
test(() => assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => new BroadcastChannel()),
  'Should throw if no name is provided');

test(() => {
    let c = new BroadcastChannel(null);
    assert_equals(, 'null');
  }, 'Null name should not throw');

test(() => {
    let c = new BroadcastChannel(undefined);
    assert_equals(, 'undefined');
  }, 'Undefined name should not throw');

test(() => {
    let c = new BroadcastChannel('fooBar');
    assert_equals(, 'fooBar');
  }, 'Non-empty name should not throw');

test(() => {
    let c = new BroadcastChannel(123);
    assert_equals(, '123');
  }, 'Non-string name should not throw');

test(() => {
    let c = new BroadcastChannel('');
    assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => c.postMessage());
  }, 'postMessage without parameters should throw');

test(() => {
    let c = new BroadcastChannel('');
  }, 'postMessage with null should not throw');

test(() => {
    let c = new BroadcastChannel('');
  }, 'close should not throw');

test(() => {
    let c = new BroadcastChannel('');
  }, 'close should not throw when called multiple times');

test(() => {
    let c = new BroadcastChannel('');
    assert_throws_dom('InvalidStateError', () => c.postMessage(''));
  }, 'postMessage after close should throw');

test(() => {
    let c = new BroadcastChannel('');
    assert_not_equals(c.onmessage, undefined);
  }, 'BroadcastChannel should have an onmessage event');

test(() => {
    let c = new BroadcastChannel('');
    assert_throws_dom('DataCloneError', () => c.postMessage(Symbol()));
  }, 'postMessage should throw with uncloneable data');

test(() => {
    let c = new BroadcastChannel('');
    assert_throws_dom('InvalidStateError', () => c.postMessage(Symbol()));
  }, 'postMessage should throw InvalidStateError after close, even with uncloneable data');