, should) => {
        let {context, panner, source} = createGraph(2);

        // For orientation to matter, we need to make the source directional,
        // and also move away from the listener (because the default location is
        // 0,0,0).
        panner.setPosition(0, 0, 1);
        panner.coneInnerAngle = 0;
        panner.coneOuterAngle = 360;
        panner.coneOuterGain = .001;

        // After some (unimportant) time, change the panner orientation to a new
        // orientation.  The only constraint is that the orientation changes
        // from before.
        let suspendFrame = 128;
        context.suspend(suspendFrame / sampleRate)
            .then(function() {
              context.listener.forwardX.value = -100;
              context.listener.forwardY.value = 2000;
              context.listener.forwardZ.value = 8000;

            .then(function(resultBuffer) {
              verifyPannerOutputChanged(should, resultBuffer, {
                message: 'listener.forward{XYZ}',
                suspendFrame: suspendFrame
            .then(() => task.done());

      audit.define('up setter', (task, should) => {
        let {context, panner, source} = createGraph(2);

        // For orientation to matter, we need to make the source directional,
        // and also move away from the listener (because the default location is
        // 0,0,0).
        panner.setPosition(0, 0, 1);
        panner.coneInnerAngle = 0;
        panner.coneOuterAngle = 360;
        panner.coneOuterGain = .001;
        panner.setPosition(1, 0, 1);

        // After some (unimportant) time, change the panner orientation to a new
        // orientation.  The only constraint is that the orientation changes
        // from before.
        let suspendFrame = 128;
        context.suspend(suspendFrame / sampleRate)
            .then(function() {
              context.listener.upX.value = 100;
              context.listener.upY.value = 100;
              context.listener.upZ.value = 100;

            .then(function(resultBuffer) {
                  should, resultBuffer,
                  {message: 'listener.up{XYZ}', suspendFrame: suspendFrame});
            .then(() => task.done());

      function createGraph(channelCount) {
        let context = new OfflineAudioContext(2, renderFrames, sampleRate);
        let panner = context.createPanner();
        let source = context.createBufferSource();
        source.buffer =
            createConstantBuffer(context, 1, channelCount == 1 ? 1 : [1, 2]);
        source.loop = true;


        return {context: context, source: source, panner: panner};

      function testPositionSetter(should, options) {
        let {nodes, pannerSetter, message} = options;

        let {context, source, panner} = nodes;

        // Set panner x position. (Value doesn't matter);
        pannerSetter.value = 1;

        // Wait a bit and set a new position.  (Actual time and position doesn't
        // matter).
        let suspendFrame = 128;
        context.suspend(suspendFrame / sampleRate)
            .then(function() {
              pannerSetter.value = 10000;

        return context.startRendering().then(function(resultBuffer) {
              should, resultBuffer,
              {message: message, suspendFrame: suspendFrame});

      function verifyPannerOutputChanged(should, resultBuffer, options) {
        let {message, suspendFrame} = options;
        // Verify that the first part of output is constant. (Doesn't matter
        // what.)
        let data0 = resultBuffer.getChannelData(0);
        let data1 = resultBuffer.getChannelData(1);

        let middle = '[0, ' + suspendFrame + ') ';
            data0.slice(0, suspendFrame),
            message + '.value frame ' + middle + 'channel 0')
            data1.slice(0, suspendFrame),
            message + '.value frame ' + middle + 'channel 1')

        // The rest after suspendTime should be constant and different from the
        // first part.
        middle = '[' + suspendFrame + ', ' + renderFrames + ') ';
            message + '.value frame ' + middle + 'channel 0')
            message + '.value frame ' + middle + 'channel 1')
            message + ': Output at frame ' + suspendFrame + ' channel 0')
            message + ': Output at frame ' + suspendFrame + ' channel 1')