import pytest
from . import assert_console_entry, create_console_api_message_from_string
from ... import any_string
pytestmark = pytest.mark.asyncio
@pytest.mark.parametrize("data,remote_value", [
("undefined", {"type": "undefined"}),
("null", {"type": "null"}),
("'bar'", {"type": "string", "value": "bar"}),
("42", {"type": "number", "value": 42}),
("Number.NaN", {"type": "number", "value": "NaN"}),
("-0", {"type": "number", "value": "-0"}),
("Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY", {"type": "number", "value": "Infinity"}),
("Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY", {"type": "number", "value": "-Infinity"}),
("false", {"type": "boolean", "value": False}),
("42n", {"type": "bigint", "value": "42"}),
], ids=[
async def test_primitive_types(
bidi_session, subscribe_events, top_context, wait_for_event,
wait_for_future_safe, data, remote_value
await subscribe_events(events=["log.entryAdded"])
on_entry_added = wait_for_event("log.entryAdded")
await create_console_api_message_from_string(
bidi_session, top_context, "log", f"'foo', {data}")
event_data = await wait_for_future_safe(on_entry_added)
args = [
{"type": "string", "value": "foo"},
{"type": remote_value["type"]},
if "value" in remote_value:
args[1].update({"value": remote_value["value"]})
# First arg is always the first argument as provided to console.log()
assert_console_entry(event_data, args=args)
"data, remote_value",
"type": "symbol",
"[1, 'foo', true, new RegExp(/foo/g), [1]]",
"type": "array",
"value": [
{"type": "number", "value": 1},
{"type": "string", "value": "foo"},
{"type": "boolean", "value": True},
"type": "regexp",
"value": {
"pattern": "foo",
"flags": "g",
{"type": "array", "value": [{"type": "number", "value": 1}]},
"({'foo': {'bar': 'baz'}, 'qux': 'quux'})",
"type": "object",
"value": [
["foo", {"type": "object", "value": [['bar', {"type": "string", "value": "baz"}]]}],
["qux", {"type": "string", "value": "quux"}],
"type": "function",
"new RegExp(/foo/g)",
"type": "regexp",
"value": {
"pattern": "foo",
"flags": "g",
"new Date(1654004849000)",
"type": "date",
"value": "2022-05-31T13:47:29.000Z",
"new Map([[1, 2], ['foo', 'bar'], [true, false], ['baz', [1]]])",
"type": "map",
"value": [
{"type": "number", "value": 1},
{"type": "number", "value": 2},
["foo", {"type": "string", "value": "bar"}],
{"type": "boolean", "value": True},
{"type": "boolean", "value": False},
{"type": "array", "value": [{"type": "number", "value": 1}]},
"new Set([1, 'foo', true, [1]])",
"type": "set",
"value": [
{"type": "number", "value": 1},
{"type": "string", "value": "foo"},
{"type": "boolean", "value": True},
{"type": "array", "value": [{"type": "number", "value": 1}]},
"new WeakMap()",
"type": "weakmap",
"new WeakSet()",
"type": "weakset",
"new Error('SOME_ERROR_TEXT')",
{"type": "error"},
"type": "promise",
"new Int32Array()",
"type": "typedarray",
"new ArrayBuffer()",
"type": "arraybuffer",
"type": "window",
"new URL('')",
"type": "object",
async def test_remote_values(
bidi_session, subscribe_events, top_context, wait_for_event,
wait_for_future_safe, data, remote_value
await subscribe_events(events=["log.entryAdded"])
on_entry_added = wait_for_event("log.entryAdded")
await create_console_api_message_from_string(
bidi_session, top_context, "log", data
event_data = await wait_for_future_safe(on_entry_added)
arg = {"type": remote_value["type"]}
if "value" in remote_value:
arg["value"] = remote_value["value"]
# First arg is always the first argument as provided to console.log()
assert_console_entry(event_data, args=[arg])
"data, expected",
"type": "node",
"sharedId": any_string,
"value": {
"nodeType": 1,
"localName": "br",
"namespaceURI": "",
"childNodeCount": 0,
"attributes": {},
"shadowRoot": None,
"type": "node",
"sharedId": any_string,
"value": {
"attributes": {
"id": "custom-element",
"childNodeCount": 0,
"localName": "custom-element",
"namespaceURI": "",
"nodeType": 1,
"shadowRoot": {
"sharedId": any_string,
"type": "node",
ids=["basic", "shadowRoot"],
async def test_node(
bidi_session, subscribe_events, get_test_page, top_context, wait_for_event,
wait_for_future_safe, data, expected
await bidi_session.browsing_context.navigate(
context=top_context["context"], url=get_test_page(), wait="complete"
await subscribe_events(events=["log.entryAdded"])
on_entry_added = wait_for_event("log.entryAdded")
await create_console_api_message_from_string(
bidi_session, top_context, "log", data
event_data = await wait_for_future_safe(on_entry_added)
assert_console_entry(event_data, args=expected)