
This is a testharness.js-based test.
[FAIL] addIceCandidate({"candidate":"","sdpMid":null,"sdpMLineIndex":null}) adds a=end-of-candidates to both m-sections
  assert_true: Expect candidate line to be found between media lines m=audio and m=video expected true got false
[FAIL] addIceCandidate(undefined) adds a=end-of-candidates to both m-sections
  assert_true: Expect candidate line to be found between media lines m=audio and m=video expected true got false
[FAIL] addIceCandidate(null) adds a=end-of-candidates to both m-sections
  assert_true: Expect candidate line to be found between media lines m=audio and m=video expected true got false
[FAIL] addIceCandidate({}) adds a=end-of-candidates to both m-sections
  assert_true: Expect candidate line to be found between media lines m=audio and m=video expected true got false
[FAIL] addIceCandidate({}) in stable should work, and add a=end-of-candidates to both m-sections
  assert_true: Expect candidate line to be found between media lines m=audio and m=video expected true got false
[FAIL] addIceCandidate({usernameFragment: usernameFragment1, sdpMid: sdpMid1}) should work, and add a=end-of-candidates to the first m-section
  assert_true: Expect candidate line to be found between media lines m=audio and m=video expected true got false
[FAIL] addIceCandidate({usernameFragment: usernameFragment2, sdpMLineIndex: 1}) should work, and add a=end-of-candidates to the first m-section
  assert_true: expected true got false
[FAIL] addIceCandidate({usernameFragment: "no such ufrag"}) should not work
  assert_unreached: Should have rejected: undefined Reached unreachable code
[FAIL] Add with empty candidate string (end of candidates) should succeed
  assert_true: Expect candidate line to be found between media lines m=audio and m=video expected true got false
[FAIL] Add candidate with invalid usernameFragment should reject with OperationError
  assert_unreached: Should have rejected: undefined Reached unreachable code
[FAIL] Add candidate with sdpMid belonging to different usernameFragment should reject with OperationError
  assert_unreached: Should have rejected: undefined Reached unreachable code
Harness: the test ran to completion.