This is a testharness.js-based test.
[FAIL] RTCDataChannel member reliable should not exist
assert_false: expected false got true
[FAIL] RTCPeerConnection member addStream should not exist
assert_false: expected false got true
[FAIL] RTCPeerConnection member createDTMFSender should not exist
assert_false: expected false got true
[FAIL] RTCPeerConnection member getLocalStreams should not exist
assert_false: expected false got true
[FAIL] RTCPeerConnection member getRemoteStreams should not exist
assert_false: expected false got true
[FAIL] RTCPeerConnection member onaddstream should not exist
assert_false: expected false got true
[FAIL] RTCPeerConnection member onremovestream should not exist
assert_false: expected false got true
[FAIL] RTCPeerConnection member removeStream should not exist
assert_false: expected false got true
[FAIL] webkitRTCPeerConnection interface should not exist
assert_false: expected false got true
[FAIL] new RTCPeerConnection(config) - with url field should throw TypeError
assert_throws_js: function "() =>\n makePc({ iceServers: [{\n url: ''\n }] })" did not throw
[FAIL] setConfiguration(config) - with url field should throw TypeError
assert_throws_js: function "() =>\n makePc({ iceServers: [{\n url: ''\n }] })" did not throw
Harness: the test ran to completion.