"use strict";
// RegExps used to be special-cased in Web IDL, but that was removed in
// https://github.com/heycam/webidl/commit/bbb2bde. These tests check that implementations no longer
// do any such special-casing.
test(() => {
const regExp = new RegExp();
regExp.message = "some message";
const errorEvent = new ErrorEvent("type", regExp);
assert_equals(errorEvent.message, "some message");
}, "Conversion to a dictionary works");
test(() => {
const messageChannel = new MessageChannel();
const regExp = new RegExp();
regExp[Symbol.iterator] = function* () {
yield messageChannel.port1;
const messageEvent = new MessageEvent("type", { ports: regExp });
assert_array_equals(messageEvent.ports, [messageChannel.port1]);
}, "Conversion to a sequence works");
promise_test(async () => {
const regExp = new RegExp();
const response = new Response(regExp);
assert_equals(await response.text(), "/(?:)/");
}, "Can convert a RegExp to a USVString");
test(() => {
let functionCalled = false;
const regExp = new RegExp();
regExp.handleEvent = () => {
functionCalled = true;
self.addEventListener("testevent", regExp);
self.dispatchEvent(new Event("testevent"));
}, "Can be used as an object implementing a callback interface");