'use strict';
// https://www.w3.org/TR/webnn/#enumdef-mloperanddatatype
const TypedArrayDict = {
float32: Float32Array,
// Proposal to add float16 TypedArrays to JavaScript.
// URL: https://tc39.es/proposal-float16array/
// Use workaround Uint16 for Float16
float16: Uint16Array,
int64: BigInt64Array,
uint64: BigUint64Array,
int32: Int32Array,
uint32: Uint32Array,
int8: Int8Array,
uint8: Uint8Array,
const kIntTypes = ['uint8', 'int8', 'uint32', 'int32', 'uint64', 'int64'];
const kFloatTypes = ['float16', 'float32'];
const findCompatibleType = (dataType, supportedTypes) => {
for (let supportedType of supportedTypes) {
if (kIntTypes.includes(dataType)) {
if (kIntTypes.indexOf(supportedType) > kIntTypes.indexOf(dataType)) {
return supportedType;
if (kFloatTypes.includes(dataType)) {
if (kFloatTypes.indexOf(supportedType) > kFloatTypes.indexOf(dataType)) {
return supportedType;
return null;
// The maximum index to validate for the output's expected value.
const kMaximumIndexToValidate = 1000;
const kContextOptionsForVariant = {
cpu: {
deviceType: 'cpu',
gpu: {
deviceType: 'gpu',
npu: {
deviceType: 'npu',
const variant = location.search.substring(1);
const contextOptions = kContextOptionsForVariant[variant];
const assertDescriptorsEquals = (outputOperand, expected) => {
const dataType =
expected.castedType ? expected.castedType : expected.dataType;
outputOperand.dataType() === dataType,
'actual output dataType should be equal to expected output dataType');
outputOperand.shape(), expected.dimensions,
'actual output dimesnisons should be equal to expected output dimensions');
// ref:
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32633585/how-do-you-convert-to-half-floats-in-javascript
const toHalf = (value) => {
let floatView = new Float32Array(1);
let int32View = new Int32Array(floatView.buffer);
/* This method is faster than the OpenEXR implementation (very often
* used, eg. in Ogre), with the additional benefit of rounding, inspired
* by James Tursa's half-precision code. */
floatView[0] = value;
let x = int32View[0];
let bits = (x >> 16) & 0x8000; /* Get the sign */
let m = (x >> 12) & 0x07ff; /* Keep one extra bit for rounding */
let e = (x >> 23) & 0xff; /* Using int is faster here */
/* If zero, or denormal, or exponent underflows too much for a denormal
* half, return signed zero. */
if (e < 103) {
return bits;
/* If NaN, return NaN. If Inf or exponent overflow, return Inf. */
if (e > 142) {
bits |= 0x7c00;
/* If exponent was 0xff and one mantissa bit was set, it means NaN,
* not Inf, so make sure we set one mantissa bit too. */
bits |= ((e == 255) ? 0 : 1) && (x & 0x007fffff);
return bits;
/* If exponent underflows but not too much, return a denormal */
if (e < 113) {
m |= 0x0800;
/* Extra rounding may overflow and set mantissa to 0 and exponent
* to 1, which is OK. */
bits |= (m >> (114 - e)) + ((m >> (113 - e)) & 1);
return bits;
bits |= ((e - 112) << 10) | (m >> 1);
/* Extra rounding. An overflow will set mantissa to 0 and increment
* the exponent, which is OK. */
bits += m & 1;
return bits;
const getTypedArrayData = (type, size, data) => {
let outData;
if (type === 'float16') {
if (typeof (data) === 'number' && size > 1) {
return new TypedArrayDict[type](size).fill(toHalf(data));
// workaround to convert Float16 to Uint16
outData = new TypedArrayDict[type](data.length);
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
outData[i] = toHalf(data[i]);
} else if (type === 'int64') {
if (typeof (data) === 'number' && size > 1) {
return new TypedArrayDict[type](size).fill(BigInt(data));
outData = new TypedArrayDict[type](data.length);
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
outData[i] = BigInt(data[i]);
} else {
if (typeof (data) === 'number' && size > 1) {
return new TypedArrayDict[type](size).fill(data);
outData = new TypedArrayDict[type](data);
return outData;
const sizeOfShape = (array) => {
return array.reduce((accumulator, currentValue) => accumulator * currentValue, 1);
* Get bitwise of the given value.
* @param {Number} value
* @param {String} dataType - A data type string, like "float32", "float16",
* more types, please see:
* https://www.w3.org/TR/webnn/#enumdef-mloperanddatatype
* @return {Number} A 64-bit signed integer.
const getBitwise = (value, dataType) => {
const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);
const int64Array = new BigInt64Array(buffer);
int64Array[0] = value < 0 ? ~BigInt(0) : BigInt(0);
let typedArray;
if (dataType === "float32") {
typedArray = new Float32Array(buffer);
} else {
throw new AssertionError(`Data type ${dataType} is not supported`);
typedArray[0] = value;
return int64Array[0];
* Assert that each array property in ``actual`` is a number being close enough
* to the corresponding property in ``expected`` by the acceptable ULP distance
* ``nulp`` with given ``dataType`` data type.
* @param {Array} actual - Array of test values.
* @param {Array} expected - Array of values expected to be close to the values
* in ``actual``.
* @param {Number} nulp - A BigInt value indicates acceptable ULP distance.
* @param {String} dataType - A data type string, value: "float32",
* more types, please see:
* https://www.w3.org/TR/webnn/#enumdef-mloperanddatatype
* @param {String} description - Description of the condition being tested.
const assert_array_approx_equals_ulp = (actual, expected, nulp, dataType, description) => {
* Test if two primitive arrays are equal within acceptable ULP distance
actual.length === expected.length,
`assert_array_approx_equals_ulp: ${description} lengths differ, ` +
`expected ${expected.length} but got ${actual.length}`);
let actualBitwise, expectedBitwise, distance;
for (let i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) {
if (actual[i] === expected[i]) {
} else {
// measure the ULP distance
if (dataType === 'float32') {
actualBitwise = getBitwise(actual[i], dataType);
expectedBitwise = getBitwise(expected[i], dataType);
} else if (dataType === 'float16') {
actualBitwise = actual[i];
// convert expected data of Float16 to Uint16
expectedBitwise = toHalf(expected[i]);
} else if (dataType === 'int64') {
actualBitwise = actual[i];
expectedBitwise = BigInt(expected[i]);
distance = actualBitwise - expectedBitwise;
distance = distance >= 0 ? distance : -distance;
// if true, invoke assert_true() in failure case
// if false, it's expected, not invoke assert_true() in success case to
// prevent spammy output
if (distance > nulp) {
`assert_array_approx_equals_ulp: ${description} actual ` +
`${actual[i]} should be close enough to expected ` +
`${expected[i]} by the acceptable ${nulp} ULP distance, ` +
`but they have ${distance} ULP distance`);
* Assert actual results with expected results.
* @param {String} operatorName
* @param {(Number[]|Number)} actual
* @param {(Number[]|Number)} expected
* @param {String} metricType - Value: 'ULP', 'ATOL'
* @param {Number} toleranceValue
* @param {String} dataType - An operand type string, value: "float32",
* more types, please see:
* https://www.w3.org/TR/webnn/#enumdef-mloperanddatatype
const doAssert =
(operatorName, actual, expected, metricType, toleranceValue, dataType) => {
const description = `test ${operatorName} ${dataType}`;
if (typeof expected === 'number') {
expected = [expected];
actual = [actual];
if (metricType === 'ULP') {
actual, expected, toleranceValue, dataType, description);
} else if (metricType === 'ATOL') {
actual, expected, toleranceValue, description);
} else {
throw new AssertionError(
`Tolerance Metric type '${metricType}' is not supported`);
* Assert computed results be equal to expected data.
* @param {Object} toleranceFunc
* @param {Object.<MLNamedArrayBufferViews> |
* Array[Object.<MLNamedArrayBufferViews>]} actual
* @param {Object} graphResources - Resources used for building a graph
const assertResultsEquals = (toleranceFunc, actual, graphResources) => {
const operatorName =
graphResources.operators.map(operator => operator.name).join(' ');
const expectedOutputs = graphResources.expectedOutputs;
const toleranceInfo = toleranceFunc(graphResources);
const metricType = toleranceInfo.metricType;
const toleranceValue = toleranceInfo.value;
let outputData;
for (let operandName in actual) {
const expectedSuboutput = expectedOutputs[operandName];
const expectedDescriptor = expectedSuboutput.descriptor;
let expectedData = expectedSuboutput.data;
outputData = actual[operandName];
// If data is scalar and shape is not, it means it's expecting to be
// filled by the scalar value. Also limit the array size so it doesn't
// timeout.
if (typeof (expectedData) === 'number' && expectedDescriptor.dimensions &&
sizeOfShape(expectedDescriptor.dimensions) > 1) {
const size = Math.min(
kMaximumIndexToValidate, sizeOfShape(expectedDescriptor.dimensions));
expectedData = new Array(size).fill(expectedData);
outputData = outputData.subarray(0, kMaximumIndexToValidate);
operatorName, outputData, expectedData, metricType, toleranceValue,
const createOperand = (context, builder, operandName, resources) => {
let operand;
const descriptor = resources.descriptor;
const dataType = descriptor.dataType;
// If input data type is not supported on current platform, attempt to use
// a supported type to pass the data, then cast back to original type.
if (!context.opSupportLimits().input.dataTypes.includes(dataType)) {
const compatibleType =
findCompatibleType(dataType, context.opSupportLimits().input.dataTypes);
if (compatibleType) {
descriptor.castedType = compatibleType;
descriptor.dataType = compatibleType;
operand = resources.constant ?
descriptor.dataType, sizeOfShape(descriptor.dimensions),
resources.data)) :
builder.input(operandName, descriptor);
if (descriptor.castedType) {
operand = builder.cast(operand, dataType);
return operand;
const prepareInputsForGraph = (inputs, resources) => {
for (let operandName of Object.keys(resources)) {
const inputOperandResources = resources[operandName];
if (!inputOperandResources.constant) {
inputs[operandName] = getTypedArrayData(
inputOperandResources.descriptor.castedType ?
inputOperandResources.descriptor.castedType :
const prepareOutputsForGraph = (outputs, resources) => {
for (let operandName of Object.keys(resources)) {
const descriptor = resources[operandName].descriptor;
const dataType =
descriptor.castedType ? descriptor.castedType : descriptor.dataType;
outputs[operandName] =
new TypedArrayDict[dataType](sizeOfShape(descriptor.dimensions));
* This function is to compile the constructed graph and compute.
* @param {MLContext} context
* @param {MLGraphBuilder} builder
* @param {{
* inputs: Map<String, {
* data: Array.<Number>|Number,
* descriptor: MLOperandDescriptor,
* constant?: Boolean
* }>,
* operators: Array.<{
* name: String,
* arguments: Array.<Map<String, Object>> ,
* outputs: Array.<String>|String
* }>,
* expectedOutputs: Map<String, {
* data: Array.<Number>|Number,
* descriptor: MLOperandDescriptor,
* }>
* }} graphResources - Resources used for building a graph
* @returns A Promise of MLComputeResult.
const buildGraphAndCompute = async (context, builder, graphResources) => {
let outputOperands;
const graphInputs = graphResources.inputs;
const graphOperators = graphResources.operators;
if (graphOperators.length === 1) {
// For a test graph with a single operator
const argumentArray = [];
for (const argument of graphOperators[0].arguments) {
for (const argumentName in argument) {
if (argumentName !== 'options') {
if (graphInputs.hasOwnProperty(argument[argumentName])) {
const operandName = argument[argumentName];
const operand = createOperand(
context, builder, operandName, graphInputs[operandName]);
} else {
} else {
for (const [optionalArgumentName, value] of Object.entries(
argument['options'])) {
if (typeof value === 'string' &&
graphInputs.hasOwnProperty(value)) {
const operandName = value;
const operand = createOperand(
context, builder, operandName, graphInputs[operandName]);
argument['options'][optionalArgumentName] = operand;
outputOperands = builder[graphOperators[0].name](...argumentArray);
} else {
// For a test graph with multiple operators
// TODO: https://issues.chromium.org/issues/333756077
if (!Array.isArray(outputOperands)) {
outputOperands = [outputOperands];
for (let i = 0; i < outputOperands.length; ++i) {
const expectedDescriptor =
if (!context.opSupportLimits().output.dataTypes.includes(
expectedDescriptor.dataType)) {
const compatibleType = findCompatibleType(
outputOperands[i] = builder.cast(outputOperands[i], compatibleType);
expectedDescriptor.castedType = compatibleType;
const outputNameArray = Object.keys(graphResources.expectedOutputs);
for (let i = 0; i < outputOperands.length; ++i) {
const namedOutputOperand = {};
(name, index) => namedOutputOperand[name] = outputOperands[index]);
// Compile the constructed graph.
const graph = await builder.build(namedOutputOperand);
const inputs = {};
prepareInputsForGraph(inputs, graphInputs);
const outputs = {};
prepareOutputsForGraph(outputs, graphResources.expectedOutputs);
// Execute the compiled graph.
const result = await context.compute(graph, inputs, outputs);
return result;
const getConv2dPrecisionTolerance = (graphResources) => {
// number of reduced input elements multiplied by filter and summed (a sliding
// dot product like pooling)
const operatorResources = graphResources.operators[0];
const operatorName = operatorResources.name;
const args = operatorResources.arguments;
const inputShape = graphResources.inputs[args[0][Object.keys(args[0])[0]]]
const filterShape = graphResources.inputs[args[1][Object.keys(args[1])[0]]]
const options =
args.length === 3 ? {...args[2][Object.keys(args[2])[0]]} : {};
let inputChannels = inputShape[1]; // default nchw inputLayout
// default oihw filterLayout for conv2d or default iohw filterLayout for
// convTranspose2d
let filterWidth = filterShape[3];
let filterHeight = filterShape[2];
const groups = options.groups ? options.groups : 1;
if (options.inputLayout) {
if (!['nchw', 'nhwc'].includes(options.inputLayout)) {
throw new Error(`Unknown inputLayout ${options.inputLayout}`);
inputChannels =
options.inputLayout === 'nchw' ? inputChannels : inputShape[3];
if (options.filterLayout) {
let filterLayouts = ['oihw', 'hwio', 'ohwi', 'ihwo']; // default for conv2d
if (operatorName === 'convTranspose2d') {
filterLayouts = ['iohw', 'hwoi', 'ohwi'];
if (!filterLayouts.includes(options.filterLayout)) {
throw new Error(`Unknown filterLayout ${options.filterLayout}`);
switch (options.filterLayout) {
case 'oihw':
case 'iohw':
// Just use the existing filterWidth and filterHeight above.
case 'hwio':
case 'hwoi':
filterWidth = filterShape[1];
filterHeight = filterShape[0];
case 'ohwi':
case 'ihwo':
filterWidth = filterShape[2];
filterHeight = filterShape[1];
const tolerance = filterWidth * filterHeight * (inputChannels / groups) * 2;
const toleranceValueDict = {float32: tolerance, float16: tolerance};
const expectedDataType =
return {metricType: 'ULP', value: toleranceValueDict[expectedDataType]};
const getExpectedDataTypeOfSingleOutput = (expectedOutput) => {
const expectedDescriptor =
const dataType = expectedDescriptor.castedType ?
expectedDescriptor.castedType :
return dataType;
const getReducedElementCount =
(graphResources) => {
const args = graphResources.operators[0].arguments;
const inputShape = graphResources.inputs[args[0][Object.keys(args[0])[0]]]
const rank = inputShape.length;
const options =
args.length === 2 ? {...args[1][Object.keys(args[1])[0]]} : {};
let sizes;
if (options && options.axes) {
sizes = options.axes.map(
(axis) => axis < 0 ? inputShape[axis + rank] : inputShape[axis]);
} else {
sizes = inputShape;
return sizes.length ?
(accumulator, currentValue) => accumulator * currentValue) :
const webnn_conformance_test =
(buildGraphAndComputeFunc, toleranceFunc, testResources) => {
promise_test(async () => {
let context;
try {
context = await navigator.ml.createContext(contextOptions);
} catch (e) {
throw new AssertionError(
`Unable to create context for ${variant} variant. ${e}`);
const builder = new MLGraphBuilder(context);
const result = await buildGraphAndComputeFunc(
context, builder, testResources.graph);
assertResultsEquals(toleranceFunc, result.outputs, testResources.graph);
}, testResources.name);