
This is a testharness.js-based test.
[FAIL] new RTCPeerConnection(config) - with turns server, credentialType oauth, and string credential should throw InvalidAccessError
  assert_throws_dom: function "() =>\n    makePc({ iceServers: [{\n      urls: '',\n      credentialType: 'oauth',\n      username: 'user',\n      credential: 'cred'\n    }] })" did not throw
[FAIL] setConfiguration(config) - with turns server, credentialType oauth, and string credential should throw InvalidAccessError
  assert_throws_dom: function "() =>\n    makePc({ iceServers: [{\n      urls: '',\n      credentialType: 'oauth',\n      username: 'user',\n      credential: 'cred'\n    }] })" did not throw
[FAIL] new RTCPeerConnection(config) - with turns server, credential type and credential from spec should not throw
  assert_equals: expected (string) "oauth" but got (undefined) undefined
[FAIL] setConfiguration(config) - with turns server, credential type and credential from spec should not throw
  assert_equals: expected (string) "oauth" but got (undefined) undefined
Harness: the test ran to completion.