<!doctype html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<meta name="timeout" content="long">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="RTCPeerConnection-helper.js"></script>
<script src='RTCConfiguration-helper.js'></script>
'use strict';
// Test is based on the following editor draft:
// https://w3c.github.io/webrtc-pc/archives/20170605/webrtc.html
// The following helper functions are called from RTCPeerConnection-helper.js:
// createDataChannelPair
// awaitMessage
5.6. RTCIceTransport Interface
interface RTCIceTransport {
readonly attribute RTCIceRole role;
readonly attribute RTCIceComponent component;
readonly attribute RTCIceTransportState state;
readonly attribute RTCIceGathererState gatheringState;
sequence<RTCIceCandidate> getLocalCandidates();
sequence<RTCIceCandidate> getRemoteCandidates();
RTCIceCandidatePair? getSelectedCandidatePair();
RTCIceParameters? getLocalParameters();
RTCIceParameters? getRemoteParameters();
Returns a sequence describing the local ICE candidates gathered for this
RTCIceTransport and sent in onicecandidate
Returns a sequence describing the remote ICE candidates received by this
RTCIceTransport via addIceCandidate()
Returns the selected candidate pair on which packets are sent, or null if
there is no such pair.
Returns the local ICE parameters received by this RTCIceTransport via
setLocalDescription , or null if the parameters have not yet been received.
Returns the remote ICE parameters received by this RTCIceTransport via
setRemoteDescription or null if the parameters have not yet been received.
function getIceTransportFromSctp(pc) {
const sctpTransport = pc.sctp;
assert_true(sctpTransport instanceof RTCSctpTransport,
'Expect pc.sctp to be instantiated from RTCSctpTransport');
const dtlsTransport = sctpTransport.transport;
assert_true(dtlsTransport instanceof RTCDtlsTransport,
'Expect sctp.transport to be an RTCDtlsTransport');
const {iceTransport} = dtlsTransport;
assert_true(iceTransport instanceof RTCIceTransport,
'Expect dtlsTransport.transport to be an RTCIceTransport');
return iceTransport;
function validateCandidates(candidates) {
assert_greater_than(candidates.length, 0,
'Expect at least one ICE candidate returned from get*Candidates()');
for(const candidate of candidates) {
assert_true(candidate instanceof RTCIceCandidate,
'Expect candidate elements to be instance of RTCIceCandidate');
function validateCandidateParameter(param) {
assert_not_equals(param, null,
'Expect candidate parameter to be non-null after data channels are connected');
assert_equals(typeof param.usernameFragment, 'string',
'Expect param.usernameFragment to be set with string value');
assert_equals(typeof param.password, 'string',
'Expect param.password to be set with string value');
function validateConnectedIceTransport(iceTransport) {
const { state, gatheringState, role, component } = iceTransport;
assert_true(role === 'controlling' || role === 'controlled',
'Expect RTCIceRole to be either controlling or controlled, found ' + role);
assert_true(component === 'rtp' || component === 'rtcp',
'Expect RTCIceComponent to be either rtp or rtcp');
assert_true(state === 'connected' || state === 'completed',
'Expect ICE transport to be in connected or completed state after data channels are connected');
assert_true(gatheringState === 'gathering' || gatheringState === 'completed',
'Expect ICE transport to be in gathering or completed gatheringState after data channels are connected');
const candidatePair = iceTransport.getSelectedCandidatePair();
assert_not_equals(candidatePair, null,
'Expect selected candidate pair to be non-null after ICE transport is connected');
assert_true(candidatePair.local instanceof RTCIceCandidate,
'Expect candidatePair.local to be instance of RTCIceCandidate');
assert_true(candidatePair.remote instanceof RTCIceCandidate,
'Expect candidatePair.remote to be instance of RTCIceCandidate');
promise_test(t => {
const pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc1.close());
const pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc2.close());
return createDataChannelPair(t, {}, pc1, pc2)
.then(([channel1, channel2]) => {
// Send a ping message and wait for it just to make sure
// that the connection is fully working before testing
return awaitMessage(channel2);
.then(() => {
const iceTransport1 = getIceTransportFromSctp(pc1);
const iceTransport2 = getIceTransportFromSctp(pc2);
`Expect iceTransport1 to have same number of local candidate as iceTransport2's remote candidates`);
`Expect iceTransport1 to have same number of remote candidate as iceTransport2's local candidates`);
const candidatePair1 = iceTransport1.getSelectedCandidatePair();
const candidatePair2 = iceTransport2.getSelectedCandidatePair();
assert_equals(candidatePair1.local.candidate, candidatePair2.remote.candidate,
'Expect selected local candidate of one pc is the selected remote candidate or another');
assert_equals(candidatePair1.remote.candidate, candidatePair2.local.candidate,
'Expect selected local candidate of one pc is the selected remote candidate or another');
assert_equals(iceTransport1.role, 'controlling',
`Expect offerer's iceTransport to take the controlling role`);
assert_equals(iceTransport2.role, 'controlled',
`Expect answerer's iceTransport to take the controlled role`);
}, 'Two connected iceTransports should have matching local/remote candidates returned');
promise_test(t => {
const pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc1.close());
const pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc2.close());
// setRemoteDescription(answer) without the other peer
// setting answer it's localDescription
return pc1.createOffer()
.then(offer =>
.then(() => pc2.setRemoteDescription(offer))
.then(() => pc2.createAnswer()))
.then(answer => pc1.setRemoteDescription(answer))
.then(() => {
const iceTransport = getIceTransportFromSctp(pc1);
assert_array_equals(iceTransport.getRemoteCandidates(), [],
'Expect iceTransport to not have any remote candidate');
assert_equals(iceTransport.getSelectedCandidatePair(), null,
'Expect selectedCandidatePair to be null');
}, 'Unconnected iceTransport should have empty remote candidates and selected pair');
promise_test(async t => {
const pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc1.close());
const transceiver = pc1.addTransceiver('audio');
await pc1.setLocalDescription();
const {iceTransport} = transceiver.sender.transport;
assert_equals(iceTransport.state, 'new');
assert_equals(iceTransport.gatheringState, 'new');
}, 'RTCIceTransport should be in state "new" initially');
promise_test(async t => {
const pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc1.close());
const transceiver = pc1.addTransceiver('audio');
await pc1.setLocalDescription();
const {iceTransport} = transceiver.sender.transport;
assert_equals(await nextGatheringState(iceTransport), 'gathering');
assert_equals(await nextGatheringState(iceTransport), 'complete');
}, 'RTCIceTransport should transition to "gathering" then "complete", after sLD');
promise_test(async t => {
const pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc1.close());
const transceiver = pc1.addTransceiver('audio');
await pc1.setLocalDescription();
const {iceTransport} = transceiver.sender.transport;
assert_equals(await nextGatheringState(iceTransport), 'gathering');
assert_equals(iceTransport.gatheringState, 'gathering');
const result = await Promise.race([
gatheringStateReached(iceTransport, 'complete'),
new Promise(r => t.step_timeout(r, 1000))]);
assert_equals(result, undefined, `Did not expect a statechange after PC.close(), but got one. state is "${result}"`);
}, 'PC.close() should not cause the RTCIceTransport gathering state to transition to "complete"');
promise_test(async t => {
const pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection({bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle'});
t.add_cleanup(() => pc1.close());
const pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc2.close());
// TODO: If the spec settles on exposing the sctp transport in
// have-local-offer, we won't need this audio transceiver hack.
// See https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/2898 and
// https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/2899
const transceiver = pc1.addTransceiver('audio');
await pc1.setLocalDescription();
const {iceTransport} = transceiver.sender.transport;
assert_equals(await nextGatheringState(iceTransport), 'gathering');
assert_equals(await nextGatheringState(iceTransport), 'complete');
// TODO: Maybe, maybe not.
assert_not_equals(pc1.sctp, null, 'pc1.sctp should be set after sLD');
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(pc1.localDescription);
await pc2.setLocalDescription();
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(pc2.localDescription);
assert_equals(pc1.sctp.transport.iceTransport, transceiver.sender.transport.iceTransport);
}, 'RTCIceTransport should transition to "gathering", then "complete" after sLD (DataChannel case)');
promise_test(async t => {
const pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc1.close());
const pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc2.close());
const {sender} = pc1.addTransceiver('audio');
await pc1.setLocalDescription();
// Copy the SDP before it has candidate attrs
const offer = pc1.localDescription;
const checkingReached = connectionStateReached(sender.transport.iceTransport, 'checking');
let result = await Promise.race([checkingReached, new Promise(r => t.step_timeout(r, 1000))]);
assert_equals(result, undefined, `Did not expect a statechange right after sLD(offer), but got one. state is "${result}"`);
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(offer);
const firstPc2CandidatePromise =
new Promise(r => pc2.onicecandidate = e => r(e.candidate));
await pc2.setLocalDescription();
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(pc2.localDescription);
result = await Promise.race([checkingReached, new Promise(r => t.step_timeout(r, 1000))]);
assert_equals(result, undefined, `Did not expect a statechange callback after sRD(answer), but got one. state is "${result}"`);
const candidate = await firstPc2CandidatePromise;
await checkingReached;
}, 'RTCIceTransport should not transition to "checking" until after the answer is set _and_ the first remote candidate is received');
promise_test(async t => {
const pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc1.close());
const pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc2.close());
const {sender} = pc1.addTransceiver('audio');
exchangeIceCandidates(pc1, pc2);
const gatheringDone = Promise.all([gatheringStateReached(pc1, 'complete'), gatheringStateReached(pc2, 'complete')]);
await pc1.setLocalDescription();
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(pc1.localDescription);
await pc2.setLocalDescription();
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(pc2.localDescription);
assert_equals(await nextConnectionState(sender.transport.iceTransport), 'checking');
assert_equals(await nextConnectionState(sender.transport.iceTransport), 'connected');
await gatheringDone;
await connectionStateReached(sender.transport.iceTransport, 'disconnected');
}, 'RTCIceTransport should transition to "disconnected" if packets stop flowing');
promise_test(async t => {
const pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc1.close());
const pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc2.close());
exchangeIceCandidates(pc1, pc2);
const gatheringDone = Promise.all([gatheringStateReached(pc1, 'complete'), gatheringStateReached(pc2, 'complete')]);
await pc1.setLocalDescription();
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(pc1.localDescription);
await pc2.setLocalDescription();
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(pc2.localDescription);
const {sctp} = pc1;
assert_equals(await nextConnectionState(sctp.transport.iceTransport), 'checking');
assert_equals(await nextConnectionState(sctp.transport.iceTransport), 'connected');
await gatheringDone;
await connectionStateReached(sctp.transport.iceTransport, 'disconnected');
}, 'RTCIceTransport should transition to "disconnected" if packets stop flowing (DataChannel case)');
promise_test(async t => {
const pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc1.close());
const pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc2.close());
const {sender} = pc1.addTransceiver('audio');
await pc1.setLocalDescription();
const {iceTransport} = sender.transport;
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(pc1.localDescription);
await pc2.setLocalDescription();
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(pc2.localDescription);
await pc1.setLocalDescription();
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(pc1.localDescription);
await pc2.setLocalDescription();
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(pc2.localDescription);
assert_equals(sender.transport.iceTransport, iceTransport, 'ICE restart should not result in a different ICE transport');
}, 'Local ICE restart should not result in a different ICE transport');
promise_test(async t => {
const pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc1.close());
const pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc2.close());
await pc1.setLocalDescription();
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(pc1.localDescription);
await pc2.setLocalDescription();
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(pc2.localDescription);
const {iceTransport} = pc1.sctp.transport;
await pc1.setLocalDescription();
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(pc1.localDescription);
await pc2.setLocalDescription();
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(pc2.localDescription);
assert_equals(pc1.sctp.transport.iceTransport, iceTransport, 'ICE restart should not result in a different ICE transport');
}, 'Local ICE restart should not result in a different ICE transport (DataChannel case)');
promise_test(async t => {
const pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc1.close());
const pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc2.close());
const {sender} = pc1.addTransceiver('audio');
await pc1.setLocalDescription();
const {iceTransport} = sender.transport;
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(pc1.localDescription);
await pc2.setLocalDescription();
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(pc2.localDescription);
await pc2.setLocalDescription();
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(pc2.localDescription);
await pc2.setLocalDescription();
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(pc1.localDescription);
assert_equals(sender.transport.iceTransport, iceTransport, 'ICE restart should not result in a different ICE transport');
}, 'Remote ICE restart should not result in a different ICE transport');
promise_test(async t => {
const pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc1.close());
const pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc2.close());
await pc1.setLocalDescription();
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(pc1.localDescription);
await pc2.setLocalDescription();
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(pc2.localDescription);
const {iceTransport} = pc1.sctp.transport;
await pc2.setLocalDescription();
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(pc2.localDescription);
await pc2.setLocalDescription();
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(pc1.localDescription);
assert_equals(pc1.sctp.transport.iceTransport, iceTransport, 'ICE restart should not result in a different ICE transport');
}, 'Remote ICE restart should not result in a different ICE transport (DataChannel case)');
promise_test(async t => {
const pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc1.close());
const pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc2.close());
// Add two transceivers, one audio and one video. The default bundlePolicy
// ("balanced") will result in each being offered with its own transport,
// but allowing the answerer to bundle the second transceiver on the
// transport of the first, which the answerer will do by default.
const audioTransceiver = pc1.addTransceiver('audio');
const videoTransceiver = pc1.addTransceiver('video');
await pc1.setLocalDescription();
const audioIceTransport = audioTransceiver.sender.transport.iceTransport;
const videoIceTransport = videoTransceiver.sender.transport.iceTransport;
assert_not_equals(audioIceTransport, videoIceTransport, 'audio and video should start out with different transports');
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(pc1.localDescription);
await pc2.setLocalDescription();
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(pc2.localDescription);
const sctpIceTransport = pc1.sctp.transport.iceTransport;
assert_equals(videoTransceiver.sender.transport.iceTransport, audioIceTransport, 'After negotiation, the video sender should use the bundle ICE transport from the audio sender');
assert_equals(pc1.sctp.transport.iceTransport, audioIceTransport, 'After negotiation, the datachannel should use the bundle ICE transport from the audio sender');
assert_not_equals(videoIceTransport.state, 'closed', 'Completion of offer/answer should not close the unused ICE transport immediately');
await connectionStateReached(videoIceTransport, 'closed');
}, 'RTCIceTransport should transition to "closed" if the underlying transport is closed because the answer used bundle');
promise_test(async t => {
const pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc1.close());
const pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc2.close());
const {sender} = pc1.addTransceiver('audio');
exchangeIceCandidates(pc1, pc2);
const gatheringDone = Promise.all([gatheringStateReached(pc1, 'complete'), gatheringStateReached(pc2, 'complete')]);
await pc1.setLocalDescription();
const {iceTransport} = sender.transport;
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(pc1.localDescription);
await pc2.setLocalDescription();
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(pc2.localDescription);
assert_equals(await nextConnectionState(iceTransport), 'checking');
assert_equals(await nextConnectionState(iceTransport), 'connected');
await gatheringDone;
const closedEvent = connectionStateReached(iceTransport, 'closed');
assert_equals(sender.transport.iceTransport, iceTransport, 'PC.close() should not unset the sender transport');
assert_equals(iceTransport.state, 'closed', 'pc.close() should close the sender transport synchronously');
const result = await Promise.race([closedEvent, new Promise(r => t.step_timeout(r, 1000))]);
assert_equals(result, undefined, 'statechange event should not fire when transitioning to closed due to PC.close()');
}, 'RTCIceTransport should synchronously transition to "closed" with no event if the underlying transport is closed due to PC.close()');